Needles in the wall - what it means?

In the daily life of an ordinary citizen magic intervenes almost constantly. We only against her are often blind. Not seeing her black characters. Because we suffer unjustly.
For example, needles found in the wall. What does such a thing? Do you think they could by themselves form there? And if not, who and why they stuck? Let's face it.
Address gaps in education.
Before we understand what a needle in the wall, which means a "still life", one must understand the essence of magic rituals. They all have their purpose. Some are used to attract customers to the well-being and happiness. Others, on the contrary, to drive him into a dark lane. Naturally, there are many intermediate goals. We do not need to dive into them.
It is enough to understand that any ritual can have both positive and negative effects. All this also applies to the case where the detected needle in the wall. What does this event is to decipher the master room. Magic needle tool is used in various ceremonies. Some are designed to ward off enemies. They are holding someone who lives in the house.
The goal - to protect the space and its inhabitants. Hence, we found a needle ask households who stabbed her. Well, if one of them respond and explain the origin of the unknown element of the interior. Otherwise you will have to do cleaning room and other magical acts. Otherwise, trouble is inevitable.
needle in the wall of what it means
The needle in the wall - what does it mean?
Let's assume that one of the home is not interested in magic rituals were not conducted. However, the needle sticking in the wallpaper or plaster. Firstly, do not touch the subject of his hands, it's dangerous! Second, run for the holy water. It almost always helps. If you do not take away the negative programs that reduce its bad influence.
You probably already guessed, when a needle in a wall? What does that mean, well described in the old grandmother. There is a way of targeting corruption, in which the lining is applied.
Sorcerers specially made negative repeater program, throw up his house. So, needle - perfect for this item. The beauty of it in sharpness and focus. The needle was attached and began to speak quietly. It will constantly emit a magician on the room and everyone in it are.
We got a subject - do not take it lightly. Grabbing hand needle instantly gain a bunch of extra problems. Black magician will move straight into your aura, starting there the devastating effects.
needle in the wall which means
Additional diagnostics.
There are times when it makes no sense to find out why was the needle in the wall, which means its appearance. But be warned: the probability of such development of events is extremely low.
It is proposed to consider if she could be there by chance? Someone in the house engaged in sewing? Maybe children playing with unsafe item? Ask yourself these simple questions. It happens that defense with a needle put grandma comes to visit. It is advisable to interview older relatives.
In addition, analyze the situation in the house for the last time. If something breaks down, there were scandals, illnesses, then the conclusion is simple: the enemies have tried.
In this case, a very dangerous phenomenon - the needle in the wall, which means the existence of damage or a curse in the house. From these should be disposed of as soon as possible.
Do not hesitate, if found such a clear sign of black magic influence. Of course it will not go away, even when discard the needle. The field should be restored.
which means a needle stuck into the wall
The eternal question: what do you do?
The reader probably already scared. Not worth it. The attack on the enemy and calculated. In order not to succumb to aggression should remain calm. The principle is simple to proceed. You must remove the needle, without touching it with his hands. Use the means at hand. The place where it was stuck, pour holy water. Himself magic attribute discard. It would be nice to put him on fire. That is to burn, and then dig deeper into the ground to no one found.
But it does not stop. It is necessary to remove from the house of the negative consequences of its black activities. For this fit the ritual purification of salt space. Heat a cast iron skillet. Sprinkle a handful of salt on it. Stir with a wooden spoon, reading prayers. Fifteen minutes later the fire was extinguished. The cooled salt rinse down the drain. The ritual was repeated three times with a period of one day.
If you see such a magical attribute away.
Observant visitors often put in the awkward position of the hosts. Judge for yourself, would you like to hear from a guest question: "And what does a needle stuck in the wall?" Especially if themselves used it as a talisman. Unpleasant. Yes, and a bad sign. Every person interested, he came into contact with your mascot. And it speaks of his malice. Therefore desirable to show excessive curiosity. A home should be a secret magicians have protection in places where the evil eye will not penetrate. And more of curious visitors to not call. From this man nothing but trouble, do not get.
mean that needle in the wall
Arguing that mean for a needle in the wall, we met with the two sides of magical rites. They can be aggressive and protective. If you yourself do not work anywhere needles, you should be very careful and attentive.
Such fines can cost a life master of the house or his relatives. After all, determine at the needle, which is desired sorcerer impossible. It should be immediately disposed of, and the space clean.
Yet it is desirable to put the defense on the house. Only then can you be sure of relative safety.
There are people who believe everything written nonsense. They were right. But it should finally be noted that the existence of the human energy and the possibility of exposure to the science does not deny.
Over time come to an understanding of the principles of this complex instrument.
A common man better protection against unknown danger than gulping handfuls of real grief.
Family protection from damage and the evil eye.
How to protect your family from damage? Once the home will be protected and used to protect the family from every evil eye and spoilage.
