20 of the most mysterious and inexplicable disappearance in human history
In some cases, people are killed or they are killed by accident, and the place of their death is not the witnesses. Yet in most of these cases, to find a logical explanation is almost impossible.
Before you 20 of the most famous and mysterious disappearances of people in the history of mankind.
1. Flight MH370
One of the greatest mysteries of the 21st century - the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 during a flight from the international airport in Kuala Lumpur to Beijing International airport in China March 8, 2014. Despite the wide variety of versions and theories of what happened, the mystery remains unsolved still, and what happened defies any logical explanation.
2. Lost Eskimo village
One cold November night in 1930-weary Canadian Hunter Joe Labelle, who sought refuge from the cold, stumbled upon one of the most mysterious places in the history of mankind. The once-thriving village on the lake Eskimos Angikuni, past which have repeatedly held Labelle during his travels, has disappeared without a trace. All residents in a hurry as if suddenly left the village, leaving his unfinished business - somewhere on the hearth still preparing the food, and in some homes hunter found nedoshituyu clothing sticking needles. The Huskies simply disappeared from this place the most inexplicable way.
3. Springfield trinity
Missing trio from Springfield - three girls still considered missing. Cheryl Levitt (47 years old), her daughter Suzie Streeter (19 years) and girlfriend Stacy Suzy McCall (18) disappeared from Levitt house in Springfield, Missouri. Susie and Stacy eve to mark the end of high school and came to the house of Cheryl Levitt about 2 am in the morning after a party. The police could not solve the mystery of the disappearance of the girls and the investigation is still ongoing.
4. Girls missing in the park Dunes
Forty-nine years ago Saturday sunny day three girls, leaving their belongings on a crowded beach in a swimsuit one went for a walk on Lake Michigan, which is an hour's drive southeast of Chicago. It happened at noon on July 2, 1966 in the national park Dunes State of Indiana. On this day they are missing - no trace of the girls have not been found.
5. Spartacus
Despite numerous scientific hypotheses about what this soldier, he was killed in action during the revolt of Spartacus, the body of one of the most famous slave ancient times, led a revolt, and was not found, but his fate remains unknown.
6. Tara Grinstead
Tara worked as a history teacher in a secondary school in Okilla, State George in the United States. She went missing in mysterious circumstances 22 October 2005. In February 2009, it appeared on the Internet video featuring a serial killer. In the video, followed by the words "Catch me a murderer," the man tells the details of the murder of sixteen women, including, as the state, local authorities have been and Tara Grinstead. However, later the video was fabricated, and recognized neither the police nor the FBI staff Geordie not found any suspects in the disappearance Grinstead.
7. Richie Edwards
Fans of rock music probably heard about Richie Edwards, Welsh musician and rhythm guitarist of alternative rock band Manic Street Preachers, popular in the 1990s. It is known that Edwards liked to deliberately inflict self-harm, depression, al * ogolizmom and anorexia. In 1995, his car was found abandoned in a place known as "the last refuge of suicide».
8. Harold Holt
Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared December 17, 1967. Despite the fact that Holt is considered one of the best ministers of labor in Australia, he gained fame because of his mysterious disappearance. Harold Holt disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach in Victoria on December 17, 1967, but his body was never found. Many believe that he was probably killed because of his support for US involvement in the Vietnam War, but this version is still unconfirmed.
9. James Tetfort
A former soldier James Tetfort disappeared December 1, 1949 from a crowded bus. Thetford, along with fourteen other passengers was driving to his home in Bennington, Vermont. He was last seen dozing off in his place. When the bus arrived at the destination, Thetford has evaporated, even though all his belongings were left in the trunk, and lay on the empty seat and bus schedules. Since Thetford never seen.
10. March Wright
In 1975, the American Jackson Wright was driving a car with his wife from New Jersey to New York. After passing the Lincoln Tunnel, Wright stopped his car to wipe the misted glass. His wife, Martha got out to wipe the rear window. When Wright turned around, he saw his wife. According to the man, he did not hear and did not see anything unusual, and the subsequent investigation found no evidence of a violent death. March Wright simply disappeared.
11. Connie Converse
Connie Converse was a talented composer and performer of her generation, she appeared on the music scene of New York in the late 50s. However, the singer has not received wide public recognition. In 1974, when she was about fifty years old, in her personal and professional life, a crisis, and Connie became depressed. One day Connie wrote farewell letters and sending them along with the lyrics, and other records of all their friends and family, left in an unknown direction. Most did not see it when.
12. Caesarion
Caesarion was the eldest son of Cleopatra and probably the only son of Julius Caesar. He was also the last king of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, who ruled the country for eleven days before he was killed on the orders of Octavian, who later became the Roman Emperor Augustus. However, the exact circumstances and place of his death remain unknown today. According to the Greek historian Plutarch, he was not killed, and was sent to India by his mother.
13. Constance Mantsiarli
Private chef and nutritionist Adolf Hitler, missing persons during the escape from Berlin after the Soviet invasion and the fall of Nazi Germany. Despite the assumption that it was shot by Soviet soldiers in the Berlin subway, or about her suicide with cyanide, some conspiracy theorists believe that she is still alive, as the body of Constance and has not been found.
14. Amelia Earhart
Famous American lёtchitsa was the first woman in the world, has flown the Atlantic Ocean alone, but its airplane disappeared during a round the world flight near Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean 1937goda. Her disappearance is still conceals many mysteries that none of the historians have not been able to solve.
15. Adolf Hitler
The death of one of the most famous madmen of the twentieth century - Adolf Hitler is still shrouded in mystery. According to the standard version, April 30 1945, after extensive street fighting when Soviet troops were on the way to the Reich Chancellery, Hitler committed suicide, and his wife Eva Braun swallowed a cyanide capsule. Their bodies were burned and the remains have not been found, and this fact gave rise to many theories about the subsequent fate of Hitler and his wife.
16. DB Cooper
Legendary aircraft hijacker DB Cooper became known as the organizer of the unusual robbery in the history of mankind. After receiving a ransom of $ 200 000, he jumped with a parachute from an airplane Boeing 727 flying at an altitude of 4 km in the region of Oregon November 24, 1974. After a thorough search the police did not find either the Cooper or its tracks.
17. Lieutenant Felix Monkla
Evening of November 23, 1953 was the most mysterious event in the observation of a UFO - Force radars near Lake Michigan, Wisconsin in the US spotted an unidentified flying object. Fighter F-89C «Scorpion" was immediately raised his interception Kingross airbase. Aircraft operated First Lieutenant Felix Monkla and Lt. Robert Wilson at the time was a radar operator fighter. As subsequently claimed terrestrial operators fighter approached an unidentified object, and then both of them are merged together, disappeared from radar screens. It was organized search and rescue operation, but the wreckage was not found.
18. Ghost Ship "Jyoti»
Merchant ship "Jyoti", which was carrying twenty-five passengers and crew mysteriously disappeared in the South Pacific in 1955. Soon the ship was found drifting in very poor condition, with rusty pipes and operates radio that due to damaged wiring could serve distress signals only within a radius of three kilometers. So far nothing is known about the whereabouts of the passengers of the ship.
19. Ninth Legion "Hispana»
Ninth Legion mysteriously disappeared in the foggy Britain during the military campaign. No trace of weapons, indicating that the legionaries could be destroyed in the battle, it was not revealed - five thousand army like the earth swallow.
Before you 20 of the most famous and mysterious disappearances of people in the history of mankind.
1. Flight MH370
One of the greatest mysteries of the 21st century - the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 during a flight from the international airport in Kuala Lumpur to Beijing International airport in China March 8, 2014. Despite the wide variety of versions and theories of what happened, the mystery remains unsolved still, and what happened defies any logical explanation.

