Only beggar cavaliers followed her, decided to save her.
After all, in our society there are some dogmas in the relationship between a man and a woman. Judge for yourself: a man must be a breadwinner, be the head, be strong (but at the same time gentle at the right moments). A woman, if possible, should monitor the comfort of the house and not contradict her husband. Exactly. man conquers woman It's not like we're abroad.
But what about couples in which the head of the family can not provide a decent financial climate? I must say that in this matter we are different from world trends. Our women try to take on this baggage in such a situation, while in world practice this means only one thing - the approaching divorce. Court and alimony.
A man conquers a woman and it all started so well. He gave flowers, wrote and read poems. Modestly dressed and blushed like a girl when a friend suggested he go somewhere to continue the evening at her house. But the guy was always shy and delayed such "serious dates." I told you to live easy. You can walk in the park, why go anywhere else?
Typical poor student. And a bygone era. In popular culture, such a character is taken with humor. But in reality, this period of men is quite difficult from the moral side. There is no money, but there is a lot of responsibilities and debts. If you do not come up with something in time, then you can remain such a “student” for life. Without any authority and with a frivolous attitude to his person.
It is believed that poverty is more than that. It’s not just a situation that can last even a year before any changes come. It's a chronic human condition. His souls, if you will. It does not allow it to develop and does not provide opportunities for development. From here comes an unhappy marriage, a bad job (if any) and unnecessary loans.
If an unmarried woman suddenly catches herself thinking that her friends or boyfriends sometimes show themselves petty, this is a serious reason to think. The man didn't want to go to the coffee shop or just buy some of your favorite sweets for the evening. I didn't want to help you with the hard stuff, and your complaint broke out in a long tirade about how hard he was and how tired he was. These are actually pretty obvious and alarm bells.
Firstly, such a male environment tells about a woman that she is extremely vulnerable at the moment. Otherwise, she would immediately cease all communication with such people. And it is not even in the financial condition of the man. It's about attitude and perspective. Just as a rich mama’s son can be unbearable in a relationship, a poor man can only complain about life and reproach for every penny spent.
In addition, it can be a literal signal to simply change the location. Perhaps the man and woman are not well in this place. Or it's bad being around and they can do a lot more apart. For example, young guys often leave a comfortable city with a friend who started studying elsewhere. Zero acquaintances, strangers and the rhythm of life lead to unemployment, quarrels and breakup.
Perhaps the woman still has not healed psychological wounds from past relationships. Often you can hear about cases when a beautiful, intelligent and interesting woman finds herself unpromising something in her pants and runs around with it as if with a written torso. He always praises her, admires her, and does not criticize her. Or whatever the ex did. Anyway, he does. It doesn't matter if you're not a millionaire. Unfortunately, the prospects for such a relationship are low.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the beginning of solving any problem is its acceptance. It is necessary to soberly look at the situation from the outside and understand why I am surrounded by men, in the common people who are called loser? It can't be about me; they were long before we met. But why do I keep dealing with them? This is the first step towards liberation and normal life.

But what about couples in which the head of the family can not provide a decent financial climate? I must say that in this matter we are different from world trends. Our women try to take on this baggage in such a situation, while in world practice this means only one thing - the approaching divorce. Court and alimony.
A man conquers a woman and it all started so well. He gave flowers, wrote and read poems. Modestly dressed and blushed like a girl when a friend suggested he go somewhere to continue the evening at her house. But the guy was always shy and delayed such "serious dates." I told you to live easy. You can walk in the park, why go anywhere else?

Typical poor student. And a bygone era. In popular culture, such a character is taken with humor. But in reality, this period of men is quite difficult from the moral side. There is no money, but there is a lot of responsibilities and debts. If you do not come up with something in time, then you can remain such a “student” for life. Without any authority and with a frivolous attitude to his person.

It is believed that poverty is more than that. It’s not just a situation that can last even a year before any changes come. It's a chronic human condition. His souls, if you will. It does not allow it to develop and does not provide opportunities for development. From here comes an unhappy marriage, a bad job (if any) and unnecessary loans.
If an unmarried woman suddenly catches herself thinking that her friends or boyfriends sometimes show themselves petty, this is a serious reason to think. The man didn't want to go to the coffee shop or just buy some of your favorite sweets for the evening. I didn't want to help you with the hard stuff, and your complaint broke out in a long tirade about how hard he was and how tired he was. These are actually pretty obvious and alarm bells.

Firstly, such a male environment tells about a woman that she is extremely vulnerable at the moment. Otherwise, she would immediately cease all communication with such people. And it is not even in the financial condition of the man. It's about attitude and perspective. Just as a rich mama’s son can be unbearable in a relationship, a poor man can only complain about life and reproach for every penny spent.
In addition, it can be a literal signal to simply change the location. Perhaps the man and woman are not well in this place. Or it's bad being around and they can do a lot more apart. For example, young guys often leave a comfortable city with a friend who started studying elsewhere. Zero acquaintances, strangers and the rhythm of life lead to unemployment, quarrels and breakup.

Perhaps the woman still has not healed psychological wounds from past relationships. Often you can hear about cases when a beautiful, intelligent and interesting woman finds herself unpromising something in her pants and runs around with it as if with a written torso. He always praises her, admires her, and does not criticize her. Or whatever the ex did. Anyway, he does. It doesn't matter if you're not a millionaire. Unfortunately, the prospects for such a relationship are low.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the beginning of solving any problem is its acceptance. It is necessary to soberly look at the situation from the outside and understand why I am surrounded by men, in the common people who are called loser? It can't be about me; they were long before we met. But why do I keep dealing with them? This is the first step towards liberation and normal life.
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