5 most famous
It is believed that the real man is not free in anything but work, so it or not - a moot point. But the fact that people are in the majority - makers argue hard. Of course, a planet like ours, where people will live, have free will, we create are not yet able, but the human imagination, however, creates an amazing new worlds through books and movies. Some fictional universe are so successful and fun that acquire thousands of fans. About five of these imaginary worlds, we suggest you read.
10 photos + text here
1. Star Wars
Creator - George Lucas
"Star Warriors" - is not only six feature films. Invented Lucas world today developed almost by itself - about him written hundreds of books that describe the most distant corners of the universe, and told all the characters we've seen in the movies, and the multitude of others that in the movies is not a word . Based on the classic "Star Wars" created by comic books, video games, cartoons.
Plot-link is the Jedi Order - knight standing on upholding the highest ideals of peace and order, and with the power. Those who succumb to its top and the dark turned to the dark side of the Force, received the name of the Sith. They - the main protagonists of the universe, and between the two orders there is a constant confrontation.
Few people know that before the events shown in the film "The Phantom Menace", the Galactic Republic nearly 1,000 years enjoyed peace and order - it was a kind of golden age. However, the 1,000 years is almost never described, and to observe the development of the universe we can just to the events that occurred a few years before "The Phantom Menace».
After the fall of the Jedi Order was only one knight - Luke Skywalker, this ends the sixth movie. However, the universe continues to evolve - as a result of the Republic of rising from the wreckage, Jedi Order reappears in the political arena, and then starts again the war, because nearly half of students Luke went to the dark side ... In fact, the "Star Wars" - a story is endless, so go out more and more new books "based on».
The universe does not develop chaotically: the development of the story follows a special council headed by Lucas, and now it probably will be engaged in Walt Disney Studios. And yes, a small spoiler, if you do not know - in one of the books, it was decided to kill Chewbacca.
2. Forgotten Realms
Creator - Ed Greenwood
"Forgotten Realms" - these fantasy world designed for tabletop role-playing game «Dungeons & Dragons». The most famous of the universe brought the world the novels written by RA Salvatore and video «Icewind Dale», «Baldur's Gate» and «Neverwinter Nights». Most of the action takes place on faerûn - part of the biggest continent of the planet Abeir-Toril.
World worked virtually every detail. Of course, you can find fault with many things like a strange distribution of climatic zones in the world, but this is understandable - to work on a project simultaneously by multiple authors, each of whom took a small piece of the world, and then they "glued" together. But is not the point.
The planet is inhabited by a variety of classic races - there are several types and fractions of elves, dwarves, orcs, and, of course, a huge number of human settlements. There are also general anything not related to race like illithids - anthropomorphic octopuses, exciting the minds of other sentient beings and turn them so that in their slaves.
In addition faerûn on the planet there are a few parts of the world - Zakhara (analogue of the Middle East), Kara-Tur (analogue India and Indochina), Matstika (analogue of the territory of American Indians such as the Maya or Inca) and Evermeet (the legendary land of the elves). Since Abeir-Toril - a large planet, and technology development in the genre of classical fantasy not too honored many continents on the planet is not yet open, so that the imagination is where carousing. "Forgotten Realms" excite the minds of fans since the early 1990s, and the years of the world conducted a permanent job. Interesting fact - is registered in detail the developers while only faerûn.
Interestingly, the "Forgotten Realms" kingdoms as such is practically no: the main administrative unit - the city-state, among the most famous - Neverwinter, Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate.
It is of great importance in the world playing gods. They invented not only for worship and enslavement of the masses, it is the very real fact, giving your followers the power, ability, and opportunity, loving actively intervene in the affairs of mortals. The gods are divided into "factions": trade, love, darkness, and so on - everything you can imagine. In addition, the gods have a kind of ladder - of the demigods can grow to the Elder God, who will worship the millions of fans from all over the world.
3. Arda (Arda)
Creator - J. R. R. Tolkien
Tolkien created an original world, served as a source of inspiration for almost all fantasy universes. It was he who came up with the name for the majority of fantasy races - orcs, elves, hobbits - other "creator of worlds" just remade them in his own way.
But the master is the master - he invented the world will live: with its history, characteristics, key characters and a kind of geography. By the way, often invented by Tolkien's world of Middle-earth is called, but this is not true: in fact, its name - Arda. It appeared after God created the amazing creatures Era - Aynur, who literally sang the world.
It is worth to say that Tolkien has repeatedly said that the action of his novels is not on any other planet, and not in a parallel world, and our world. According to the master, Middle Earth existed on our planet in the distant past. Well - is eligible. Furthermore, if we compare the map of the Middle-earth with a map of Europe, you can really see the similarity.
The most numerous race in Middle-earth are, of course, people: they inhabit a large part of the region. From elves they are different, in fact, that there are tens, not thousands of years, and, accordingly, their state change, and the elves for generations remain virtually unchanged. Moreover, the soul after death elves forever remain in Arda in a special place called the Garden of Mandos, and the human soul leaves the world.
The magic of Tolkien's world is different from the later invented combat magic - it is rather a creative act, and not a series of actions and clearly regulated rules. Can do magic creature endowed with the will - the will of the stronger, the more spectacular acts of magic capable hero. However, the magic is not a decisive argument - will need, for example, even then, to resist the power of the One Ring. In addition, over time the magic out of Arda, and it is getting smaller. In a free continuation of the "Lord of the Rings" written by Nick Perumov, magic is already almost gone.
Anyway, the world is famous for recognizable heroes alive, detailed design and unusual stories. Not surprisingly, he had so many admirers.
4. Star Trek
Creator - Gene Roddenberry
"Star Trek" - a sci-fi series, released in 1966 in the United States. It is important to remember that if mankind had not even make a flight to the moon, and only dream of space travel. So that moment was well chosen: "Star Trek" - is the saga of the first human explorers who went to explore deep space, to get acquainted with the other sentient races inhabiting the galaxy, and learn from them.
It all started with the fact that at the beginning of XXI-st century, NASA attempted to go into space on primitive ships. Then, in 2053, the year the world broke the Third World War, after which humanity comes to life for ten years. But in 2063, the year started the first spacecraft to warp engine (a technology that allows to exceed the speed of light), and since mankind first met other sentient race - Vulcan from the planet Vulcan.
Vulcans were much more advanced in terms of technology, so that diplomatic relations were slowly as to share technology with unpredictable people recently settled on his own planet slaughter Vulcans do not want too.
His own full spaceship - "Enterprise" - the Terrans have managed to build only in 2151, the year. Then it was created United Federation of Planets - an alliance of various intelligent races, united for the joint development and space exploration. It should be noted that the races in the universe - a huge number, and not all of them friendly. So, there is, for example, the Klingons, before the former skilled diplomats and peacekeepers, but under the influence of politicians sink to the warlike barbarians, and, in their opinion, are now practicing the philosophy of a true warrior.
The history of "Star Trek" spelled out in detail up to the XXIV-th century, and every milestone in this history is marked by global shocks - such as bloody warriors with other races like the Xindi, whose philosophy is very far from human. And, surprisingly, humanity with dignity (namely with dignity!) Out of any alterations.
It should be noted that the action is in this saga assigned a secondary role - basically it tells the story of human values. Moral problems affected almost every series, for example, the viewer is invited to consider the consequences of species extinction and the like. In other words, the universe of "Star Trek" in the entertaining form teaches a lesson, it is important in any situation people be people.
5. Song of Ice and Fire
Creator - George Martin
The prototype for this universe has served as a real human history: the world of "PLIP" comparable to our European Middle Ages - there is feudal fragmentation, the lack of gunpowder, more oppressed position of ordinary people and, of course, palace intrigues.
It should be noted that a detailed map of the world does not exist as an official name for it. Vasteras, for example - it is only a single continent about the size of South America, it is happening in Vasteras vast majority of events described era. There is another continent where the peoples live, comparable to our peoples of the East and of the western lands known virtually nothing.
Martin, however, bother to come up with a full chronicle of his world. Originally inhabited by mysterious Vasteras Children Woods subsequently disappeared. Then there came the first people supplanted Kids Forest, which is gradually forgotten: their memory is preserved only in legends and fairy tales. Then they were replaced by Andalién River conquerors, conquered the land and which brought with them a religion Semibozhya. A little later, the mainland east roynary seized, assimilated with Andalién River and have become almost as one people.
In the east, meanwhile, gained momentum Valiriyskaya Empire, where in Vasteras riding on dragons flew Targaryen. Due to the dragons, they seized power, but 300 years later degenerated dragons, and Targaryen mad - largely, perhaps, because of closely related marriages. Then they overthrew Robert Baratheon, who later became king. A further history knows those who watched TV series "Game of Thrones", loosely based on the novels of Martin or read the novels themselves.
Religion and magic, which is typical for fantasy play in the world Martin's role. Vasteras officially professes Semibozhie - Septon (so-called local priests) in terms of magic can not be anything at all, and the policy does not have much impact. In fact, this is just a formal cult.
But there is another religion, common just in the East - the cult of the fiery deity R'glora whose priests is subject to the magic of fire: they are the ones doing the main wonders. Some of his followers the god of fire makes it possible to repeatedly rise from the dead, or see flames events past and future. Fire resist Others - a mysterious creature that emerged from behind the wall at the edge of the Seven Kingdoms - they embody the ice. As action novels magical powers, which the inhabitants of the world have forgotten to think, slowly awakening, and what this is all over - it is unknown. It remains to wait for the sixth and seventh volumes.
10 photos + text here
1. Star Wars