2. Lost Eskimo village
One cold November night in 1930-weary Canadian Hunter Joe Labelle, who sought refuge from the cold, stumbled upon one of the most mysterious places in the history of mankind. The once-thriving village on the lake Eskimos Angikuni, past which have repeatedly held Labelle during his travels, has disappeared without a trace. All residents in a hurry as if suddenly left the village, leaving his unfinished business - somewhere on the hearth still preparing the food, and in some homes hunter found nedoshituyu clothing sticking needles. The Huskies simply disappeared from this place the most inexplicable way.

3. Springfield trinity
Missing trio from Springfield - three girls still considered missing. Cheryl Levitt (47 years old), her daughter Suzie Streeter (19 years) and girlfriend Stacy Suzy McCall (18) disappeared from Levitt house in Springfield, Missouri. Susie and Stacy eve to mark the end of high school and came to the house of Cheryl Levitt about 2 am in the morning after a party. The police could not solve the mystery of the disappearance of the girls and the investigation is still ongoing.

4. Girls missing in the park Dunes
Forty-nine years ago Saturday sunny day three girls, leaving their belongings on a crowded beach in a swimsuit one went for a walk on Lake Michigan, which is an hour's drive southeast of Chicago. It happened at noon on July 2, 1966 in the national park Dunes State of Indiana. On this day they are missing - no trace of the girls have not been found.

5. Spartacus
Despite numerous scientific hypotheses about what this soldier, he was killed in action during the revolt of Spartacus, the body of one of the most famous slave ancient times, led a revolt, and was not found, but his fate remains unknown.

6. Tara Grinstead
Tara worked as a history teacher in a secondary school in Okilla, State George in the United States. She went missing in mysterious circumstances 22 October 2005. In February 2009, it appeared on the Internet video featuring a serial killer. In the video, followed by the words "Catch me a murderer," the man tells the details of the murder of sixteen women, including, as the state, local authorities have been and Tara Grinstead. However, later the video was fabricated, and recognized neither the police nor the FBI staff Geordie not found any suspects in the disappearance Grinstead.

