The young mistress of her husband decided to “hypane” and put up in TikTok video with details of infidelity
Technology is moving forward, as are ways to interact with the world around us. If it used to be magazines and television, now everyone can share their story without leaving the apartment. But still few people think that the Network can get even the details of treason, which will put the affected parties, of course, in a negative light.
Deception in social networks Antonina learned about the mistress of Vladislav not so long ago. It was only a couple of months, but it seemed like an eternity to her. After all, the blow was not only the fact that the husband is a cheater and a deceiver, but also the fact that all personal correspondence and unpleasant moments of recent events leaked to the Internet. In what way? The fact is that the young mistress of Vladislav, Karina, is registered in TikTok. And in the scandal that unfolded around her, she saw an opportunity to increase the number of followers.
For the first time, Antonina saw a video sent to her by her younger sister. There, against the background of images with correspondence, Karina told a distorted story about how Vladislav achieved her and gave hope for a wedding. But then it turned out he was married, and now she doesn't want to see him.
In reality, things were a little different. Vladislav did not hide his marriage, and Karina was satisfied with it. The wedding was out of the question, the girl was just having fun and enjoying the attention of a married man. And when everything became known to Antonina, Vladislav hastened to part with her.
At first, Antonin did not attach much importance to the video and only shrugged her shoulders. Now it was more important for her to understand the relationship with her husband, rather than watching videos for minors. But the further the time went, the more the situation escalated.
It turned out that Karina made a series of videos, where she posted correspondence not only with Vladislav, but also with Antonina. In her stories, she portrayed the lover’s wife as an aggressive young woman who can not hold her family and pours her anger on the unhappy girl. And Vladislav was from the category of those cowardly men who want to sit on two chairs: to be with a mistress, and to stay in marriage.
Somehow some enthusiasts came to the profiles of Antonina and Vladislav in social networks. Then dozens of messages of offensive content fell on people. When profiles were closed to outsiders, messages continued to arrive by phone number. In addition, at the work of Antonina, everyone became aware of the shameful act of her husband. Worst of all, after Karina’s statements, even some of the staff looked at Antonina differently.
Peels The same thing happened at Vladislav's work. Someone laughed at him openly, but mostly he caused only disapproval and to some extent contempt. The children also became aware of their parents’ problems. No one sent them messages, but they also had TikTok.
For Antonina, it was hell. She tried to convince Karina to stop making these videos, but she could just record her voice and put it online. Antonina was disgusted simply because her name became known to some stranger. That the details of the betrayal could now be known by anyone. And even more disgusting was the fact that Karina only benefited from it. She became more popular, people sympathized with her and put “likes”. In addition, she thus annoyed both the former lover and rival. Perfect combination, if you think about it.
Peels How to fight? Antonina asked different people what could be done about it. But everyone said one thing: wait. Popularity in social networks passes very quickly. In a month or two, no one will even remember them. Like Karina herself. After all, she is not the only girl who earns popularity on such rollers. Someone will find a story fresher and more interesting.
Peels It comforted Antonina. Although she was still uncomfortable. If before she tried to dissuade Karina from publishing such material on her channel, now she just put the phone down. It is better to forget about the existence of social networks. Everything is forgotten quickly on the Internet.
Details of treason - the result Does a person have the right to put personal correspondence on public display? Can such stories in social networks really gain popularity? How to deal with the pressure of society?

Deception in social networks Antonina learned about the mistress of Vladislav not so long ago. It was only a couple of months, but it seemed like an eternity to her. After all, the blow was not only the fact that the husband is a cheater and a deceiver, but also the fact that all personal correspondence and unpleasant moments of recent events leaked to the Internet. In what way? The fact is that the young mistress of Vladislav, Karina, is registered in TikTok. And in the scandal that unfolded around her, she saw an opportunity to increase the number of followers.
For the first time, Antonina saw a video sent to her by her younger sister. There, against the background of images with correspondence, Karina told a distorted story about how Vladislav achieved her and gave hope for a wedding. But then it turned out he was married, and now she doesn't want to see him.

In reality, things were a little different. Vladislav did not hide his marriage, and Karina was satisfied with it. The wedding was out of the question, the girl was just having fun and enjoying the attention of a married man. And when everything became known to Antonina, Vladislav hastened to part with her.
At first, Antonin did not attach much importance to the video and only shrugged her shoulders. Now it was more important for her to understand the relationship with her husband, rather than watching videos for minors. But the further the time went, the more the situation escalated.

It turned out that Karina made a series of videos, where she posted correspondence not only with Vladislav, but also with Antonina. In her stories, she portrayed the lover’s wife as an aggressive young woman who can not hold her family and pours her anger on the unhappy girl. And Vladislav was from the category of those cowardly men who want to sit on two chairs: to be with a mistress, and to stay in marriage.
Somehow some enthusiasts came to the profiles of Antonina and Vladislav in social networks. Then dozens of messages of offensive content fell on people. When profiles were closed to outsiders, messages continued to arrive by phone number. In addition, at the work of Antonina, everyone became aware of the shameful act of her husband. Worst of all, after Karina’s statements, even some of the staff looked at Antonina differently.

Peels The same thing happened at Vladislav's work. Someone laughed at him openly, but mostly he caused only disapproval and to some extent contempt. The children also became aware of their parents’ problems. No one sent them messages, but they also had TikTok.
For Antonina, it was hell. She tried to convince Karina to stop making these videos, but she could just record her voice and put it online. Antonina was disgusted simply because her name became known to some stranger. That the details of the betrayal could now be known by anyone. And even more disgusting was the fact that Karina only benefited from it. She became more popular, people sympathized with her and put “likes”. In addition, she thus annoyed both the former lover and rival. Perfect combination, if you think about it.

Peels How to fight? Antonina asked different people what could be done about it. But everyone said one thing: wait. Popularity in social networks passes very quickly. In a month or two, no one will even remember them. Like Karina herself. After all, she is not the only girl who earns popularity on such rollers. Someone will find a story fresher and more interesting.

Peels It comforted Antonina. Although she was still uncomfortable. If before she tried to dissuade Karina from publishing such material on her channel, now she just put the phone down. It is better to forget about the existence of social networks. Everything is forgotten quickly on the Internet.
Details of treason - the result Does a person have the right to put personal correspondence on public display? Can such stories in social networks really gain popularity? How to deal with the pressure of society?
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The boy did not speak, but he could read, wrote something, got along amazingly with all the animals, but the family was worried.