June 16 – Lukyanov day: you can get rid of the evil eye and damage forever
Did you know that June 16, since ancient times, was considered stormy. And on this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Lukyan the Veteran, as he was nicknamed by the people.
Previously, I did not know anything about this day until I talked with my longtime friend Olga, who thanks to this holiday got rid of the black stripe in life and finally got married.
And today's edition. "Site" He wants to tell you a little about it. saint-dayOr rather about the traditions, signs and beliefs associated with this holiday. Folk wisdom, tested for centuries!
Wind Day Saint Lucian lived on the territory of Antioch in the III century AD. In adulthood he was a pagan and even served the gods as a priest. In old age he believed in Christ and was baptized himself. During his lifetime, Lukyan preached a lot and even converted his listeners to faith. On the denunciation of the Jews, he was captured and thrown into prison.
There he met four youths named Paul, Dionysius, Hypatius and Claudius. They also adopted Christianity, and it was with them that Lukyan was thrown into the oven. However, tradition says that the Lord saved their lives. Then the martyrs were sent to Byzantium, and there the saint was crucified on the cross, and the youths were beheaded.
St. Paul witnessed the feat of Lucian and took care of the bodies of the prisoners who were executed. After their death, she continued to serve Christ.
Rarely when in Lukyan day windlessly. Previously, our ancestors precisely by the strength and direction of air currents unmistakably guessed what the coming year would be like. And also this period is the most suitable time to get rid of the superficial negativity: the evil eye, damage, attracted by inept actions of failures.
To attract well-being and luck, you need to use all kinds of resources. And, when it comes to magic, we do not recommend turning to witches, psychics and other questionable sorcerer brethren. Money for the wind at best. Our ancestors performed protective rituals on their own, and some of them are still known today.
It was believed that the wind on this day. healer. In order to get rid of the evil eye, damage, strengthen your spirit and health, you should wear wet underwear and dry in the wind. It was believed that with moisture will go all the bad!
To cleanse themselves of everything negative, the ancient Slavs used this ancientwindfall:
I will be blessed, I will go to the blue sea, the white-combustible stone Alatyr on the blue sea, the goddess Jiva sits on the stone of Alatyr, holds a white swan in white handles, plucks a white wing at the swan. As the white wing bounced off, so bounce back, jump back, recoil from (name) the birth firefighters, fevers and fevers - Hrypush, Lomey, Dryachlei, Dremley, Vetreya, Troublemaker, Chiabuch, Shake, Fire, Poohlei, Yellow, Nemei, Deaf, Karkush, Glyadei, Hrapush.
With a violent head with clear eyes, with black eyebrows, with a white calf, with a zealous heart. With the wind came - go to the wind, from the water came - go to the water, from the forest came - go to the forest. From century to century.
The author of this article absolutely does not agree with pagan rituals, since he believes that a believing Orthodox person is not afraid of any evil eye and damage. Here we go. folklore Sometimes he listens.
Folk signs on Lukyanov day
And on June 16, the first potato sprouts appeared, which everyone was very happy about, as it promised a rich harvest. A storm on Lukyanov day is a sign that there will be a bad haymaking.
The heavy rain on June 16 meant there would be a good harvest of mushrooms. If the vortex slowly rises to the sky from the ground, and then rotates for a long time, in the coming days you can expect clear weather.
Also on Lukyanov day you can find out where it is better to dig a well. For this, our ancestors put a pan on the top of the bottom of the ground and left for a while. Then we looked: where the pan is slightly moistened, there, according to the sign, and the water is closer.
Unfortunately, there are many varieties of damage with the laying of an object charged with negative energy. The linings are united by one goal - to harm a person, but they have different orientations. Believe it or not is everyone’s choice, but a close friend of mine recently told me a story that made me look more closely at my feet.
We offer you to learn about how you can determine the evil eye or damage by folk methods.
If the article was useful to you, show it to your friends on social media!
Previously, I did not know anything about this day until I talked with my longtime friend Olga, who thanks to this holiday got rid of the black stripe in life and finally got married.

