How to cope with constant failure
The evil eye, the spoil... For many decades, scientists have debated whether these phenomena exist, and each time the scales are tipped one way or the other. But the easiest way to be a skeptic is to feel a sudden manifestation of negativity in various areas of life. After all, it often happens that last week the career promised prosperity, the other half was happy and the children were healthy, and today everything falls out of hand, at home quarrels, at work a blockage ...
Anyone can jinx: because of envy, jealousy, hatred and other negative feelings. And the evil eye may not be from evil - unintentional. For example, when one person raises his voice to another, scolds or does not envy, but wants something like yours. The strongest evil eye occurs when you yell at a person, especially a child, in the back. Editorial "Site" He will tell you about the 10 most frequent sinus.
Symptoms of the evil eye
There are many ways to deal with the evil eye. You can go to church to light candles and pray to holy icons. There are also people with gifts. spoil out and the evil eye. You can strengthen your energy field with affirmations and meditations. It is also worth limiting communication with a person who can jinx you. Well, do not provoke people to the negative in your direction: behave friendly, do not tell everyone about achievements, family and health.
We also told you how to determine the presence of damage.
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Anyone can jinx: because of envy, jealousy, hatred and other negative feelings. And the evil eye may not be from evil - unintentional. For example, when one person raises his voice to another, scolds or does not envy, but wants something like yours. The strongest evil eye occurs when you yell at a person, especially a child, in the back. Editorial "Site" He will tell you about the 10 most frequent sinus.
Symptoms of the evil eye
- The evil eye leads to end-to-end damage in the biofield, benign and malignant tumors are often found in these places.
DepositPhotos - Baldness or, conversely, rapid hair growth throughout the body.
DepositPhotos - Auditory hallucinations – the voices of deceased relatives are heard.
DepositPhotos - Malaise, weakness, sharp jumps in temperature, a feeling of heaviness throughout the body, which hardly obeys you. Decline.
DepositPhotos - Nervous, irritable. If you are jinxed, you will feel that everyone around you is trying to spoil your already bad mood.
DepositPhotos - The sudden death of a healthy young pet.
DepositPhotos - Enmity and hatred of others, broken families, infertility, sexual impotence.
DepositPhotos - A person with the evil eye begins to fear the light, the sun. He only feels good in the dark, especially at midnight.
DepositPhotos - Excessive pride.
DepositPhotos - In children, the evil eye manifests itself in anxiety, in whims, in constant crying, in poor sleep, in fever, in weight loss. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. If he did not find any disease in the child, then it makes sense to check whether he is smoothed out.
There are many ways to deal with the evil eye. You can go to church to light candles and pray to holy icons. There are also people with gifts. spoil out and the evil eye. You can strengthen your energy field with affirmations and meditations. It is also worth limiting communication with a person who can jinx you. Well, do not provoke people to the negative in your direction: behave friendly, do not tell everyone about achievements, family and health.
We also told you how to determine the presence of damage.
Photo by depositphotos preview.