What trees should not be planted near the house
Happy homeowners have a great opportunity to grow a luxurious garden next to the house, which will be a wonderful place to relax on a warm summer evening.
The question often arises: which green friends should you prefer? After all, every plant needs certain conditions for growing, and you want to be useful, and the appearance of the garden is pleasing.
Not all trees can be planted near homes. Some can cause allergies or damage your home. And many are also associated with folk signs and superstitions.
According to popular beliefs, trees are a symbol of health, fertility and prosperity. It is believed that under the crown of each plant creates its own special aura and that the fate of the owners depends on what tree is planted near the house. Different trees can give different benefits - read our article and choose your tree!
Planting trees for centuries was considered one of the most important human missions on earth. Now you know, What kind of trees to plant near the houseYou can get to work. Good luck!
Editorial "Site" I studied ritual practices and found out which trees should not be planted near the house to avoid misfortune.
This is what happens if you constantly hug birch and other trees. You can believe in the beneficial properties of trees or treat it as a joke - it's your business. We recommend that you just try and then draw conclusions.

The question often arises: which green friends should you prefer? After all, every plant needs certain conditions for growing, and you want to be useful, and the appearance of the garden is pleasing.

Not all trees can be planted near homes. Some can cause allergies or damage your home. And many are also associated with folk signs and superstitions.
According to popular beliefs, trees are a symbol of health, fertility and prosperity. It is believed that under the crown of each plant creates its own special aura and that the fate of the owners depends on what tree is planted near the house. Different trees can give different benefits - read our article and choose your tree!
- Cherry
A very useful fruit tree for humans. In spring, it blooms with delicate white flowers, and at the end of summer it pleases with pleasant fruits. At the same time, the cherry is unpretentious, it does not need special care.
In many countries, cherries are considered the tree of luck. According to legends, it brings prosperity to the house, and a fire under cherry blossoms will only increase wealth, so it is better to plant it near a place where you plan to cook something on the fire. When planting cherries, it is important to remember that they prefer moist fertilized soil. - birch
The beloved tree of our people, personifying the Russian soul, the tree of extraordinary kindness. Birch is also called the tree of life and since time immemorial has been associated with fertility.
It was believed that this tree is very capricious and helps only those who like it. It can protect against evil spirits, give a charge of energy to sick people, but it is not recommended to plant it close to the house.
It is best to plant a birch at the fence or near the gate (ancestors believed that this would take away the evil eye) and find a wet place for it, since this tree loves water. Then it will protect the house from damage, help to cope with depression and protect dreams from nightmares.
This plant loves the sun’s rays and pleases with a noticeable growth rate. Birch easily tolerates frost, but at the same time categorically does not like transplants. In order for the tree to take root in a new place as best as possible, you should choose seedlings whose age does not exceed 5-7 years.
Almost all parts of birch are used in recipes of traditional medicine (kidneys, birch juice, bark, young leaves).
Birch pollen - a strong allergen that causes a lot of trouble to people prone to allergic diseases. - apple tree
Since ancient times, an apple tree was planted near the bedroom windows of a young girl. It was believed that the tree gives beauty, charm and happiness in family life. Many beliefs connect the apple tree with eternal youth and longevity.
Apple tree not only gives delicious fruits, but also willingly shares its positive energy. They say the older this tree is, the more magical it has. - Lipa
It is considered one of the most shade-tolerant plants, which can only be compared with spruce, fir, robe and oak. It feels great in soils with good drainage.
This tree has one remarkable quality - it can be molded, cut or bent at any age, which makes it easy to get not only hedges, but also arches, balls, green arbors, pyramids.
Lipa lives a very long time: on average up to 300-400 years. Throughout its life, it not only pleases the eye with its extraordinary beauty, but also serves as a source of medicinal raw materials, which have long been used in folk medicine.
Preparations made of lime color improve urination, sweating, gastric juice secretion, increase the secretion of the digestive glands and facilitate the outflow of bile. They act as anti-inflammatory and soothing. - clene
In the Slavic tradition, maple has always been considered a difficult tree. Our ancestors believed that in fact it was a man turned into a plant by some evil forces. Therefore, maple wood was never used as firewood and for the manufacture of coffins, and the leaves were seen open human palms.
It is believed that maple removes negative energy, as a result, the number of quarrels in the family is reduced. This tree brings longevity, love and prosperity to the house. Those who have a maple growing near the house will always be calm and confident. - chestnut
This tree attracts with its interesting flowers and leaves, and its spike-coated fruits can be used for medicinal purposes. Chestnut is a selfish biovampire.
He can only take away the energy of a person without giving him anything in return, so you should not put him close to home. On the other hand, communication with chestnut helps to improve the mood, to throw all sorrows away.
An important point is not to grow a tree from the chestnut fruit. Ancestors claimed that in this way, grown chestnut can bring various diseases to the person who planted it.
This will happen as soon as the chestnut outgrows its host. It is better not to take risks and grow this tree from seed or buy a seedling. - Rowberry
It was once considered a symbol of fertility, prosperity and well-being. Thanks to bright fruits and purple leaves, it does not lose its decorativeness even in the winter season.
Its development does not require any special soil conditions, but the soil should not be swampy or too moist. Ideally, the ash is best planted in a small shade or in a sunny area.
This tree harmonizes well with spruce, pine, fir and hardwood, especially lime, black poplar, ash and white willow. Planted ash, as a rule, in September-October or early spring. - willow
Not everyone will decide to plant a weeping woman, because she can cover the entire site with her shadow. Therefore, experts advise to plant a decorative willow in the country.
Among the decorative forms of weeping willow, there are many such that in their size quite fit into even a small garden. These are, for example, willow woolly, willow mesh, willow tupolistic, as well as the forms of willow whole-leaved and purple willow.
From willow branches you can produce a large number of useful wicker things - furniture, baskets, decorative elements. The presence of willow on the site will please owners of rabbits and goats. Willow leaves for the above animals are an excellent food additive in the winter season.
There are willow and disadvantages: it is a tasty piece for aphids. Because of this, fruit trees that grow near it can suffer. Rapid growth of willow can lead to the appearance of impassable thickets.
Believers do not recommend planting willow close to home. It is believed that it can bring grief to the house. No wonder they call her a weeper. It is not only in the sadly lowered branches, but also in the belief that those who planted it on their site will cry a lot. - Leaflet
Having all the signs of needles, the tree for the winter sheds needles, and in the spring is covered with young greenery. Hence the Russian name – “leafworm”.
It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most frost-resistant tree. It is believed that larchs can withstand temperatures up to -65 degrees. At the same time, this tree loves warmth, light and rich soil. By light love occupies the first place and does not tolerate even lateral shading.
In nature, the height of the larch reaches 50 m, and the diameter of the trunk is 1 m. At the same time, dozens of decorative forms have been developed, including dwarf ones, which will decorate the garden without taking up much space in it.
Larch has a powerful calming power. This tree is recommended to plant near the house to people who are constantly overcome by fears, doubts, anxiety. It helps to overcome the most severe nervous ailments, overcome depression and look at life more optimistically.
Planting trees for centuries was considered one of the most important human missions on earth. Now you know, What kind of trees to plant near the houseYou can get to work. Good luck!
Editorial "Site" I studied ritual practices and found out which trees should not be planted near the house to avoid misfortune.
This is what happens if you constantly hug birch and other trees. You can believe in the beneficial properties of trees or treat it as a joke - it's your business. We recommend that you just try and then draw conclusions.
Did you get wrinkles before 50? Altai cream made of dandelion will make the face young and fresh.
Growing up like crazy! That's because I stopped throwing out the orange peel.