What is happening in Tiktok houses, new creative communes

Tiktok House is a spacious home for ten of the most popular and famous bloggers. Together they not only shoot simple videos, but also arrange noisy parties, invite colleagues from other houses (or houses), and also move to them for a while. Young Internet users are simply delighted and happy to subscribe to the personal pages of idols in social networks. One of the most popular Tiktok houses in the CIS already has 10 million subscribers.

Fashion for a kind of “dormitories” bloggers came to us from the West. Back in 2019, American blogger and tiktoker Thomas Petru proposed creating a house where popular like-minded people could gather together to create content. That's enough. well receivedThe Hype House has over 20 million fans.

As they say, less than six months have passed since the first Russian tick-topping house was created called Dream Team House, and then the Ukrainian WhyNot House. But soon enough, media entrepreneurs and investors realized that this is the realm. lucrative. Therefore, they began to invest money in such houses and create various creatives with bloggers. This is advertising, and star integration, and joint clips with popular artists.

Subscribers loved such houses for the fact that their idols are often removed backstage. Publish photos where they are without makeup, or videos that allow you to learn more about your favorite tittoker. Moreover, the stars of Tiktok-houses many times launched any pranks or challenges that appeal to young fans.

Only at first glance it may seem that popular ticktokers just fool aroundAnd their home is just a party place. In fact, Tiktok House is a kind of content production organization. On inventing and filmcan work a whole team of creatives, copywriters, operators, editors and PR.

No one argues that if the blogger himself is not an interesting and charismatic person, then he is unlikely to be accepted by a wide audience. Modern Internet viewers are quite fastidious. And not everyone can get into such a tittoker house. In especially popular houses can accept only those guys who already have at least million. The decision to enter a new participant in the house is made by the entire house team.

Undoubtedly, creativity occupies a main place in the boiling routine of any tick-tooker house. But it is not without various kinds of scandals and questionable information. Do not forget that along with the party of cheerful guys there are also those who invest in it all large sums. And he wants them to multiplied.

Often, Tiktok stars get into unpleasant situations or artificially create them. They are subject to various attacks online. Or have a lot of health problems on the basis of such early adulthood and sudden fame. Their main audience is not always able to understand when the idol tells the truth, and when it is beneficial to him. Hilarious videos and photos. iceberg Many Tiktok houses.


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