I guess you won't buy a baby spinner again. That's what it was used for in psychiatric hospitals.
Sometimes there is a toy that all children want, and sometimes even adults. The real boom in 2017 produced a spinner. At first glance, it looks more like a detail than a toy. But the children he just fascinated: they are willing to spend a whole day to do it. spinnerAnd then show off your friends or post a video on your social media page.
But there is an opinion that this toy was invented in order to influence the development and psyche of the child. One of the doctors shared his memories that in the distant USSR such an object was used in psychiatric hospitals. Editorial "Site" I wanted to know more about it.
During the Second World War, it was necessary to evacuate patients from one of the psychiatric hospitals. But just imagine how you can organize a crowd of inadequate people, and even in such extreme conditions. There is a lot of noise, explosions, screams... Patients do that they cling to furniture, hide or pretend to be warriors. It's just an unruly crowd.
And one doctor got a brilliant idea when he saw a box of bearings in one of the military vehicles. He handed them out to the patients and showed them how to put bearings on their fingers to make them spin.
Naturally, all the patients in the psychiatric hospital were absorbed in the new fun. They stared at the spinning thing and automatically did whatever they were told. The patients became so fixated on these spinning bearings that they allowed themselves to be freely taken out and put in cars. Later this trick was used quite often.
In one of the scientific works on psychiatry there is a very accurate explanation: “Idiots need in some cases to close, loop the consciousness so that their head does not give rise to other thoughts that lead to unexpected actions.” The same thing happens with a healthy person. And it is very easy to influence a child, let alone make him think less.
Editorial Board
Of course, it is difficult to prove that the spinner is mind-controller our children. Therefore, to believe that this is a continuation of Soviet experiments, or just to consider this toy harmless thing like a yo-yo is a personal matter. But the fact that there are cases of serious injuries when playing with spinners, we will not deny. Therefore, it is better to protect the baby from possible negative consequences.
Answer us in the comments, do you believe that the spinner is not designed for harmless entertainment? Don’t forget to share information with your friends on social media.
But there is an opinion that this toy was invented in order to influence the development and psyche of the child. One of the doctors shared his memories that in the distant USSR such an object was used in psychiatric hospitals. Editorial "Site" I wanted to know more about it.
During the Second World War, it was necessary to evacuate patients from one of the psychiatric hospitals. But just imagine how you can organize a crowd of inadequate people, and even in such extreme conditions. There is a lot of noise, explosions, screams... Patients do that they cling to furniture, hide or pretend to be warriors. It's just an unruly crowd.
And one doctor got a brilliant idea when he saw a box of bearings in one of the military vehicles. He handed them out to the patients and showed them how to put bearings on their fingers to make them spin.
Naturally, all the patients in the psychiatric hospital were absorbed in the new fun. They stared at the spinning thing and automatically did whatever they were told. The patients became so fixated on these spinning bearings that they allowed themselves to be freely taken out and put in cars. Later this trick was used quite often.
In one of the scientific works on psychiatry there is a very accurate explanation: “Idiots need in some cases to close, loop the consciousness so that their head does not give rise to other thoughts that lead to unexpected actions.” The same thing happens with a healthy person. And it is very easy to influence a child, let alone make him think less.
Editorial Board
Of course, it is difficult to prove that the spinner is mind-controller our children. Therefore, to believe that this is a continuation of Soviet experiments, or just to consider this toy harmless thing like a yo-yo is a personal matter. But the fact that there are cases of serious injuries when playing with spinners, we will not deny. Therefore, it is better to protect the baby from possible negative consequences.
Answer us in the comments, do you believe that the spinner is not designed for harmless entertainment? Don’t forget to share information with your friends on social media.
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