Vietnamese monk: “My age is 91, please don’t wait for the weather by the sea, go on vacation urgently”
How often do you hear the phrase “time is money!” But time is much more than money. Time is life.
Our editorial staff received a huge number of comments from readers who are looking forward to the announcement of new books. publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Feber. You waited! Today we will meet a very special character. He's 91. Tit Nath Khan - Zen Buddhist monk. He is the author of many wonderful books, but only a few have been translated into Russian.
Recently, we were lucky to read one of them, Fearless. I can’t wait to tell you more about this exceptional work.
Tit Nhat Khan: The greatest fear of any man is to die. Reflections on the fact that the body will eventually fail, grow old, get sick, the most painful and unpleasant.
We all fear death in the future, so we fear the future. Each of us is frightened by the unknown, so we are tense and constantly waiting for something truly terrible. Tit Nath Khan gives 5 important remindersThey will help us overcome our deepest fears.
Take a deep breath and say to yourself each of these important reminders. With the breath out, you will feel how life has changed.
How to Free Yourself from Fear of the Future
We are delighted with the wisdom of the monk Tit Nhat Khan. I found an amazing video with him! A Vietnamese monk tells a little girl how to get rid of anger.
The book "Fearless" can and should be re-read. Have you ever wanted to read the work? Write in the comments below! I want to conclude this post with another dictum of the monk:
“When washing dishes, you probably think about the tea waiting for you, trying to do the work as quickly as possible to sit down and have tea. But that means you can't live while you're washing the dishes. While you are washing the dishes, the most important thing is to wash the dishes. Similarly, when you drink tea, the most important thing is tea.
Our editorial staff received a huge number of comments from readers who are looking forward to the announcement of new books. publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Feber. You waited! Today we will meet a very special character. He's 91. Tit Nath Khan - Zen Buddhist monk. He is the author of many wonderful books, but only a few have been translated into Russian.
Recently, we were lucky to read one of them, Fearless. I can’t wait to tell you more about this exceptional work.

Tit Nhat Khan: The greatest fear of any man is to die. Reflections on the fact that the body will eventually fail, grow old, get sick, the most painful and unpleasant.
We all fear death in the future, so we fear the future. Each of us is frightened by the unknown, so we are tense and constantly waiting for something truly terrible. Tit Nath Khan gives 5 important remindersThey will help us overcome our deepest fears.

Take a deep breath and say to yourself each of these important reminders. With the breath out, you will feel how life has changed.
How to Free Yourself from Fear of the Future
- Ageing is inherent in me. I can't avoid aging.
If you accept with all your heart that old age is inevitable, it is not so scary to meet it. Every time of life is beautiful in its own way. By driving away thoughts of old age, we risk harming ourselves and our loved ones. No entertainment, delicious food and rejuvenating treatments will not save from old age, these distracting maneuvers only temporarily drown out fear, which will surely return with renewed vigor. Everyone gets old. Reminding yourself of this all the time is much easier to live. The more a person resists obvious things, such as old age, the more unhappy he is.
DepositPhotos - Poor health is inherent in me by nature. I can't avoid illness.
If you feel extremely strong and healthy right now, don’t be deceived. Either way, we're all going to get sick. The realization that sooner or later the disease will come gives us the strength to meet it fully armed. The most sensible thing we can do is to make the most of the time we spend in a healthy body, not to destroy the body with junk food and bad habits. When you realize that in the future you can get sick, you no longer want to waste energy and health on meaningless activities.
DepositPhotos - Death is inherent in me. I can't escape death.
None of us will live forever. Reflecting on death and the deep realization that we are all here temporarily helps us to use every minute of life rationally, to appreciate every moment.
DepositPhotos - The people and things I care about will change someday.
Everything is influenced by time, everything is constantly changing. We can't take anything to the next world. Nothing belongs to us, any attachment to material things and loved ones makes us miserable. Only by letting go of everything that you value so highly can you get rid of the fear of losing everything dearest. The more you hold on to something, the harder it is for you to live.
DepositPhotos - I inherit the results of my body, speech and mind. My actions are my continuation.
After death, we are left with only karma – our thoughts, words and actions. Only that will matter when we die. If we do well now, we can be sure that the fruit of our good deeds will remain with us forever.
We are delighted with the wisdom of the monk Tit Nhat Khan. I found an amazing video with him! A Vietnamese monk tells a little girl how to get rid of anger.
The book "Fearless" can and should be re-read. Have you ever wanted to read the work? Write in the comments below! I want to conclude this post with another dictum of the monk:
“When washing dishes, you probably think about the tea waiting for you, trying to do the work as quickly as possible to sit down and have tea. But that means you can't live while you're washing the dishes. While you are washing the dishes, the most important thing is to wash the dishes. Similarly, when you drink tea, the most important thing is tea.
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