To get rid of damage and negativity, you need to take one thing and go to the toilet with it.

You can treat magic as you like, but one fact is difficult to argue with. The power of thought can do great things – sometimes beautiful, sometimes terrible and harmful. If one person with all his heart wished evil to another, it may well bring its black fruits. In the people, such an act is called damage.

Why is it that someone else’s negativity easily sticks to one person, and everything bad from another is like water from a goose? And how to recognize the signs of the evil eye in time to return bad energy to your abuser? Let's get this straight.

Signs of the evil eye are negative energy that can penetrate the house and take away happiness, success and health. It is very important to realize that the evil eye will not stick itself, and no one else can attach it to a person. But if the person keeps the negative, bathes in suffering, then the malware will unfold to its fullest.

No matter what plots the evildoers build, no matter what dark rituals they conduct, they will achieve nothing if you learn to let go of negativity. And then all evil intent, according to the laws of the universe, will turn against your enemy.

Before we answer the question “How to return evil to detractors?”, let’s understand by what signs you can recognize the presence of harmful energy in the house.

How to recognize the presence of damage
  1. For no apparent reason, you or your loved ones start to get sick. Allergies, nausea, migraines, colds, and with it - frequent quarrels on the spot. Damage encourages loved ones to aggression, and this steals love, harmony and health in the family. Often a sign of the evil eye can be nightmares. A person does not sleep well, which is why his body and psyche do not have time to rest normally.

  2. Unhappiness and bad news permeate personal life, career and finances. Money seems to go into the pipe, everything falls out of hand, deals are broken, and with this, the right things are lost or out of order.
  3. You often experience a wide range of unpleasant sensations for no apparent reason: anxiety, sadness, jealousy, fear, depression. Joyfulness and self-esteem flow like sand through your fingers. You may also be disturbed by the unpleasant smells of rot, sewers and garbage in the house. They do not disappear even after cleaning, cleaning or airing. A sign of the evil eye can be strange noises: knocking, creaking, someone's whispering.

  4. Pets also feel the influence of someone else’s evil. They may begin to avoid certain places in the house, become ill, or behave aggressively, feeling threatened. People can also experience changes in their home environment. Pay attention if out of nowhere comes the feeling of pressure, coldness, fear and darkness.

How to return damage to the offender If you notice signs of the evil eye, it's time to act! Let go of negativity and suffering and the damage will go away. Of course, easier said than done! That is why you can perform a small ritual that will help you get rid of someone else’s curse. Do these simple actions and return the evil to the one who caused it.

To do this, you will need an ordinary sewing needle and a thread of black color about 10-15 cm long. Put the thread in the needle and wind it on top. Here we use a symbolism that everyone understands. The needle symbolizes the pain, suffering and harm that you have caused. The black color of the thread indicates the curses and evil thoughts of the enemy.

In the evening at home, regardless of the phase of the moon, go to your bathroom. If you have a private house, you can do this ritual in the street toilet. Take the needle with a coiled thread in the left hand (it is closer to the heart). Think for a few minutes about all the bad things that happened to you and hurt you. Imagine all this pain moving into the needle.

Then they said, “Come back and meet your master.” Really! Then immediately throw the needle into the toilet and flush the water. After that, be sure to rinse your hands and wash with cold water. If possible, take a shower.

From this point on, the negativity gradually goes away, and your vitality is restored. You will begin to notice that breathing has become easier. Everything that has been lost will begin to return.

In order not to become a hostage of the evil eye, remind yourself from time to time: your feelings, thoughts and emotions are controlled only by you. Whether or not to be led by evil words and insults is always a choice. It is this that fills our soul with inner strength and creates invisible armor from any damage.


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