Why people are looking for romance on the side
Physical treason is considered one of the most terrible acts of man. But it happens that the thought of another person hurts more than a casual affair on the side. Whatever it is, it is very difficult for people to survive. betrayal and deal with destructive emotions even after many years. The betrayal of a loved one puts a lot of pressure on the psyche and destroys faith in people in principle.
According to surveys, about 78% of men believe that cheating is bad, the same opinion is shared by 84 % of women. Editorial "Site" We offer you a selection of interesting facts about betrayal that will help you better understand this phenomenon.
Betrayal of a loved one
A relationship is not a life sentence in prison. You can stay there as long as you get what you want. Sometimes trying to save the family at all costs is not the best option.
We have described in detail how to behave if you are cheated. Betrayal of a man Or women can try to forgive and put up with him, but should they?
In our world of eternal impermanence, what is right today may be wrong tomorrow. Hormones will calm down, beauty will fade, and you will want to grow old with someone close and loved. What is treason to you? Do you think a person can remain faithful all his life, even mentally? Share your opinion in the comments.
According to surveys, about 78% of men believe that cheating is bad, the same opinion is shared by 84 % of women. Editorial "Site" We offer you a selection of interesting facts about betrayal that will help you better understand this phenomenon.
Betrayal of a loved one
- Usually people cheat with someone they know.
Not always the “third extra” in a relationship is a random person. Statistics show that 60% of cheating happens with coworkers. Therefore, try to make your emotional connection with your partner stronger than the attachment to one of your colleagues. This is facilitated by common goals, joint care of children, going to bed at the same time and hugs before bedtime.
DepositPhotos - Traitors often do not look for anyone on the side.
If a man or woman cheats, it does not mean that they are unhappy with their relationship. A romance can begin with someone who is satisfied with the current relationship. Innocent flirtation can escalate into something more completely unexpected for the cheating person. Even happy marriage There is no guarantee that partners will not cheat on each other. About 52% of cheating husbands did not consider their marriage a failure, as did 34% of cheating wives.
DepositPhotos - Everyone understands love differently.
Everyone has their own idea of love. Usually, a relationship develops like this: first you feel a strong physical attraction to a person, then there is a strong physical attraction to the person. romanticism And the desire to get to know the person who passes into attachment. But it also happens that one person causes a strong sexual desire, and the other - a feeling of deep sympathy and intimacy.
DepositPhotos - The reason for infidelity is the silence of sexual desires
The monotony and boredom in bed are the reasons why partners may seek pleasure outside the relationship. Unfortunately, very few men and women share their intimate desires with each other. Until now, most men have no idea about the nuances of female sexuality, contented with false information from adult films. Only sincere conversations without shyness will help you get to know your partner better and enjoy intimacy as much as possible.
DepositPhotos - Even after cheating, partners stay together.
You’ve probably met couples who have maintained a relationship despite one partner being unfaithful. This happens because people get so used to each other that even the thought of breaking up scares them. Sometimes a very loving partner can allow his other half to cheat, as long as she was happy. For these couples, cheating is only a stage in life after which they continue to stay together as if nothing had happened.
DepositPhotos - Polygamy is a myth
Scientists have debunked the myth that a person by nature is prone to promiscuous relationships. This theory is very fond of abuse by men, they say, they are insatiable males, and women are guardians of the hearth. In fact, in the process of evolution, our ancestors came to a relationship where it is more profitable for a man to control the transmission of his genes, personally looking after the offspring. People are characterized by serial monogamy - they married, lived for several years and divorced. We truly fall in love many times in our lives. While the couple has a period of strong feelings, you can grow offspring and then start looking for a person more comfortable.
DepositPhotos - Unkempt body
Let’s not close our eyes to the truth – without good sex, relationships do not exist for a long time. And the key to good sex is physique. Often women complain that their husbands refuse to take a daily shower, change clothes, go to the dentist. If your partner does not follow the rules of hygiene, does not take care of his physical health, then you will be repulsed, no matter how good a person he is.
DepositPhotos - People with low self-esteem are more likely to cheat
In social studies, 57% of respondents recognized self-doubt as a reason for infidelity. Such people need to know that they are sexy and capable of being liked by someone. Integrated women And men look for evidence of their attractiveness, making connections on the side.
DepositPhotos - Lack of intimacy
In addition to the need for sexual relations, we need purely spiritual intimacy with a loved one. Psychologists note that the lack of care, attention and comfort in relationships causes many partners to look for a source of necessary emotions on the side. Just as there is no relationship without good sex, there is no relationship without a willingness to listen to each other.
DepositPhotos - Social media has increased the number of cheating
Emotional and sexual attachment can occur during personal correspondence with a person of the opposite sex on social networks. This often leads to divorce, as most people consider this relationship to be infidelity. The internet provides a wealth of opportunities to compare your partner to others based on photos and videos. Human feelings are very fickle, and it is easy to make a person fall for something he dreams of but never gets. Changing has become much easier with the advent of social media, but identifying the cheater has also become much easier.
DepositPhotos - What is considered treason in some respects is not so in others.
Infidelity can also have different criteria. Some couples consider cheating only physicality between a man and a woman. And others will not forgive their partner the slightest sympathy or kiss with another or another. It is better to set certain boundaries in the relationship beforehand, otherwise sooner or later the situation will get out of control. Interestingly, about 50% of men say that they would forgive their partner cheating with a person of the same sex (that is, with a woman), but only 22% would forgive adultery with a man.
DepositPhotos - Emotional betrayal is worse than physical
Very often the danger of such a connection is underestimated, because they see nothing wrong with it. In fact, emotional betrayal is no less a terrible threat to relationships than physical. This means that your partner is closer to someone other than you. At the same time, it is very difficult to convict him of immorality, because he denies everything and blames it on friendship. Emotional infidelity It can begin as a friendship, but then develops into a physical bond and can become the beginning of a full-fledged relationship. Befriend people who know you and your partner as a couple. Avoid dealing with people for whom cheating is the norm.
DepositPhotos - How to End a Relationship
Instead of ending a failed relationship, it is sometimes easier for people to get into trouble. This is not the best way, because it affects the person with whom you once had a warm relationship. It is unlikely that such an act contributes to a happy union with a new partner. As a rule, people who cheat on their partner to leave do not linger long with those who constantly remind them of their meanness.
A relationship is not a life sentence in prison. You can stay there as long as you get what you want. Sometimes trying to save the family at all costs is not the best option.
We have described in detail how to behave if you are cheated. Betrayal of a man Or women can try to forgive and put up with him, but should they?
In our world of eternal impermanence, what is right today may be wrong tomorrow. Hormones will calm down, beauty will fade, and you will want to grow old with someone close and loved. What is treason to you? Do you think a person can remain faithful all his life, even mentally? Share your opinion in the comments.
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