Such cakes with potatoes were always prepared by my aunt from the Ukrainian village.

There are those who want to try the unusual. potato-cake? We're sure it is. Such an interesting recipe will allow you to indulge in appetizing pastries of your most beloved and most loved ones. Be sure to save the article with this method, because it is really very unusual. It is different from how our mothers and grandmothers cooked cakes. What's so special about him?

The whole secret of unusual cakes is, of course, dough. It should be prepared strictly according to the recipe, seasoning with special diligence and perseverance. You will have to work hard to make the dish succeed. You'll have to do the longest magic around the test, but it's worth it. It turns out airy, crispy, tender potato babies with filling, which, undoubtedly, quickly fights hunger.

Interesting recipe Ingredients for filling
  • 1 kg of potatoes
  • salt
  • 50g butter
  • pepper
  • paprika
  • dill and parsley (optional)

Test ingredients
  • 400 ml of milk
  • 750g flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

Unforgettable taste of homemade baking
  1. Before proceeding test-makingYou need to peel potatoes from the peel, cut it, salt and put to cook. It is better to make the dough in a wide and deep container so that it is convenient to mix. Combine all the liquid ingredients, then gradually pour flour into them and start mixing the dough. This should be done about 10 minutes before the formation of a soft ball.
  2. The finished dough should be covered with a kitchen towel or film, and then set it aside for 10 minutes. Let him rest, then the dough should be divided into 8 separate small rounds. They should also be covered with something and left alone for 10 minutes.
  3. Well, now. secret such a test. It needs to be rolled out in a special way. How so? Remember the pattern. So, four balls of dough must be rolled to the shape of a pancake. The size of this pancake can be equal to the average plate that you have in your kitchen. Moreover, while you are preparing dough, it is worth melting butter to a liquid consistency.

Prepare flat plates on which you will be paste butter. First lubricate the bottom of the plate with oil, then put the dough on it and continue lubricating it to the last, fourth layer. Repeat the manipulation with the second part of the test. Ready pancakes should be left for 30 minutes to soak. By this time, boiled potatoes should arrive. It should be carefully stretched, add a piece of butter and spice. Greens are added at will, but certainly not superfluous. You can do only dill and parsley, or you can replace them with green onions. Moreover, potatoes look great fried mushrooms, slices of chicken, cheese. Give free rein to fantasy and make potato cakes even more filling.

Unique dough Preparation
  1. Back to the secrets of preparing the test. Each mini cake of rolled pancakes and butter must be turned into one large piece of dough. Its thickness should be about 5 mm. It's a very thin dough, soft and fragile. Speaking of which, work with him. carefullySince a large and round sheet of dough is easy to tear. It should be a voluminous round and thin sheet of dough, which must be cut like a pizza.
  2. And although dough is very similar to pizza, the formation of such pies is somewhat similar to the creation of croissants or bagels. Take some filling, place it at the beginning of a piece of dough and start twisting the wide side to the sharp tip. Finished cakes with potatoes lubricate egg yolk diluted with milk. Send the pastries to the oven for 35 minutes at 180 degrees.

Potato cakes for a big family Can you smell that? Truly a paradise of pleasure. Moreover, cakes perfectly satisfy hunger. They can be cooked for babies. Fast and practical snack between games with friends. These pies are similar to croissants and sausages in dough. However, their taste can not replace anything. Be sure to prepare unusual cakes with potatoes for your family.


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