Creator - George Lucas
"Star Warriors" - is not only six feature films. Invented Lucas world today developed almost by itself - about him written hundreds of books that describe the most distant corners of the universe, and told all the characters we've seen in the movies, and the multitude of others that in the movies is not a word . Based on the classic "Star Wars" created by comic books, video games, cartoons.
Plot-link is the Jedi Order - knight standing on upholding the highest ideals of peace and order, and with the power. Those who succumb to its top and the dark turned to the dark side of the Force, received the name of the Sith. They - the main protagonists of the universe, and between the two orders there is a constant confrontation.
Few people know that before the events shown in the film "The Phantom Menace", the Galactic Republic nearly 1,000 years enjoyed peace and order - it was a kind of golden age. However, the 1,000 years is almost never described, and to observe the development of the universe we can just to the events that occurred a few years before "The Phantom Menace».
After the fall of the Jedi Order was only one knight - Luke Skywalker, this ends the sixth movie. However, the universe continues to evolve - as a result of the Republic of rising from the wreckage, Jedi Order reappears in the political arena, and then starts again the war, because nearly half of students Luke went to the dark side ... In fact, the "Star Wars" - a story is endless, so go out more and more new books "based on».
The universe does not develop chaotically: the development of the story follows a special council headed by Lucas, and now it probably will be engaged in Walt Disney Studios. And yes, a small spoiler, if you do not know - in one of the books, it was decided to kill Chewbacca.

