A mother-in-law once came to visit without warning, and after her visit I discovered a strange find.

“I have noticed strange behavior in my mother-in-law before. But now it goes beyond all limits allowed, — complains Galina. The heroine of today’s story has a rather difficult relationship with her husband’s mother. Lucky they don't live together! What happened and whether to argue with the mother-in-law because of what happened,
Read on in the article.

I married Dima 5 years ago. At first we lived together with his mother Olga Andreevna. But I knew right away that I couldn't stay under the same roof with this woman for long. I was pressuring my husband to move out.

My mother-in-law has a very peculiar character. She doesn’t ask anything from anyone, but she’s always involved. At some point, I had the feeling that without her presence I could not go to the toilet or spend time with my husband. That's not normal.

After a year and a half of my persuasion and requests, we managed to rent our small apartment. I finally felt like a housewife. No one else watched me and my actions, no one gave friendly advice. Fairy tale!

After a while, a new problem appeared. Olga Andreevna really wants grandchildren. Every time we visit her, she won't miss an opportunity to remind me that the clock is ticking. I didn’t think that happened in real life anymore. But it turned out not!

Believe me, I have to restrain myself not to tell my mother-in-law a couple of affectionate. She just doesn't understand normal language. In fact, I have long wanted children myself. It's not working! It happens, you have to survive this period. But it is much more difficult to do this when a nagging mother-in-law is sitting over her head.

Secret messages from my mother-in-law I have noticed strange behavior for my mother-in-law before. But now it goes beyond what is allowed. Olga Andreevna recently visited in the middle of the day without warning. While I was in the bathroom, she came into our bedroom and then rushed home. I didn't know what she was up to then.

The next day, I started cleaning up and found a bag of smelly grass behind the bedside table. Inside was a piece of paper: "Tincture of wormwood." Dosage: 0.5 cups 2 times a day.”

I told my husband about it. He didn't understand what was going on. Later, such findings began to appear in our house constantly. And everywhere the same: tincture of boron uterus, knotweed, sage, plantain seeds. When I went online, the picture began to emerge.

It turned out that in folk medicine, these herbs are used to get pregnant. It helps even in the most hopeless cases. I certainly didn't believe it at first. But after consulting with my doctor, I decided that it would not be superfluous.

I really did not want to discuss with Olga Andreevna her strange behavior. It was useless to argue about it. I knew she wouldn't stop giving me herbs and stuff. So I just accepted it.

It's been a couple of months since then. From time to time my mother-in-law came to visit us and we came to her. But she had not asked about her grandchildren for a long time, as if she had calmed down and accepted the fact that she might not become a grandmother.


A week after we last met, I suspected something was wrong and took a test. When I saw the two bars, I couldn’t believe my eyes. My husband burst into tears with happiness, and Olga Andreevna just whispered in my ear: “Sometimes strange things help, don’t they?”

No one will say exactly how the main character managed to get pregnant. However, one thing is clear: sometimes it makes sense to listen to the advice of the mother-in-law. At a minimum, you should not enter into an open conflict with her, because often it does not lead to anything good. Agreed?

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