I regularly go to gynecological massage. Get rid of inflammatory processes, infections and painful menstruation!

With muscle pain and spasms, a common procedure is considered a massage of the neck, back, legs and hands. But few women have experienced such a procedure as gynecological massage. And this is strange, because the genitals also have muscle tissue.

First of all, you need to figure out who of the fair sex shows gynecological massage? It is definitely worth going through the procedure for women who lead a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle. This is one of the significant reasons for the appearance of inflammatory processes, periodStagnant phenomena in the pelvic organs and muscle weakness.

Gynecological massage - an excellent solution for restoring the muscle tone of the genital organs. After a course of therapeutic procedures improves blood circulation, outflow of lymph, the work of the ovaries and intestines. Many women notice the disappearance of systematic pain during menstruation.

Also therapeutic massage is indicated for women who have faced such types of surgical interventions as laparotomy, ovarian surgery, fallopian tubes, abortion. Gynecological massage will help eliminate adhesions and recover faster after surgery.

Contraindications to gynecological massage
  1. Pregnancy
  2. Breastfeeding
  3. Cervical erosion

  4. Menstruation
  5. Venereal diseases
  6. Colitis, enterocolitis
  7. Acute inflammation of the genital organs

  8. neoplasms in the uterus and appendages
  9. Congenital incorrect position of the uterus
  10. 3-4 degree of purity of gynecological smear
  11. Pelvic vein thrombophlebitis

How to do a gynecological massage? At the first examination, the doctor teaches the woman to breathe properly and relax the muscles of the genital organs.

The specialist carries out massage with two hands: with the fingers of one hand palpates the vaginal area, and the other – the abdominal press. The whole procedure takes no more than 5 minutes, gradually the session time increases.

It should be understood that throughout the treatment course you need to be extremely careful and protect yourself during sexual intercourse. It is also advisable to avoid intimate relationships on the days of therapeutic massage.

We wish all our readers happiness and good health! Don’t forget to take care of your body every day.