2. Forgotten Realms

Creator - Ed Greenwood
"Forgotten Realms" - these fantasy world designed for tabletop role-playing game «Dungeons & Dragons». The most famous of the universe brought the world the novels written by RA Salvatore and video «Icewind Dale», «Baldur's Gate» and «Neverwinter Nights». Most of the action takes place on faerûn - part of the biggest continent of the planet Abeir-Toril.
World worked virtually every detail. Of course, you can find fault with many things like a strange distribution of climatic zones in the world, but this is understandable - to work on a project simultaneously by multiple authors, each of whom took a small piece of the world, and then they "glued" together. But is not the point.
The planet is inhabited by a variety of classic races - there are several types and fractions of elves, dwarves, orcs, and, of course, a huge number of human settlements. There are also general anything not related to race like illithids - anthropomorphic octopuses, exciting the minds of other sentient beings and turn them so that in their slaves.
In addition faerûn on the planet there are a few parts of the world - Zakhara (analogue of the Middle East), Kara-Tur (analogue India and Indochina), Matstika (analogue of the territory of American Indians such as the Maya or Inca) and Evermeet (the legendary land of the elves). Since Abeir-Toril - a large planet, and technology development in the genre of classical fantasy not too honored many continents on the planet is not yet open, so that the imagination is where carousing. "Forgotten Realms" excite the minds of fans since the early 1990s, and the years of the world conducted a permanent job. Interesting fact - is registered in detail the developers while only faerûn.
Interestingly, the "Forgotten Realms" kingdoms as such is practically no: the main administrative unit - the city-state, among the most famous - Neverwinter, Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate.
It is of great importance in the world playing gods. They invented not only for worship and enslavement of the masses, it is the very real fact, giving your followers the power, ability, and opportunity, loving actively intervene in the affairs of mortals. The gods are divided into "factions": trade, love, darkness, and so on - everything you can imagine. In addition, the gods have a kind of ladder - of the demigods can grow to the Elder God, who will worship the millions of fans from all over the world.

3. Arda (Arda)

Creator - J. R. R. Tolkien
Tolkien created an original world, served as a source of inspiration for almost all fantasy universes. It was he who came up with the name for the majority of fantasy races - orcs, elves, hobbits - other "creator of worlds" just remade them in his own way.
But the master is the master - he invented the world will live: with its history, characteristics, key characters and a kind of geography. By the way, often invented by Tolkien's world of Middle-earth is called, but this is not true: in fact, its name - Arda. It appeared after God created the amazing creatures Era - Aynur, who literally sang the world.
It is worth to say that Tolkien has repeatedly said that the action of his novels is not on any other planet, and not in a parallel world, and our world. According to the master, Middle Earth existed on our planet in the distant past. Well - is eligible. Furthermore, if we compare the map of the Middle-earth with a map of Europe, you can really see the similarity.
The most numerous race in Middle-earth are, of course, people: they inhabit a large part of the region. From elves they are different, in fact, that there are tens, not thousands of years, and, accordingly, their state change, and the elves for generations remain virtually unchanged. Moreover, the soul after death elves forever remain in Arda in a special place called the Garden of Mandos, and the human soul leaves the world.
The magic of Tolkien's world is different from the later invented combat magic - it is rather a creative act, and not a series of actions and clearly regulated rules. Can do magic creature endowed with the will - the will of the stronger, the more spectacular acts of magic capable hero. However, the magic is not a decisive argument - will need, for example, even then, to resist the power of the One Ring. In addition, over time the magic out of Arda, and it is getting smaller. In a free continuation of the "Lord of the Rings" written by Nick Perumov, magic is already almost gone.
Anyway, the world is famous for recognizable heroes alive, detailed design and unusual stories. Not surprisingly, he had so many admirers.

