When lemons went up in price, the mother-in-law found super cheap on the market and made them a great workpiece
Lemons with sugar for the winter are a vitamin preparation that will help you out during colds. It retains the entire supply of vitamins, can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 to 8 months and invariably conquers a pleasant citrus aroma. In addition, this recipe allows you to use lemons much more economically than usual. They no longer dry and rot on the table, waiting for the next tea party.
In one half-liter jar, three small lemons are usually placed. For a can of 250 ml, like mine, you will need to take 1-2 lemons. The number of ingredients is indicated approximately, so, you can cut lemons in different slices, which means that sugar will need a different amount.
The ingredients
In order for canned lemons to be stored longer, cans with lobules can be sterilized in a water bath for 15 minutes. During this time, the sugar will completely dissolve, and the cans can be closed with a key for preservation.

In one half-liter jar, three small lemons are usually placed. For a can of 250 ml, like mine, you will need to take 1-2 lemons. The number of ingredients is indicated approximately, so, you can cut lemons in different slices, which means that sugar will need a different amount.
The ingredients
- 1kg lemons
- 1 kg of sugar
- 2-3 inflorescences of cloves on a jar
- 0.5 cinnamon sticks per jar
- Soak the lemons in water for 30 minutes. This will save the skin from excessive bitterness. Then wash thoroughly and rub it with a dry towel. In order to keep the workpiece longer, there should be no water on the fruits themselves, as well as on the surface of the cans.
- Cut the lemons into thin mugs or halves of mugs. It is advisable to remove all the bones: because of them, the workpiece can also be bitter.
- Next, the circles of lemon and sugar must be thoroughly mixed so that the sugar is evenly distributed throughout the volume. You can do it in a bowl. But it will be easier and more convenient to mix everything in the package.
- In sterilized dry cans pour a little sugar. Then put the pieces of lemons in them. If the lemons managed to let the juice, pour it into the banks in equal parts.
- Put 1 star of cloves and a half stick of cinnamon in each jar. Put the remaining sugar in.
- Close the filled jars with clean lids and leave for 5-7 days at room temperature, to gradually dissolve the sugar in the syrup.
- On the second or third day, the volume of lemons may decrease slightly. In order not to leave empty space in the jar, add a couple more slices of lemon and pour them with lemon juice to completely cover the lemons with liquid.
- In the following days, roll over and shake the cans regularly to speed up the release of juice and the dissolution of sugar.
- Canned lemon with sugar is served chilled. Put the mugs of lemon on the dish, next to put a bowl with lemon syrup and a cup of tea. Lemon syrup can also be added to various sauces, soaked in pastries and used to make warming mulled wine. Lemon with sugar for the winter is delicious and healthy!
- Bon appetit!
In order for canned lemons to be stored longer, cans with lobules can be sterilized in a water bath for 15 minutes. During this time, the sugar will completely dissolve, and the cans can be closed with a key for preservation.
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