It seems that these statements are completely soulless! It's weird, but they work.
Irina Hakamada — business coach, politician and presidential candidate of Russia in 2004, writer, TV presenter. Hakamada is one of the 100 most famous women in the world according to Time magazine, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Author of books "Sex in Big Politics," "Success in the City," "The Tao of Life".
East and West. Grace and strength. Mind and emotion. It's all about Irina Hakamada. She thinks outside the box and expresses her thoughts clearly to the point of aphorism. We have collected and formulated for you the main principles of her life - the Tao of Irina Khakamada. They helped us, they'll help you too!
The Life of Irina Khakamada Rules of Success
Many thoughts of Irina Khakamada are very consonant with mine. Most of all, I liked the method of getting rid of fears proposed by Irina: So, the fear must be experienced visually, since it does not tolerate details. For example, you are afraid of losing your job. A detailed picture of what you will do in the next 5 minutes after losing your job. If you can visualize your behavior in detail, you can overcome your fear.
Photo from Instagram by Irina Khakamada
For the Orator Club where I teach :
Posting by Irina Khakamada (@irina_hakamada) Feb 15 2017 at 9:30 PST
In the cockpit of a helicopter en route from Anapa to Abrau-Durso
Flying by helicopter from Anapa to Abrau Durso
Posting from Irina Khakamada (@irina_hakamada) Sen 10 2016 at 3:01 PDT
What advice did you like the most? Share them in the comments. You can also learn about the simple rules of life of German women.
East and West. Grace and strength. Mind and emotion. It's all about Irina Hakamada. She thinks outside the box and expresses her thoughts clearly to the point of aphorism. We have collected and formulated for you the main principles of her life - the Tao of Irina Khakamada. They helped us, they'll help you too!
The Life of Irina Khakamada Rules of Success
- Act.
“Karma” in Sanskrit means “action.” Never put anything off for later. Act, make your life beautiful, happy. Live in pleasure and make the world around you better. Life loves those who are always in action and who rely on themselves.”
DepositPhotos - Follow the dream
“To take off, you must have a reckless dream. A grandiose dream is such a thing that you can not forget for a day just because you have no time. It clings to you, swirls, comes in your sleep, hits your head in the morning, over a cup of coffee or in the bathroom. And even standing in a circle of friends with a glass of wine, you suddenly realize that you are only thinking about it.”
DepositPhotos - Do what you like.
“The formula for success is to do what you like. And professionally, so that you are also paid money that allows you to freely do what you love. Be one of those people who doesn’t kill energy. Even if you are well paid, but the team is not yours, you should not stay.”
DepositPhotos - Start the day with pleasure.
“My dad always said that morning is a good time to do things. If you do not like to do exercises in the morning, then no benefit of exercising through force will not bring. I start the day with a cup of freshly brewed coffee and watching the news on the RBC channel. And Pilates, which helps me to maintain a perfect posture, I go in the evening.
DepositPhotos - Cheer up.
“In a moment when the dream is unbearably boring and disappears, imagine for a moment that this is how you will live until you die. Imagine that you will become desperate, and then change for the better will begin.”
DepositPhotos - Love yourself more than others.
“To be happy and successful, one must love oneself. Love yourself more than your parents, husband or children. Love yourself so much that you don’t agree to any compromises that can hurt your happiness, your peace of mind, your energy. As soon as you love yourself so much and begin to listen to yourself as a superorganism, you will begin to produce the right energy, which is enough for family, loved ones, and children. You will gather all the good things around you – the best ideas, the best people – everything will revolve around you.
DepositPhotos - Formula for success
“Self-realization. I'll make my dreams come true. I am earning enough money to ensure self-fulfillment. I don’t want more money than I need for self-fulfillment. If there is too much money, then part of my time is spent managing it. Extra money takes away energy. As a result of self-realization, I receive recognition from a limited number of people whose opinions are reference to me.”
Many thoughts of Irina Khakamada are very consonant with mine. Most of all, I liked the method of getting rid of fears proposed by Irina: So, the fear must be experienced visually, since it does not tolerate details. For example, you are afraid of losing your job. A detailed picture of what you will do in the next 5 minutes after losing your job. If you can visualize your behavior in detail, you can overcome your fear.
Photo from Instagram by Irina Khakamada
For the Orator Club where I teach :
Posting by Irina Khakamada (@irina_hakamada) Feb 15 2017 at 9:30 PST
In the cockpit of a helicopter en route from Anapa to Abrau-Durso
Flying by helicopter from Anapa to Abrau Durso
Posting from Irina Khakamada (@irina_hakamada) Sen 10 2016 at 3:01 PDT
What advice did you like the most? Share them in the comments. You can also learn about the simple rules of life of German women.
That's why our old people are so angry! Everything is due to neglect, indifference and inattention.
In the near future, all men will give an injection into their vas deferens. That's why!