The husband sent his wife to a friend, but she hid on the balcony and found out a secret that she should not have known.
In relationships, there are often cases of excesses from different sides. For example, the first number is a woman followed by a man. She's smart, good-looking, makes a lot of money. And he is hardworking, uninitiative, never contradicts his second half. This story of a beautiful woman is often described in romance novels or romantic comedies.
On the other hand, things could be different. Brown-eyed brunette jealous and a miniature, frightened girl. In general, history knows many diverse examples. Some are comparable to real life and some are not. Our story at first glance looks like part of some modern play. But, unfortunately, this sometimes happens in reality. Yes, in our time.
The story of a beautiful woman Christina was one of those women who stubbornly wanted to call a girl. Big as two lakes, eyes. Puffy lips and a small nose with potatoes. Blonde hair, thin hands, thin figure. She looks like a perpetual student. Especially since she dressed in some shops for young people, where clothes were designed only for the season. I always carried books or headphones with me. You can't say a man is 34 years old.
Her husband, Vladimir, by contrast, looked quite mature. Although one year old, he already had impressive bald spots and tired eyes of an adult. A little overweight, farsightedness glasses, and eternal beige shirt pants. Not that he feels old inside, no. But his style was in stark contrast to his wife’s appearance.
Christina loved to read, spend time outdoors and make plans for the future. How they will arrange an apartment, how they will buy a new car, have children. Working in a beauty salon, of course, all the costs of these innovations she without a shadow of doubt laid on her husband. Vladimir worked in the financial sector. Hobby did not have and, among other things, liked to get a good night's sleep after the work week. Owl and dreamy lark.
One day, the husband asked Christina to go out with her friends. He gave me some money to have fun so I could make it through the night. The reason was simple: an old army friend came to their town and the men wanted to talk about theirs, so to speak, without witnesses. In order not to sit in bars, this was the solution.
A woman who loved fiction at first took everything positively, but then, remembering the plot from another novel, suspicion began to creep in. Probably a mistress. Yeah, it's classic. I'll leave with my friends, and he'll bring another woman here. What audacity, huh? I wish I had a hotel.
The decision came of itself: to hide on the balcony and see what kind of friend would visit her husband that day. The balcony, by the way, was the only part of the apartment that did not need repair. Christina won her place to read, and she and Volodya arranged it exactly as she wanted: no old skis or refrigerators. Just comfortable pillows, tape recorders, incense.
On X-Day, when her husband went to the store, Christina hid with her belongings and shoes on this very balcony, hidden under the thickness of massive curtains. No one had bad habits in their marriage. The show started.
After 20 minutes, my husband came. I saw that my wife went to meet her friends and also went to meet a guest. He came not alone, with bags in his hands and, oh my God, really with some guy. Kristina even thought the situation was actually worse than she could have imagined. But no, the men went to the kitchen, got out drinks and snacks and began to exchange memories slowly.
"Like women, honestly," thought the woman. She did not see what was happening in the kitchen, but she could clearly hear conversations a few meters away. Former co-workers shared the past, discussed all male nonsense and then and then clinked glasses. In the end, the conversation turned to women.
Piabay - I'm telling you, Vaughan. Divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me. There's money, girls too. Responsibility is zero, no one interferes. No, it's understandable that sometimes it's sad. But it's all because of the stereotypes that society has imposed on us. We men are polygamous. Someday you'll understand that.
- No, Dimchik. I love my wife, really. But sometimes I realize I'm burning. It's the same thing. Work, home, shopping, talking about the future. Okay. She thinks it's very interesting for me to sit on the fifth spot all day. And then they bring me money on a platter.
- She also sits on the fifth spot. Dimitri smiled. Oh, all of you so-and-so whiners. Would you be able to run a march now? Nope. Look how much he grew.
- Exactly! You think I'm happy about this? I also want to go out and see something. I want to paintball, to the mountains. Except it's either me or her. We're like, everything she has is hers. Everything I have is ours.
- Oh, poor lad. Well, he chose his own problem. But so did I in my time. Think about it all, okay? Ha-ha-ha!
The men sat in the kitchen for a long time, sharing their impressions about this. But Christine didn't care anymore. It was the first time she thought about the real situation. I mean, really. Despite the fact that her husband fully provided for them, she knew that his salary was not too high by today’s standards.
When did he rest? Yeah, he doesn't seem to get tired at all. It’s a good thing, so he feels comfortable. Isn't she always on diets to stay slim? Turns out Vova isn't the bag she thought she was. And he also has ambitions for vacation, work, home. It's strange to think about it just now. He seemed to be happy with everything.
Then the husband and a friend went to see off. Christina quickly hung her coat in the closet, and left her shoes in the hallway. I lay down on the couch, opened a book on a random page, and went to cook in the kitchen. There was not a speck of dust on the table. My husband took the garbage with him.
When Vladimir came home, a surprise awaited him. Dinner was being prepared on the fire, the absolutely sober wife was in a “light” mood. Christina smiled at her husband all night and decided to tell him in secret that she wanted to go somewhere for the weekend. Together. God bless him with the repairs. Your whole life lies ahead. They need to spend more time with each other. In short, the evening was great.
Piabay Christina made some conclusions for herself. Vladimir freed himself a few hours a week and enrolled in the gym. His efforts bore fruit and Christina began to be attracted to her husband with renewed vigor. After a while he spoke to his wife.
Why didn’t you leave the day I asked you? I thought I'd bring a mistress, right?
Christina changed her face instantly. How it was revealed, she did everything as in the books!
- What, why would you say that, Vova? How do you know?
- Yeah, you know, Dima and I spent half an hour talking at the entrance while the cab was waiting. And then I come, look, you're home. Well, I think I'm about to be questioned with bias. And you, on the contrary, are all so affectionate.
- Because, my dear husband, problems must be solved in conversation. Don’t shut yourself down and think something will change. We're family, we always understand each other. If you could talk to me about it, I wouldn't have to be on the balcony.
- Next time, I'm hiding on the balcony. It's your birthday in a month. How do I know what you want as a gift? Not kids, I can’t guess with a surprise!
The couple smiled and hugged. It turns out that an old divorced colleague served them as a very good psychologist. There was an understanding, and in just one session.

