On what grounds to buy Bulgarian pepper, so as not to lose
Bulgarian pepper is a storehouse of vitamin C. Even citrus and currants are not competitors. And salads and other dishes, it complements the best way. In addition, the consumption of sweet pepper contributes to good metabolism and digestion. But few people know how to do it right. pepper depending on the target.
Like many other vegetables, Bulgarian pepper has “boys” and “girls.” Editorial "Site" I will be glad to tell you what the differences are between them and what each of these species is suitable for. And the difference, believe me, is huge!
To find out what sex the pepper is in front of you, just turn it over. If the pepper has 4 sectors, it is a female type. If 3 is male. That's the whole secret of his bulges. Also, other external differences include the shape: “boys” are more elongated, and “girls” are wider and shorter. And now let’s move on to the most interesting – taste differences and application.
Taste of pepper Women are much sweeter than men. Also, the "girls" are softer. It is better to eat them fresh. Make different cuts, salads, but it is better not to add them to the stew or meat - the dish will turn out very watery.
Men have diametrically opposite qualities. They're more acidic and hard. Therefore, they are perfect for preservation, stew and other dishes that require heat treatment. They can also be stuffed. In principle, and in raw form, they are delicious, but not as much as female Bulgarian peppers.
What’s even more interesting is the fact that male peppers have far fewer seeds inside. So if you want to take peppers for planting, it is better to give preference to peppers-girls.
Few people know for sure that the most useful vitamins and trace elements are in the area near the leg of Bulgarian pepper, which we often cut and throw away. Another life hack: the heavier the pepper, the juicier it is.
When buying Bulgarian pepper, pay special attention to its tail. It should be green and resilient. It is not recommended to buy pepper with dry or black peduncle. It's not going to be useful.
Pepper with spots is also not worth buying. Especially for fresh consumption. Darkening, points and bloating on the skin and peduncle indicate that the fruit is affected by fungus. And orange spots indicate that the fetus was a victim of insects.
Fresh peppers can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week. But do not put it in plastic bags - so it will quickly deteriorate and after 2 days may become unsuitable for salad.
Choose only delicious and fresh Bulgarian peppers that will benefit your body. Share useful information with your friends on social networks!

Like many other vegetables, Bulgarian pepper has “boys” and “girls.” Editorial "Site" I will be glad to tell you what the differences are between them and what each of these species is suitable for. And the difference, believe me, is huge!

To find out what sex the pepper is in front of you, just turn it over. If the pepper has 4 sectors, it is a female type. If 3 is male. That's the whole secret of his bulges. Also, other external differences include the shape: “boys” are more elongated, and “girls” are wider and shorter. And now let’s move on to the most interesting – taste differences and application.

Taste of pepper Women are much sweeter than men. Also, the "girls" are softer. It is better to eat them fresh. Make different cuts, salads, but it is better not to add them to the stew or meat - the dish will turn out very watery.

Men have diametrically opposite qualities. They're more acidic and hard. Therefore, they are perfect for preservation, stew and other dishes that require heat treatment. They can also be stuffed. In principle, and in raw form, they are delicious, but not as much as female Bulgarian peppers.

What’s even more interesting is the fact that male peppers have far fewer seeds inside. So if you want to take peppers for planting, it is better to give preference to peppers-girls.

Few people know for sure that the most useful vitamins and trace elements are in the area near the leg of Bulgarian pepper, which we often cut and throw away. Another life hack: the heavier the pepper, the juicier it is.

When buying Bulgarian pepper, pay special attention to its tail. It should be green and resilient. It is not recommended to buy pepper with dry or black peduncle. It's not going to be useful.

Pepper with spots is also not worth buying. Especially for fresh consumption. Darkening, points and bloating on the skin and peduncle indicate that the fruit is affected by fungus. And orange spots indicate that the fetus was a victim of insects.

Fresh peppers can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week. But do not put it in plastic bags - so it will quickly deteriorate and after 2 days may become unsuitable for salad.

Choose only delicious and fresh Bulgarian peppers that will benefit your body. Share useful information with your friends on social networks!
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