These 7 Things Everyone Does! Ophthalmologists are asking to tie...
There are no perfect people, and that is a fact. Everyone has their own bad habits. Even children know about the dangers of alcohol and tobacco, but few people really realize how fatal harmless little things can become. As it turns out, some of the habits you probably encounter on a daily basis can be negative. visualize.
"Site" It will tell you what innocent daily habits provoke vision impairment.
Visual impairment
Why is it that only a small percentage of middle-aged people have good eyesight? Gadgets, paperwork, poor ecology have created an unprecedented load on our main organs of perception. It is necessary to abandon bad habits today, because the influence of additional factors can spoil the already suffering vision.
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"Site" It will tell you what innocent daily habits provoke vision impairment.
Visual impairment
- Computer screen
How sight In the age of technological progress? To date, the computer monitor itself is not dangerous, not that before: powerful beam tubes, flickering and so on. With the development of technology, the negative impact of the monitor on humans has decreased significantly. But it is important to understand that the monitor is not as dangerous as a long look at the light source. From prolonged glow, the eyes tense and atrophy the eye muscles. This habit can serve as the development of myopia in people with seemingly good vision. - Wrong posture
The state of vision directly depends on the posture. So, the curvature of the spine can affect the decrease in visual acuity. If you do not monitor posture, the spine curves, the arteries are clamped, as a result of which the brain receives lack oxygen. Along with all parts of the brain, the occipital lobe, which is responsible for vision, suffers. In addition to ophthalmic problems, lack of oxygen can lead to vegetative dystonia and false myopia. - Bad food.
Poor nutrition is a sure companion on the way to loss of precious vision. To work such a complex mechanism as the eyes, you need a lot of vitamins and minerals. If you eat irrationally, prefer snacks, fast food, then you should not be surprised if your vision deteriorates sharply. Eat food rich in vitamins A, C, E, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. A balanced diet will help the body get all the necessary substances for normal eye function and excellent health. And don't forget that your eyes need to. hydration! To do this, drink at least 2 liters of water per day. - Rubbing your eyes
Rubbing your eyes with your hands is a nightmare habit! Not only do you damage the complex system of blood vessels of the eyelids, but you also bring a myriad of bacteria to the mucous membrane of the eye. This habit increases the likelihood of vision loss at times. - Constant lack of sleep
Full sleep is the key to good health and excellent vision. Lack of sleep entails many problems: depression, chronic fatigue, decreased performance and poor health in general. Due to insufficient rest, the eyes turn red, itching and dryness appear, which can result in serious problems in the future. - Rejection of sunglasses
Aggressive exposure to sunlight can cause serious skin burns and more. Ultraviolet no less negatively affects the condition of the eyes. Excessive radiation can lead to cell degradation Retinas that lose their ability to regenerate with age. However, to abuse wearing sunglasses is also not worth it. The bright sun? Put your glasses on. Any glass or plastic equally protects the eyes from the harmful effects of sunlight. But as soon as dark glasses begin to interfere, ophthalmologists recommend removing them and hiding them in a case. - Eye drops
The systematic use of eye drops provokes adaptation to the drug. So buying advertised drops in a pharmacy is not the best solution if you have ophthalmological problems. Most drugs only for a short period of time relieve dryness and redness, but do not eliminate the cause of the problem. Behind the advertised effect often hides a serious threat to health. The best solution is to contact an ophthalmologist!
Why is it that only a small percentage of middle-aged people have good eyesight? Gadgets, paperwork, poor ecology have created an unprecedented load on our main organs of perception. It is necessary to abandon bad habits today, because the influence of additional factors can spoil the already suffering vision.
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