4. Star Trek

Creator - Gene Roddenberry
"Star Trek" - a sci-fi series, released in 1966 in the United States. It is important to remember that if mankind had not even make a flight to the moon, and only dream of space travel. So that moment was well chosen: "Star Trek" - is the saga of the first human explorers who went to explore deep space, to get acquainted with the other sentient races inhabiting the galaxy, and learn from them.
It all started with the fact that at the beginning of XXI-st century, NASA attempted to go into space on primitive ships. Then, in 2053, the year the world broke the Third World War, after which humanity comes to life for ten years. But in 2063, the year started the first spacecraft to warp engine (a technology that allows to exceed the speed of light), and since mankind first met other sentient race - Vulcan from the planet Vulcan.
Vulcans were much more advanced in terms of technology, so that diplomatic relations were slowly as to share technology with unpredictable people recently settled on his own planet slaughter Vulcans do not want too.
His own full spaceship - "Enterprise" - the Terrans have managed to build only in 2151, the year. Then it was created United Federation of Planets - an alliance of various intelligent races, united for the joint development and space exploration. It should be noted that the races in the universe - a huge number, and not all of them friendly. So, there is, for example, the Klingons, before the former skilled diplomats and peacekeepers, but under the influence of politicians sink to the warlike barbarians, and, in their opinion, are now practicing the philosophy of a true warrior.
The history of "Star Trek" spelled out in detail up to the XXIV-th century, and every milestone in this history is marked by global shocks - such as bloody warriors with other races like the Xindi, whose philosophy is very far from human. And, surprisingly, humanity with dignity (namely with dignity!) Out of any alterations.
It should be noted that the action is in this saga assigned a secondary role - basically it tells the story of human values. Moral problems affected almost every series, for example, the viewer is invited to consider the consequences of species extinction and the like. In other words, the universe of "Star Trek" in the entertaining form teaches a lesson, it is important in any situation people be people.

5. Song of Ice and Fire

Creator - George Martin
The prototype for this universe has served as a real human history: the world of "PLIP" comparable to our European Middle Ages - there is feudal fragmentation, the lack of gunpowder, more oppressed position of ordinary people and, of course, palace intrigues.
It should be noted that a detailed map of the world does not exist as an official name for it. Vasteras, for example - it is only a single continent about the size of South America, it is happening in Vasteras vast majority of events described era. There is another continent where the peoples live, comparable to our peoples of the East and of the western lands known virtually nothing.
Martin, however, bother to come up with a full chronicle of his world. Originally inhabited by mysterious Vasteras Children Woods subsequently disappeared. Then there came the first people supplanted Kids Forest, which is gradually forgotten: their memory is preserved only in legends and fairy tales. Then they were replaced by Andalién River conquerors, conquered the land and which brought with them a religion Semibozhya. A little later, the mainland east roynary seized, assimilated with Andalién River and have become almost as one people.
In the east, meanwhile, gained momentum Valiriyskaya Empire, where in Vasteras riding on dragons flew Targaryen. Due to the dragons, they seized power, but 300 years later degenerated dragons, and Targaryen mad - largely, perhaps, because of closely related marriages. Then they overthrew Robert Baratheon, who later became king. A further history knows those who watched TV series "Game of Thrones", loosely based on the novels of Martin or read the novels themselves.
Religion and magic, which is typical for fantasy play in the world Martin's role. Vasteras officially professes Semibozhie - Septon (so-called local priests) in terms of magic can not be anything at all, and the policy does not have much impact. In fact, this is just a formal cult.
But there is another religion, common just in the East - the cult of the fiery deity R'glora whose priests is subject to the magic of fire: they are the ones doing the main wonders. Some of his followers the god of fire makes it possible to repeatedly rise from the dead, or see flames events past and future. Fire resist Others - a mysterious creature that emerged from behind the wall at the edge of the Seven Kingdoms - they embody the ice. As action novels magical powers, which the inhabitants of the world have forgotten to think, slowly awakening, and what this is all over - it is unknown. It remains to wait for the sixth and seventh volumes.
