The teacher pulled the girl on the exam in biology, making a hint, and 10 years later shuddered with a voice in his room

Was there one in each of our lives? teacherWhat will always help? She will support each student, give an answer, give a useful message. No wonder these teachers are compared with mothers. One day, such a teacher helped his student Wife approach the dream. But how did the girl repay an understanding and caring woman?

For admission to the medical wife needed a perfect certificate. And of course, perfect further examinations. Only a girl could hardly concentrate on studying and completing school. She became the true guardian of her parents. Evgenia's father was seriously ill and hardly got up. Her mother preferred to come home no more than once every few days. A high school girl kept order in the house, cooked food, took care of her father. She was helped by her paternal grandparents, but it did not get any easier.

The school knew very well. sadness They tried to support the girl as much as possible. What Eugene herself sought to demonstrate to everyone the incredible fortitude of spirit and not to show sight. And although she did not have much time to prepare for the exams, the girl held out with all her strength. She wanted so much to go to the medical school, she stubbornly went to it and lusted it with all her heart.

The last school exam was biology. She loved her most, so she decided that cope without preparation. There was no time to prepare. My grandmother told my wife the sad news. Soon her father will be gone to another world. Jenny's soul was tormented. She wanted to spend some time with her dad, but she had to hurry to school.

The solemn atmosphere of the exam led Zhenya to confusion. Smiling people around her made her uncomfortable. She wanted to get away, run away, hide from everyone, shut down, disappear. Why is fate so unfair to her? “Why me?” a thought flashed in the girl’s head.

Wife! Can't you hear something? I'll call you again. Come to the table, please pull the ticket, — calmly said biology teacher Svetlana Mikhailovna. Zhenya abruptly came to her senses, went to the table and without looking took a flat square of paper. The teacher noticed that the girl did not behave as usual.

As time passed, the other students answered their questions and left the class. Svetlana Mikhailovna walked around the class and noticed that the leaf of Zhenya is still empty. She is. I haven't written a word. The teacher strained. A representative of the special commission was also in the class. The woman pulled out the phone and quickly sent someone a message. After 10 minutes, a smiling headmaster appeared in the classroom and in a friendly tone invited the representative of the commission to a cup of tea. He assured that by the time Zhenya answered, they will definitely return to the class and be amazed by her knowledge.

As soon as the director and the inspector left the class, Svetlana rushed to his wife. “You don't know a single question? Quickly, let's write something." There were a few more children in the class, and they all began to give the girl the right answers. One of the boys stood at the door and watched through a small gap so that no one came in.

Zhenya burst into tears. She repeated only one sentence: “Why me?” Why would I do this? I do not want to live like this, I do not want to repeat this nightmare fate. I can't... All my thoughts went out of my mind.” Svetlana took the girl to the corner of the class and began to wipe her tears. "Woman, you can do anything. That's why you need to pull yourself together now, so that after a few months you can cross the threshold of medical. Can you hear me? You're different than your family. You can overcome all obstacles and not break down. Mark my words. Eugene quietly calmed down and sat down at the desk. Soon the headmaster and the auditor came to the class. The exam went well.

After a long 10 years, few people would remember this story. But life sometimes throws up even such surprises. Svetlana Mikhailovna was already old and was under the supervision of doctors in the hospital. Women's health suddenly It took an expensive operation. The former teacher had only one daughter, but she did not want to communicate with her mother. She was sure that she could not hold her father, and he soon went to another. Svetlana did not plan to call such a daughter and ask for money.

“Lucky for you, Light. A very good professor is coming today. They say that for a whole month in the department with ours will work, to teach the mind, the nurse said with a smile as she cleaned the room of Svetlana. "Who's the professor? What's his name? the former teacher asked. “Oh, I won't say a name, I don't remember. It's a name you can break your tongue. He's kind of German. Not local, in general. But there should be a serious uncle, the nurse reasoned with an important look. “Lord, where can I get money for his services?” quietly asked Svetlana. The nurse didn't respond to that.

And the professor came soon. He was not a man, but a woman. “Professor Eugenia,” the doctors said respectfully when they introduced the woman to Svetlana. Same thing. Eugenia with a really intricate double German surname turned out to be her former pupil Jenechka. The women immediately recognized each other. We hugged, we talked.

Zhenya said that after graduation, went to Germany for an internship, and stayed there. She married a German and changed her name to Western. “Don’t worry, I immediately got all the information about the patients and got to know you. I will not charge any money for your treatment. It's a matter of honor. You and I will overcome all obstacles and not break, right? The women cried and hugged tightly. So. teacher Not only did she receive well-deserved gratitude. But she also found the love of her long-awaited daughter, although not her own.


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