To do this, go to the net and score the forest there are small pieces of aspen, while speaking zagovornye words:
"No, this will not be regarded as a poppy, one (person's name) will never ruin».
How many people in the family and so many pieces of aspen should be collected each time saying these words, and calling the name of the next this rodstvennika.Posle come home, read the protective plot:
"Servants of God spoke (to list all the names) of the witches, sorcerers and sorcerers, from white and black vulture karkuna crow, old women and startsa.Zaschischayu of libel unkind, evil evil eye and spoilage (list all names). A spiteful critics and haters into the dark forest to walk sending, willows with mother earth to collect you, let's head to bother yourself. To the servants of God (list the names of family members), there was no one to cast a spell, izurochit and damage - no spell, no slander, no stake, no matter, no candles, no night or day, or one day, but none of eternity. My word is forever strong. Amen ».
Read the plot is a family talisman and always will be protected from all evil eyes, love spells and damage. He does no more than once a year.
Read zagovornye words should be using a new candle.
Needles in the wall - what it means?
OBEREG FOR FAMILY from damage.
When the family is always something goes wrong, you have the icon of "Hope, Faith, Love," set protection.
To do this 2 times a day, morning and evening, to say the family guardian:
"At sea, ocean swims plotitsa rybitsa. How do you fish without art sick little water, let dry, and my enemy, but my family was strong strong, intact whole living. Who will eat the fish, the day will not live so do not sleep for hours. Strength of the Lord God sealed by my family as fastened fish scales from the head to the tail. From now on, my family is strong and intact. Amen ».
It is possible to achieve absolute protection of his house in several stages
STRONG protect homes from damage.
To conduct the rite of need during the growing moon 3 days before the full moon after the sun goes down. For the ritual need 9 wax candles, Chetvergova salt, holy water and many dimes as artist in residence angles.
Before reading zagovornyh words, you have to put in every corner of the house one by one penny, continue to light a candle and set it in the center of the door. Then, from the flame of the candle should spark a second, and took it in his right hand, begin to bypass all the rooms on the clockwise direction, while saying:
"Lord, deliver me and my house from the evil of other people and seduction bogomerzkih and hide me and my family from these networks in the desert hidden thy salvation. Lord, give me the courage and strength, the strength of opposition to nasty and evil intent. Yes, I will not deny Thee by the Redeemer and Saviour, by your holy Church. But let me, Lord Jesus, the night and day of tears and mourning for my sins, and spare us in the hour of thy terrible. Amen ».
During the reading of the plot it is necessary to pay attention to the place where the candle beginning to smoke or completely extinguished. Check zagovornye words must be in the same place where he started, that is the threshold.
After that, a candle, which bypassed the home, should be put next to the first (standing on the threshold) and 9 times say:
"Savior, our God, under the shadow of Zakheevu izvolivoy and salvation of the entire housing can be. Sam always present zderzhitivoskhotevshaya us unworthy prayers and supplications brings you from all harm, keep unharmed, blessing those who live here. Amen ».
Next, you need to light a third candle from the flame of the previous two and baptize her all the places where there was smoke. Then you need to set a candle in the center of a room and leave it burn out.
This ritual should be performed for 3 days.
On the 4th day morning should go to the temple of God and put it svechkiza his health and all his household before the icon of Our Lady.
Dimes, which had been laid in the corners, leaving the needs of the church.
Returning to his home, you need to sprinkle it with holy water and scatter grain of salt Chetvergova in places, which often accumulate dust, for example, on the shelves of cabinets, in corners, etc.
Needles in the wall - what it means?
Set 12 candles in a circle, the center put photos kin.
Lighting a candle every clockwise once read a plot:
, How shall I go into a purely Polyushko, old father, old mother. Go under the stars frequent, clear, sun, clear cut, for the month, under a full moon. I'll go find Zlata ladder, that stairway of seven steps, I will go up the ladder, so to Sedavit asterisk, where the forge of gold worth of live fire in the forge of the lights. That fire is not firing, do not bake, does not melt, Living Mother flows. Around forge tree stand, the tree is the generic merchant Volkhovsky, royal and simple. Twelve stars hang twelve candles are lit, the twelve maidens Glory blacksmith and his son say. I will go to the blacksmith closer, bowed his lower legs hurt. Skuy you, blacksmith, from the live-fire luck and joy to the tree for me but my fellow, women yes men, detushek small and old. As from this day turnaround in the spring, and my twist on the old good intonation in cases to goodness, so good luck, so bountiful harvest. Amen. & Quot;
When the candles burn down, tighten the photos in a red cloth and store in the east corner of your home year is not turning. Cases popravyatsya race very well.
Needles in the wall - what it means?
Through any of the proposed rites man must remember and know - to protect against any magical effects, it is necessary, first of all, to radiate positive emotions, to make moral deeds have good ideas, etc.
In this case, a reliable power protection will be provided, and all the negative returns to the person who organized a magic attack.