11 reminder of how we dress in '90s
It is always pleasant nostalgia for 90th. They were the last decade of the cultural contribution. As far as cultural and valuable if, on this subject can be discussed endlessly. But the contribution was, at least we have something to remember.
Moda- aunt severe and positiveness. Those who came under its influence, have hard times. This is particularly felt in those days. That had to get out all the forces that only comply.
1. Dzhinsy- "Malvina»
In fact, the iconic brand of jeans called 90 Mawin, but like so many names, our people have altered it in his own way. So there were "Malvinas". The object of desire remained Levi's and Montana, but lacked the money and connections, not all. Malvina had an alternative budget. But if they were not available, the necessity is, as the saying goes, the mother of invention: many themselves "cooked" jeans, giving them the appropriate type, and sometimes slyly When sewing psevdobrendovy tab.
2. Leather and denim miniskirt
The Iron Curtain fell, and more than once the censorship was not, then the principle of "the shorter, the better" has become fundamental. Sometimes it was not clear what it is - a short skirt and a wide belt. Special chic in the 90s were considered denim skirt with inserts of white frills, as well as leather. They relied heavily textured mesh tights or Lurex.
3. Broad shoulders
Grotesquely big shoulders - the undeniable trend in the 90s. Sometimes fashionistas not satisfied just foam hangers and then in turn allowed for two or three couples. Dresses, jackets, coats and jackets were marked by this accessory. But, in fairness, it should be noted that this trend was relevant not only in Russia - the West "shoulders rugby" is also not spared.
4. Fleece
To be on the area of the most fashionable ... you had to write down? Comb her hair and mercilessly pour this bouffant half a bucket of varnish. These ladies half performed the erection of huge hairstyles that are no joke took polballona. The second half of the cylinder on the left fringe, also tease her to "stand».
5. Tattoo Chokers
Someone once said that fashion is cyclical, and was 100% right. Today, these black wire "decorations" are experiencing a rebirth. 20 years ago, Chokers sported every schoolgirl in the yard, and now they are back in fashion! That's just they are no longer as cheap as in the 90s. I had to stock up!
6. Colored tights
90 - it is tights and leggings - a 90th. It was literally the most demanded and favorite part of the wardrobe: if someone has not been colored, the department bought a white and dyed. Who zelenkoj who fukortsinom.
7. Trainers adidas
Rather adidas is another grandmother in two said. Just as with jeans with branded shoes it was hard. Dandies and ladies wearing any shoes, in any way resemble the original. In a duet with tracksuit or jeans total look'om.
8. Tracksuits
Tracksuits in the 90s - a very special story. It does not suit for yoga. Well, if the kid said the suits, did not hesitate, he had 100m and will run 50 times will press. On the fist. The upper part of the suit, the jacket-bomber wore often and with jeans.
9. Sweater Boys
Today we laugh trendy sweaters Boys, because they are very suitable for the carpet on the wall. Against this background, often filmed looki those years. The notorious inscription on the chest makes one proud to straighten his back and gave the opportunity to become the owner of the title of the main mod in the classroom. Well, of course, the best pair to hip sweater also considered the ubiquitous "Malvina».
10. Electronic hours
Remember the series of "deal" from the pie, when the guy was pushing heaped hours and two suitcases with batteries ... On the cult electronic watch Montana, as well as the same name on jeans, enough money is not everything. Therefore, trendy young people "invest" in the Chinese counterparts, which were filled with all the shops. This accessory has also been from the category of unisex - they brag to your friends mods both sexes.
11. Tops and T-shirts with "Titanic»
Adorable Jack, the protagonist tearjerker "Titanic", brilliantly played the young DiCaprio caused endemic love of a woman in Russia. All the ladies, young and old angrily inquired of each other: "What she could not move over, or what?", And school generation of fans massively bought up short tops and T-shirts with cult heroes.
Moda- aunt severe and positiveness. Those who came under its influence, have hard times. This is particularly felt in those days. That had to get out all the forces that only comply.

1. Dzhinsy- "Malvina»
In fact, the iconic brand of jeans called 90 Mawin, but like so many names, our people have altered it in his own way. So there were "Malvinas". The object of desire remained Levi's and Montana, but lacked the money and connections, not all. Malvina had an alternative budget. But if they were not available, the necessity is, as the saying goes, the mother of invention: many themselves "cooked" jeans, giving them the appropriate type, and sometimes slyly When sewing psevdobrendovy tab.

2. Leather and denim miniskirt
The Iron Curtain fell, and more than once the censorship was not, then the principle of "the shorter, the better" has become fundamental. Sometimes it was not clear what it is - a short skirt and a wide belt. Special chic in the 90s were considered denim skirt with inserts of white frills, as well as leather. They relied heavily textured mesh tights or Lurex.

3. Broad shoulders
Grotesquely big shoulders - the undeniable trend in the 90s. Sometimes fashionistas not satisfied just foam hangers and then in turn allowed for two or three couples. Dresses, jackets, coats and jackets were marked by this accessory. But, in fairness, it should be noted that this trend was relevant not only in Russia - the West "shoulders rugby" is also not spared.

4. Fleece
To be on the area of the most fashionable ... you had to write down? Comb her hair and mercilessly pour this bouffant half a bucket of varnish. These ladies half performed the erection of huge hairstyles that are no joke took polballona. The second half of the cylinder on the left fringe, also tease her to "stand».

5. Tattoo Chokers
Someone once said that fashion is cyclical, and was 100% right. Today, these black wire "decorations" are experiencing a rebirth. 20 years ago, Chokers sported every schoolgirl in the yard, and now they are back in fashion! That's just they are no longer as cheap as in the 90s. I had to stock up!

6. Colored tights
90 - it is tights and leggings - a 90th. It was literally the most demanded and favorite part of the wardrobe: if someone has not been colored, the department bought a white and dyed. Who zelenkoj who fukortsinom.

7. Trainers adidas
Rather adidas is another grandmother in two said. Just as with jeans with branded shoes it was hard. Dandies and ladies wearing any shoes, in any way resemble the original. In a duet with tracksuit or jeans total look'om.

8. Tracksuits
Tracksuits in the 90s - a very special story. It does not suit for yoga. Well, if the kid said the suits, did not hesitate, he had 100m and will run 50 times will press. On the fist. The upper part of the suit, the jacket-bomber wore often and with jeans.

9. Sweater Boys
Today we laugh trendy sweaters Boys, because they are very suitable for the carpet on the wall. Against this background, often filmed looki those years. The notorious inscription on the chest makes one proud to straighten his back and gave the opportunity to become the owner of the title of the main mod in the classroom. Well, of course, the best pair to hip sweater also considered the ubiquitous "Malvina».

10. Electronic hours
Remember the series of "deal" from the pie, when the guy was pushing heaped hours and two suitcases with batteries ... On the cult electronic watch Montana, as well as the same name on jeans, enough money is not everything. Therefore, trendy young people "invest" in the Chinese counterparts, which were filled with all the shops. This accessory has also been from the category of unisex - they brag to your friends mods both sexes.

11. Tops and T-shirts with "Titanic»
Adorable Jack, the protagonist tearjerker "Titanic", brilliantly played the young DiCaprio caused endemic love of a woman in Russia. All the ladies, young and old angrily inquired of each other: "What she could not move over, or what?", And school generation of fans massively bought up short tops and T-shirts with cult heroes.

She makes a tattoo, which no one knows, but it has hundreds of happy customers!
20 of the most mysterious and inexplicable disappearance in human history