Do you feel any signs of damage? Here's how to get rid of the magic dope at home.
When bad Do not leave the house, and the well-being of relatives every day deteriorates, involuntarily begins to think: did not someone bring damage? Indeed, among the main sign You can observe health problems, dissatisfaction with yourself, unwillingness to attend church, constant irritation, nervousness and fear.
Often, detractors bring damage not only to a particular person, but also to his house. In this case, there are several signs of negative magical influence: constant quarrels and scandals in the family, pets behave restlessly, strange drawings and spots appear on the walls of the dwelling, holy water (if it is in the house) quickly loses its healing properties, inexplicable extraneous noises appear.
To protect yourself and your home from damage, there are three reliable ways that our editorial board advises to use.
Let the negativity bypass you and your family! Be sure to share the article with friends, and also take this simple test for the presence of spoilage.

Often, detractors bring damage not only to a particular person, but also to his house. In this case, there are several signs of negative magical influence: constant quarrels and scandals in the family, pets behave restlessly, strange drawings and spots appear on the walls of the dwelling, holy water (if it is in the house) quickly loses its healing properties, inexplicable extraneous noises appear.

To protect yourself and your home from damage, there are three reliable ways that our editorial board advises to use.

- Method No. 1
This method will help to get rid of the damage that was brought on you personally. To perform the ritual, you will need your photo (as for documents), a sheet of paper, scissors, glue and a wax candle. On a small blank sheet of paper you need to paste a photo. Wear it for three days in the heart so that the face in the photo was turned outward.
After this time, you need to cut the paper around the photo and burn it with a burning candle. The ashes must be flushed into the toilet, and the photo put in an envelope and safely hidden. After the ritual, the candle should burn to the end. - Method 2
This ritual will help to rid your loved one of damage. To carry out the ceremony, you will need a handful of salt and a clean linen bag.
It is necessary to take a little salt, bring it to your lips and say the following lines: “I dissuade the servant of God (name) from the sorcerer and sorcererer, from black and black, from white and blond, from the girl-cooler, from the woman-cooler.” And just as no one can bite his elbow, so could not twist and spoil the servant of God (name) and could not infect his wind-bearing ulcer.
Be, my words, strong, sculpt, and be, my words, single-handedly not in the contract and negotiation of those words of mine, lips on teeth - lock, my tongue - key. And I'll throw the key into the sea, I'll keep the lock in my mouth. I threw the key into the blue sea, and the beluga pike came, picked up the key, went into the depths of the sea and carried the key away. Amen.
Conspiracy salt should be stored in the house where a person lives, on whom damage was brought. It will remove all negative impact and will protect it in the future. - Method No. 3
To carry out this ritual, you will need a pot with a growing cactus, a raw egg and a marker. On the egg with the help of a flomaster, you should write your name and put the egg in a pot with a plant. In the room where you sleep, leave a cactus with an egg for 9 days. During this time, the egg will absorb the whole negative.
After this time, the egg must be split and poured into the sewer. You have to say, “I throw an egg, I wash it off.” At the end of the ritual, water and thank the cactus.
Let the negativity bypass you and your family! Be sure to share the article with friends, and also take this simple test for the presence of spoilage.
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