And today's edition. "Site" He wants to tell you a little about it. saint-dayOr rather about the traditions, signs and beliefs associated with this holiday. Folk wisdom, tested for centuries!

Wind Day Saint Lucian lived on the territory of Antioch in the III century AD. In adulthood he was a pagan and even served the gods as a priest. In old age he believed in Christ and was baptized himself. During his lifetime, Lukyan preached a lot and even converted his listeners to faith. On the denunciation of the Jews, he was captured and thrown into prison.
There he met four youths named Paul, Dionysius, Hypatius and Claudius. They also adopted Christianity, and it was with them that Lukyan was thrown into the oven. However, tradition says that the Lord saved their lives. Then the martyrs were sent to Byzantium, and there the saint was crucified on the cross, and the youths were beheaded.
St. Paul witnessed the feat of Lucian and took care of the bodies of the prisoners who were executed. After their death, she continued to serve Christ.

Rarely when in Lukyan day windlessly. Previously, our ancestors precisely by the strength and direction of air currents unmistakably guessed what the coming year would be like. And also this period is the most suitable time to get rid of the superficial negativity: the evil eye, damage, attracted by inept actions of failures.
To attract well-being and luck, you need to use all kinds of resources. And, when it comes to magic, we do not recommend turning to witches, psychics and other questionable sorcerer brethren. Money for the wind at best. Our ancestors performed protective rituals on their own, and some of them are still known today.

It was believed that the wind on this day. healer. In order to get rid of the evil eye, damage, strengthen your spirit and health, you should wear wet underwear and dry in the wind. It was believed that with moisture will go all the bad!

To cleanse themselves of everything negative, the ancient Slavs used this ancientwindfall:
I will be blessed, I will go to the blue sea, the white-combustible stone Alatyr on the blue sea, the goddess Jiva sits on the stone of Alatyr, holds a white swan in white handles, plucks a white wing at the swan. As the white wing bounced off, so bounce back, jump back, recoil from (name) the birth firefighters, fevers and fevers - Hrypush, Lomey, Dryachlei, Dremley, Vetreya, Troublemaker, Chiabuch, Shake, Fire, Poohlei, Yellow, Nemei, Deaf, Karkush, Glyadei, Hrapush.
With a violent head with clear eyes, with black eyebrows, with a white calf, with a zealous heart. With the wind came - go to the wind, from the water came - go to the water, from the forest came - go to the forest. From century to century.

The author of this article absolutely does not agree with pagan rituals, since he believes that a believing Orthodox person is not afraid of any evil eye and damage. Here we go. folklore Sometimes he listens.
Folk signs on Lukyanov day
- Earlier in the day of Lukyan people tried not to go to bed early, and listened to the wind. For example, the south wind on June 16 promised a good spring harvest, and the northwest wind promised a rainy summer. The east wind promised disease, and the northeast wind promised great winds in summer.
And on June 16, the first potato sprouts appeared, which everyone was very happy about, as it promised a rich harvest. A storm on Lukyanov day is a sign that there will be a bad haymaking.

The heavy rain on June 16 meant there would be a good harvest of mushrooms. If the vortex slowly rises to the sky from the ground, and then rotates for a long time, in the coming days you can expect clear weather.

Also on Lukyanov day you can find out where it is better to dig a well. For this, our ancestors put a pan on the top of the bottom of the ground and left for a while. Then we looked: where the pan is slightly moistened, there, according to the sign, and the water is closer.
Unfortunately, there are many varieties of damage with the laying of an object charged with negative energy. The linings are united by one goal - to harm a person, but they have different orientations. Believe it or not is everyone’s choice, but a close friend of mine recently told me a story that made me look more closely at my feet.

We offer you to learn about how you can determine the evil eye or damage by folk methods.
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