On the other hand, things could be different. Brown-eyed brunette jealous and a miniature, frightened girl. In general, history knows many diverse examples. Some are comparable to real life and some are not. Our story at first glance looks like part of some modern play. But, unfortunately, this sometimes happens in reality. Yes, in our time.
The story of a beautiful woman Christina was one of those women who stubbornly wanted to call a girl. Big as two lakes, eyes. Puffy lips and a small nose with potatoes. Blonde hair, thin hands, thin figure. She looks like a perpetual student. Especially since she dressed in some shops for young people, where clothes were designed only for the season. I always carried books or headphones with me. You can't say a man is 34 years old.

Her husband, Vladimir, by contrast, looked quite mature. Although one year old, he already had impressive bald spots and tired eyes of an adult. A little overweight, farsightedness glasses, and eternal beige shirt pants. Not that he feels old inside, no. But his style was in stark contrast to his wife’s appearance.
Christina loved to read, spend time outdoors and make plans for the future. How they will arrange an apartment, how they will buy a new car, have children. Working in a beauty salon, of course, all the costs of these innovations she without a shadow of doubt laid on her husband. Vladimir worked in the financial sector. Hobby did not have and, among other things, liked to get a good night's sleep after the work week. Owl and dreamy lark.
One day, the husband asked Christina to go out with her friends. He gave me some money to have fun so I could make it through the night. The reason was simple: an old army friend came to their town and the men wanted to talk about theirs, so to speak, without witnesses. In order not to sit in bars, this was the solution.

