Bring this thing into the house and place it near the toilet to drive away damage and evil.
In ancient times, branches of coniferous trees could be found in every house where healers lived. Wise ancestors knew about the mystical protective properties of fragrant pines and spruces. Hang a branch in your house and you will never experience damage or the evil eye, they bequeathed. This wisdom will serve us well today.
Branches of coniferous trees The weather in the house is a product of our mood. The atmosphere is created by ourselves, our household members and those whom we invite into our home. It’s good when we are consciously at peace with our thoughts and emotions, and the people who enter the house wish us only the best. But it happens that a person brings with him a black cloud after a hard day at work. Or the guest crosses the threshold with bad wishes.
Moreover: sometimes people come to us with frankly evil intentions. They can throw something in, make a lining. They will imperceptibly stick a needle into the door frame, pour unkind soil into a flower pot. You may not believe in black magic, but human evil in itself is destructive.
The impact of the black eye is most felt by children and women, as the most emotional beings. What does energy field distortion look like? In an instant, family members begin to get sick, swear heavily, suffer from insomnia and failure. Strange things happen in the house: household appliances break, things disappear. Unpleasant odors appear without a source and a feeling of the presence of something evil.
Protection from the Evil Eye There are many signs of corruption, but how to protect yourself from their consequences? And even better - how to prevent evil intent and neutralize it on approach? To do this, our ancestors used a simple powerful remedy and a special spell.
This method will not only protect your home from the evil eye. It neutralizes the evil energy of the pads if they are already on your territory. Feel free to try it! We guarantee that you will immediately feel relief and peace.
The branches of coniferous trees will come to our aid. Since ancient times, spruce and pine trees have been revered for their strong, good energy. They embody calm and light conquering darkness. These trees protect against evil and dark influences. And the pine aroma frees the soul from feelings of guilt and anxiety. Along with aspen - the mythical champion of vampires - conifers are among the top most reliable family protectors.
Branches of coniferous trees: guarding the hearth Pick a small branch of any coniferous tree - spruce, fir, pine, juniper or larch. 5–10 cm will be enough. Bring it home and put it in the toilet, always near the toilet. You can hang a branch nearby - both beautifully and effectively.
Afterwards, pronounce the following conspiracy, giving meaning to each word: “Evil has come and found its destruction. The water will wash it away and hide it from my eyes. Truly! Now every time you flush, you can be calm. From your offense, other people’s evil, envy and other negativity flows away.
Do not remove the branch until it dries out and sheds its needles. This will take a month or even two. When its lifespan expires, replace the amulet with another. The dry branch can be thrown away or burned.
Taking a new branch, say the same spell. It is very important to pronounce each word thoughtfully and imbue it with strength. Soon you will notice how the atmosphere in the house has softened. Your loved ones will calm down and relax. There will be no swearing, evil, bad feelings or feelings.
What other trees protect the house from damage? Esotericists say: there is no need to take revenge on your enemies, otherwise the Universe will answer you with evil for evil. She knows what kind of punishment your offender will not be able to endure. So let her do justice.
You can also ask nature to protect your home and well-being. For example, plant a rowan bush near your house or cut several branches with clusters and put them in a vase. This tree protects against other people's witchcraft powers and strengthens your own. For example, the gift of foresight.
The aspen we mentioned above works like an energy vacuum cleaner. It absorbs evil energy, cleanses from the effects of damage and the evil eye. Our ancestors believed that aspen could ward off death. It can relieve neurosis and anxiety. Opens an internal source of self-healing in a person.
Previously, we wrote about the ancient shamanic ritual of cleansing from negativity using a forest tree. It may also be useful!

Branches of coniferous trees The weather in the house is a product of our mood. The atmosphere is created by ourselves, our household members and those whom we invite into our home. It’s good when we are consciously at peace with our thoughts and emotions, and the people who enter the house wish us only the best. But it happens that a person brings with him a black cloud after a hard day at work. Or the guest crosses the threshold with bad wishes.
Moreover: sometimes people come to us with frankly evil intentions. They can throw something in, make a lining. They will imperceptibly stick a needle into the door frame, pour unkind soil into a flower pot. You may not believe in black magic, but human evil in itself is destructive.

The impact of the black eye is most felt by children and women, as the most emotional beings. What does energy field distortion look like? In an instant, family members begin to get sick, swear heavily, suffer from insomnia and failure. Strange things happen in the house: household appliances break, things disappear. Unpleasant odors appear without a source and a feeling of the presence of something evil.
Protection from the Evil Eye There are many signs of corruption, but how to protect yourself from their consequences? And even better - how to prevent evil intent and neutralize it on approach? To do this, our ancestors used a simple powerful remedy and a special spell.

This method will not only protect your home from the evil eye. It neutralizes the evil energy of the pads if they are already on your territory. Feel free to try it! We guarantee that you will immediately feel relief and peace.
The branches of coniferous trees will come to our aid. Since ancient times, spruce and pine trees have been revered for their strong, good energy. They embody calm and light conquering darkness. These trees protect against evil and dark influences. And the pine aroma frees the soul from feelings of guilt and anxiety. Along with aspen - the mythical champion of vampires - conifers are among the top most reliable family protectors.

Branches of coniferous trees: guarding the hearth Pick a small branch of any coniferous tree - spruce, fir, pine, juniper or larch. 5–10 cm will be enough. Bring it home and put it in the toilet, always near the toilet. You can hang a branch nearby - both beautifully and effectively.
Afterwards, pronounce the following conspiracy, giving meaning to each word: “Evil has come and found its destruction. The water will wash it away and hide it from my eyes. Truly! Now every time you flush, you can be calm. From your offense, other people’s evil, envy and other negativity flows away.

Do not remove the branch until it dries out and sheds its needles. This will take a month or even two. When its lifespan expires, replace the amulet with another. The dry branch can be thrown away or burned.
Taking a new branch, say the same spell. It is very important to pronounce each word thoughtfully and imbue it with strength. Soon you will notice how the atmosphere in the house has softened. Your loved ones will calm down and relax. There will be no swearing, evil, bad feelings or feelings.
What other trees protect the house from damage? Esotericists say: there is no need to take revenge on your enemies, otherwise the Universe will answer you with evil for evil. She knows what kind of punishment your offender will not be able to endure. So let her do justice.
You can also ask nature to protect your home and well-being. For example, plant a rowan bush near your house or cut several branches with clusters and put them in a vase. This tree protects against other people's witchcraft powers and strengthens your own. For example, the gift of foresight.

The aspen we mentioned above works like an energy vacuum cleaner. It absorbs evil energy, cleanses from the effects of damage and the evil eye. Our ancestors believed that aspen could ward off death. It can relieve neurosis and anxiety. Opens an internal source of self-healing in a person.
Previously, we wrote about the ancient shamanic ritual of cleansing from negativity using a forest tree. It may also be useful!
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