What actions should be treated with understanding

As soon as the institution of marriage appeared, it was born. treason. There were unfaithful husbands and wives at all times. And so it happened historically that society always feels sorry for the wife who suffered from a walking husband, because she is unhappy in this case. But is cheating always a bad thing?


Especially controversial in society is the question of whether an act is considered treason if no one knows about it? Editorial "Site" I decided to explore different points of view of specialists in the field of relations, whether there are cases when treason can be justified.

Any betrayal, whether known or not, is bad. After all, it hurts a loved one or makes the cheater feel guilty. Cheating affects physiological health: against this background, a person has everything falling out of his hands, depression, resentment, hysteria, psychosis may begin. Everyone's different. In any case, cheating is not good.


But there are different cheating, and you need to treat them differently. You can't just blame a man. There are two sides to every situation. It happens that two people merged in ecstasy, received a physiological discharge. But in reality, he loves someone else - the one he has been living with for a long time, the mother of his children and his enormous support.


According to experts, this is a physiological discharge. And you should never deny that. It's just an accident. By drinking, by accident... But you need to learn to control yourself and spend more time with the other half. It also happens that people live together for a child, but are no longer a couple. To others, a husband or wife may seem unfaithful, but in fact, the family has long been gone.


Also, many people think that if the partner does not find out about the affair, then it did not happen. But this is the same as talking about a crime whose perpetrator was not found. In fact, it is and has caused harm, and disclosure is a matter of time. If a person is consciously leading double-lifeThis creates tension, the partner becomes an irritant, he gets not only a joint life based on lies, but also great psychological problems.


There are people who prefer to live in happy ignorance and not know about cheating. Others cannot forgive the deception itself. There are also couples who accept free relationships and knowingly stipulate possible infidelities. But what is the meaning of a relationship with a person if you do not want to be one with him? It’s just a lack of respect for yourself, your choice and the presence of problems in the heart.

We also talked about women’s cheating earlier.

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