Not the fruit trees, but the punishment of the Lord.
Fruitful tree-land They can occupy the lion’s share of the area. But sometimes it is really difficult to imagine a house or cottage without a single tree nearby. Are there any rules about which trees are better to plant and which are not? Of course, the decision rests with the owner. However, the game for the existence of some green specimens is not worth the candle. Which ones and why?
Fruit trees in the area Those who are just starting to grow fruit-treesYou may notice a strange thing. At first, it seems that the tree should fit perfectly not only into the overall picture of the garden, but also into the heart of the owner. But as soon as a certain time passes, the tree is sick, grows, bears fruit, and the opinion of the owner can also change.
Some are disappointed in their own dreams. Perhaps the person hoped to get a completely different result. Someone does not want to once again tinker with wood ailments, and the tree does not get out of spite. Some people do not like the appearance of the tree. In general, there could be many reasons.
But still, it's an experience. Everyone goes through it on their own. road The gardener learns from his own mistakes. Only you can choose whether you like a particular tree or not. Whether you want to plant it in your garden or not. We will only consider how useful it is to plant some fruit trees.
Favourite birds, of course, we are talking about cherry. There are a decent number of types of cherries today, you just need to choose the tree that will take root on your site. It is important to take into account climatic, weather, relief conditions. In general, cherries. tree. So we have to put this crop somewhere. For example, canned whole, and in winter to treat delicious fruits.
But if you do not need a lot of these fruits, then it is better to think. Do you need a whole tree on the site? Moreover, cherries just love almost all kinds of birds. And all this flying crowd will hang out with you until it finishes the last berry. In addition, cherries without special treatment are often sick and easily susceptible to pests. So think about it carefully.
Small, yes remote, tiny. mulberry (here, mulberry, tutin and many other variations of the name) are considered extremely useful for human health. They have a positive effect on the state of immunity, the work of the digestive system, bone tissue, walls of blood vessels and skin. In general, it is not for nothing that parents in childhood so strongly advised children to feast on these fruits.
It often happens that such trees are planted on a personal plot precisely because of nostalgia for the times of youth. But is it profitable? Mulberry is not easy to collect. It will take a long time if you do it manually. Or it is necessary to shake the fruits of the mulberry tree on a huge litter or glue to speed up the process. In general, we thought at leisure about the question of planting mulberry.
Interesting option Another newcomer to your garden may be duke. It is a hybrid of cherries and cherries, bred in England in the XVIII century and called the “May Duke”. Duke is considered quite resistant to cold weather and various diseases. The tree can bear fruit for 2-3 years after planting. Moreover, there are many fruits and they are especially large.
It is important to note that the taste of Duke fruits may not please everyone. The cherry endowed the duke with its fruit size, and the cherry added sourness. Those who want to eat sweet berries, Duke may not like. Perhaps it is possible to first try the fruits of the duke tree, and only then make a decision. Whether to plant such a tree on your site or not.
Fruit trees on the site near the house As you already knew, before buying seedlingIt is necessary to study the maximum amount of information on it. The sickness and how to treat it, how much fruit gives and what they taste, where it is better to place the tree. It will be much better if you approach planting a tree seriously than then cut it and send it to the trash.
Try to think how you can. distribute the trees on your site. Remember that every seedling in the future will need a lot of space, so do not cramp the trees too much. Choose those crops that will feel organically in this climate and soil. Consider where the sun is and where the shadow is. Make sure that older neighbors do not spoil the growth of younger ones.
What are they? fruit-trees You? Is there a tree that disappointed you? Why don't you decide to put him back in jail? Tell us about your personal experience in the comments.

Fruit trees in the area Those who are just starting to grow fruit-treesYou may notice a strange thing. At first, it seems that the tree should fit perfectly not only into the overall picture of the garden, but also into the heart of the owner. But as soon as a certain time passes, the tree is sick, grows, bears fruit, and the opinion of the owner can also change.
Some are disappointed in their own dreams. Perhaps the person hoped to get a completely different result. Someone does not want to once again tinker with wood ailments, and the tree does not get out of spite. Some people do not like the appearance of the tree. In general, there could be many reasons.
But still, it's an experience. Everyone goes through it on their own. road The gardener learns from his own mistakes. Only you can choose whether you like a particular tree or not. Whether you want to plant it in your garden or not. We will only consider how useful it is to plant some fruit trees.

Favourite birds, of course, we are talking about cherry. There are a decent number of types of cherries today, you just need to choose the tree that will take root on your site. It is important to take into account climatic, weather, relief conditions. In general, cherries. tree. So we have to put this crop somewhere. For example, canned whole, and in winter to treat delicious fruits.
But if you do not need a lot of these fruits, then it is better to think. Do you need a whole tree on the site? Moreover, cherries just love almost all kinds of birds. And all this flying crowd will hang out with you until it finishes the last berry. In addition, cherries without special treatment are often sick and easily susceptible to pests. So think about it carefully.

Small, yes remote, tiny. mulberry (here, mulberry, tutin and many other variations of the name) are considered extremely useful for human health. They have a positive effect on the state of immunity, the work of the digestive system, bone tissue, walls of blood vessels and skin. In general, it is not for nothing that parents in childhood so strongly advised children to feast on these fruits.
It often happens that such trees are planted on a personal plot precisely because of nostalgia for the times of youth. But is it profitable? Mulberry is not easy to collect. It will take a long time if you do it manually. Or it is necessary to shake the fruits of the mulberry tree on a huge litter or glue to speed up the process. In general, we thought at leisure about the question of planting mulberry.

Interesting option Another newcomer to your garden may be duke. It is a hybrid of cherries and cherries, bred in England in the XVIII century and called the “May Duke”. Duke is considered quite resistant to cold weather and various diseases. The tree can bear fruit for 2-3 years after planting. Moreover, there are many fruits and they are especially large.
It is important to note that the taste of Duke fruits may not please everyone. The cherry endowed the duke with its fruit size, and the cherry added sourness. Those who want to eat sweet berries, Duke may not like. Perhaps it is possible to first try the fruits of the duke tree, and only then make a decision. Whether to plant such a tree on your site or not.

Fruit trees on the site near the house As you already knew, before buying seedlingIt is necessary to study the maximum amount of information on it. The sickness and how to treat it, how much fruit gives and what they taste, where it is better to place the tree. It will be much better if you approach planting a tree seriously than then cut it and send it to the trash.
Try to think how you can. distribute the trees on your site. Remember that every seedling in the future will need a lot of space, so do not cramp the trees too much. Choose those crops that will feel organically in this climate and soil. Consider where the sun is and where the shadow is. Make sure that older neighbors do not spoil the growth of younger ones.
What are they? fruit-trees You? Is there a tree that disappointed you? Why don't you decide to put him back in jail? Tell us about your personal experience in the comments.
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