A woman who loved fiction at first took everything positively, but then, remembering the plot from another novel, suspicion began to creep in. Probably a mistress. Yeah, it's classic. I'll leave with my friends, and he'll bring another woman here. What audacity, huh? I wish I had a hotel.
The decision came of itself: to hide on the balcony and see what kind of friend would visit her husband that day. The balcony, by the way, was the only part of the apartment that did not need repair. Christina won her place to read, and she and Volodya arranged it exactly as she wanted: no old skis or refrigerators. Just comfortable pillows, tape recorders, incense.
On X-Day, when her husband went to the store, Christina hid with her belongings and shoes on this very balcony, hidden under the thickness of massive curtains. No one had bad habits in their marriage. The show started.
After 20 minutes, my husband came. I saw that my wife went to meet her friends and also went to meet a guest. He came not alone, with bags in his hands and, oh my God, really with some guy. Kristina even thought the situation was actually worse than she could have imagined. But no, the men went to the kitchen, got out drinks and snacks and began to exchange memories slowly.
"Like women, honestly," thought the woman. She did not see what was happening in the kitchen, but she could clearly hear conversations a few meters away. Former co-workers shared the past, discussed all male nonsense and then and then clinked glasses. In the end, the conversation turned to women.

Piabay - I'm telling you, Vaughan. Divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me. There's money, girls too. Responsibility is zero, no one interferes. No, it's understandable that sometimes it's sad. But it's all because of the stereotypes that society has imposed on us. We men are polygamous. Someday you'll understand that.
- No, Dimchik. I love my wife, really. But sometimes I realize I'm burning. It's the same thing. Work, home, shopping, talking about the future. Okay. She thinks it's very interesting for me to sit on the fifth spot all day. And then they bring me money on a platter.
- She also sits on the fifth spot. Dimitri smiled. Oh, all of you so-and-so whiners. Would you be able to run a march now? Nope. Look how much he grew.
- Exactly! You think I'm happy about this? I also want to go out and see something. I want to paintball, to the mountains. Except it's either me or her. We're like, everything she has is hers. Everything I have is ours.
- Oh, poor lad. Well, he chose his own problem. But so did I in my time. Think about it all, okay? Ha-ha-ha!
The men sat in the kitchen for a long time, sharing their impressions about this. But Christine didn't care anymore. It was the first time she thought about the real situation. I mean, really. Despite the fact that her husband fully provided for them, she knew that his salary was not too high by today’s standards.

When did he rest? Yeah, he doesn't seem to get tired at all. It’s a good thing, so he feels comfortable. Isn't she always on diets to stay slim? Turns out Vova isn't the bag she thought she was. And he also has ambitions for vacation, work, home. It's strange to think about it just now. He seemed to be happy with everything.
Then the husband and a friend went to see off. Christina quickly hung her coat in the closet, and left her shoes in the hallway. I lay down on the couch, opened a book on a random page, and went to cook in the kitchen. There was not a speck of dust on the table. My husband took the garbage with him.
When Vladimir came home, a surprise awaited him. Dinner was being prepared on the fire, the absolutely sober wife was in a “light” mood. Christina smiled at her husband all night and decided to tell him in secret that she wanted to go somewhere for the weekend. Together. God bless him with the repairs. Your whole life lies ahead. They need to spend more time with each other. In short, the evening was great.

Piabay Christina made some conclusions for herself. Vladimir freed himself a few hours a week and enrolled in the gym. His efforts bore fruit and Christina began to be attracted to her husband with renewed vigor. After a while he spoke to his wife.
Why didn’t you leave the day I asked you? I thought I'd bring a mistress, right?
Christina changed her face instantly. How it was revealed, she did everything as in the books!
- What, why would you say that, Vova? How do you know?
- Yeah, you know, Dima and I spent half an hour talking at the entrance while the cab was waiting. And then I come, look, you're home. Well, I think I'm about to be questioned with bias. And you, on the contrary, are all so affectionate.
- Because, my dear husband, problems must be solved in conversation. Don’t shut yourself down and think something will change. We're family, we always understand each other. If you could talk to me about it, I wouldn't have to be on the balcony.
- Next time, I'm hiding on the balcony. It's your birthday in a month. How do I know what you want as a gift? Not kids, I can’t guess with a surprise!

The couple smiled and hugged. It turns out that an old divorced colleague served them as a very good psychologist. There was an understanding, and in just one session.
December 19 is a special day, because the period of Venus Retrograde begins, which determines for all Taurus.
Why did the USSR produce trihedral bottles and what was the reason for the choice of such an unusual shape?