This is what happens when you crack your fingers. All the truth from the medical luminaries!
My husband loves me very much. finger-crack. That's his habit. The sound obtained during these manipulations is not very pleasant for the hearing of others. And recently I was told that this habit leads to osteoarthritis in old age.
My son repeats this habit, and I do not want my boys to hurt their joints. Therefore, it is very important for me to understand whether finger crunch is an innocent habit or not. jointage?
Editorial "Site" I decided to shed light on the question, is it harmful to crack your fingers?
California doctor, Donald Unger in his books and publications mentions that since childhood, he crunched the knuckles of his left hand every day. Naturally, Donald often heard a warning from his mother that in old age he would have arthritis. But when he was 83 years old, he says his left and right hands feel the same.
From his point of view, the sound we hear when our fingers crunch is just the bursting of bubbles of gas. And with this procedure, we stimulate the tendons, relax the muscles and weaken the joints.
In the joint area, the bone is covered with articular cartilage, and the joint itself is surrounded by a special capsule that is filled with synovial fluid. The fluid reduces friction and promotes joint mobility.
When you make a sharp movement of your fingers, the space of the capsule with the liquid expands and the pressure in it drops. The oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide dissolved in it seem to boil, forming bursting bubbles. This is the sound we hear when a person crunches the joints.
Orthopedists believe that the characteristic sound occurs in the ligaments and tendons. When bending or stretching the joints tendons seem to overcome resistance and emit crunch. Regular compulsory remobilization This could lead to its destabilization.
Orthopedic doctors say that if you “crunch” your fingers a couple of times in your life will not be terrible. But what if you do it all the time?
At first, a person will not feel harm from the “looseness” of the joints, but after 9-13 years of this addiction, you can notice that the joints will begin to swell, and the fingers will acquire an ugly shape.
With prolonged crunch of the fingers, there is a possibility of destabilizing the joints, and this in turn can provoke dislocations and pinchingand then lead to inflammatory processes in the tissues. The next step will be the appearance of arthritis.
If the desire to crack the joint occurs as a way to remove discomfort in the fingers, be sure to consult a doctor. The constant desire to stretch indicates numerous muscle spasms.
And the habit of crunching your fingers can be neurotic or stressful. It's also worth paying attention to.
Leading specialists of orthopedists and traumatologists, if necessary, "crunch your fingers" suggest replacing this procedure with dynamic exercises or pampering your fingers with baths with sea salt.
Exercises for hand joints
Editorial Board
After a few hours at the office desk or at the computer, many people have a feeling of stiffness, which they try to get rid of by crunching their joints.
It does bring relief, but is it not harmful to crack your fingers to restore their mobility? Doctors say it is better to give preference to the usual hand-massage Or simple physical exercises. And if you choose time to regularly visit the pool, then the joints will be very grateful to you.
I also suggest you familiarize yourself with a useful and interesting way to relieve stress after a working day.
If you like this article, share it with everyone who warned you about the dangers of arthritis! Let your joints be healthy, and the mood is always joyful and bright!
My son repeats this habit, and I do not want my boys to hurt their joints. Therefore, it is very important for me to understand whether finger crunch is an innocent habit or not. jointage?

Editorial "Site" I decided to shed light on the question, is it harmful to crack your fingers?
California doctor, Donald Unger in his books and publications mentions that since childhood, he crunched the knuckles of his left hand every day. Naturally, Donald often heard a warning from his mother that in old age he would have arthritis. But when he was 83 years old, he says his left and right hands feel the same.
From his point of view, the sound we hear when our fingers crunch is just the bursting of bubbles of gas. And with this procedure, we stimulate the tendons, relax the muscles and weaken the joints.
In the joint area, the bone is covered with articular cartilage, and the joint itself is surrounded by a special capsule that is filled with synovial fluid. The fluid reduces friction and promotes joint mobility.

When you make a sharp movement of your fingers, the space of the capsule with the liquid expands and the pressure in it drops. The oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide dissolved in it seem to boil, forming bursting bubbles. This is the sound we hear when a person crunches the joints.
Orthopedists believe that the characteristic sound occurs in the ligaments and tendons. When bending or stretching the joints tendons seem to overcome resistance and emit crunch. Regular compulsory remobilization This could lead to its destabilization.

Orthopedic doctors say that if you “crunch” your fingers a couple of times in your life will not be terrible. But what if you do it all the time?
At first, a person will not feel harm from the “looseness” of the joints, but after 9-13 years of this addiction, you can notice that the joints will begin to swell, and the fingers will acquire an ugly shape.
With prolonged crunch of the fingers, there is a possibility of destabilizing the joints, and this in turn can provoke dislocations and pinchingand then lead to inflammatory processes in the tissues. The next step will be the appearance of arthritis.

If the desire to crack the joint occurs as a way to remove discomfort in the fingers, be sure to consult a doctor. The constant desire to stretch indicates numerous muscle spasms.
And the habit of crunching your fingers can be neurotic or stressful. It's also worth paying attention to.

Leading specialists of orthopedists and traumatologists, if necessary, "crunch your fingers" suggest replacing this procedure with dynamic exercises or pampering your fingers with baths with sea salt.
Exercises for hand joints
- Bending and stretching your fingers into a fist. When performing this movement, do not forget to strain your fingers. This exercise should be done 4-5 times.
- Imagine you're snapping someone's forehead. Such virtual clicks should be done with each finger. This exercise should be done 2-3 times.
- Squeeze, in turn, fingers, starting from the little finger and ending with the thumb, then do the opposite. This exercise should be done 2-3 times.
- Perform cross fingers in the manner of the exercise “scissors”. This exercise should be done 4-5 times.
- Connect your fingers to the “lock” and raise them above your head, and then sharply lower them down, each separately. This exercise should be done 3-4 times.
- Once again, connect your fingers to the “lock” and make them “wave”. This exercise should be done 4-5 times.

Editorial Board
After a few hours at the office desk or at the computer, many people have a feeling of stiffness, which they try to get rid of by crunching their joints.

It does bring relief, but is it not harmful to crack your fingers to restore their mobility? Doctors say it is better to give preference to the usual hand-massage Or simple physical exercises. And if you choose time to regularly visit the pool, then the joints will be very grateful to you.
I also suggest you familiarize yourself with a useful and interesting way to relieve stress after a working day.
If you like this article, share it with everyone who warned you about the dangers of arthritis! Let your joints be healthy, and the mood is always joyful and bright!
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