7. Richie Edwards
Fans of rock music probably heard about Richie Edwards, Welsh musician and rhythm guitarist of alternative rock band Manic Street Preachers, popular in the 1990s. It is known that Edwards liked to deliberately inflict self-harm, depression, al * ogolizmom and anorexia. In 1995, his car was found abandoned in a place known as "the last refuge of suicide».

8. Harold Holt
Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared December 17, 1967. Despite the fact that Holt is considered one of the best ministers of labor in Australia, he gained fame because of his mysterious disappearance. Harold Holt disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach in Victoria on December 17, 1967, but his body was never found. Many believe that he was probably killed because of his support for US involvement in the Vietnam War, but this version is still unconfirmed.

9. James Tetfort
A former soldier James Tetfort disappeared December 1, 1949 from a crowded bus. Thetford, along with fourteen other passengers was driving to his home in Bennington, Vermont. He was last seen dozing off in his place. When the bus arrived at the destination, Thetford has evaporated, even though all his belongings were left in the trunk, and lay on the empty seat and bus schedules. Since Thetford never seen.

10. March Wright
In 1975, the American Jackson Wright was driving a car with his wife from New Jersey to New York. After passing the Lincoln Tunnel, Wright stopped his car to wipe the misted glass. His wife, Martha got out to wipe the rear window. When Wright turned around, he saw his wife. According to the man, he did not hear and did not see anything unusual, and the subsequent investigation found no evidence of a violent death. March Wright simply disappeared.

11. Connie Converse
Connie Converse was a talented composer and performer of her generation, she appeared on the music scene of New York in the late 50s. However, the singer has not received wide public recognition. In 1974, when she was about fifty years old, in her personal and professional life, a crisis, and Connie became depressed. One day Connie wrote farewell letters and sending them along with the lyrics, and other records of all their friends and family, left in an unknown direction. Most did not see it when.

12. Caesarion
Caesarion was the eldest son of Cleopatra and probably the only son of Julius Caesar. He was also the last king of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, who ruled the country for eleven days before he was killed on the orders of Octavian, who later became the Roman Emperor Augustus. However, the exact circumstances and place of his death remain unknown today. According to the Greek historian Plutarch, he was not killed, and was sent to India by his mother.

13. Constance Mantsiarli
Private chef and nutritionist Adolf Hitler, missing persons during the escape from Berlin after the Soviet invasion and the fall of Nazi Germany. Despite the assumption that it was shot by Soviet soldiers in the Berlin subway, or about her suicide with cyanide, some conspiracy theorists believe that she is still alive, as the body of Constance and has not been found.

14. Amelia Earhart
Famous American lёtchitsa was the first woman in the world, has flown the Atlantic Ocean alone, but its airplane disappeared during a round the world flight near Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean 1937goda. Her disappearance is still conceals many mysteries that none of the historians have not been able to solve.

15. Adolf Hitler
The death of one of the most famous madmen of the twentieth century - Adolf Hitler is still shrouded in mystery. According to the standard version, April 30 1945, after extensive street fighting when Soviet troops were on the way to the Reich Chancellery, Hitler committed suicide, and his wife Eva Braun swallowed a cyanide capsule. Their bodies were burned and the remains have not been found, and this fact gave rise to many theories about the subsequent fate of Hitler and his wife.

16. DB Cooper
Legendary aircraft hijacker DB Cooper became known as the organizer of the unusual robbery in the history of mankind. After receiving a ransom of $ 200 000, he jumped with a parachute from an airplane Boeing 727 flying at an altitude of 4 km in the region of Oregon November 24, 1974. After a thorough search the police did not find either the Cooper or its tracks.

17. Lieutenant Felix Monkla
Evening of November 23, 1953 was the most mysterious event in the observation of a UFO - Force radars near Lake Michigan, Wisconsin in the US spotted an unidentified flying object. Fighter F-89C «Scorpion" was immediately raised his interception Kingross airbase. Aircraft operated First Lieutenant Felix Monkla and Lt. Robert Wilson at the time was a radar operator fighter. As subsequently claimed terrestrial operators fighter approached an unidentified object, and then both of them are merged together, disappeared from radar screens. It was organized search and rescue operation, but the wreckage was not found.

18. Ghost Ship "Jyoti»
Merchant ship "Jyoti", which was carrying twenty-five passengers and crew mysteriously disappeared in the South Pacific in 1955. Soon the ship was found drifting in very poor condition, with rusty pipes and operates radio that due to damaged wiring could serve distress signals only within a radius of three kilometers. So far nothing is known about the whereabouts of the passengers of the ship.

19. Ninth Legion "Hispana»
Ninth Legion mysteriously disappeared in the foggy Britain during the military campaign. No trace of weapons, indicating that the legionaries could be destroyed in the battle, it was not revealed - five thousand army like the earth swallow.