Careful: spoilage! This is how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from the evil eye of detractors without grandmothers and rituals.
This world is so arranged that the happier a person is, the more detractors he has. There is a category of people who become jealous of their own infirmity, and sometimes, no matter how scary it may sound. spoilThey make excuses for failure or health problems. And it does not matter that you do not believe in all these black things, go to church, wish everyone well, someone else's envy is always there, and it spoils your own energy field and takes away vitality.
There are many ways to avoid the evil eye, but still it is better to give preference to those that are not associated with various rituals and conspiracies.
The most. bestial - natural stones. In addition to protecting your fate and adding vitality, they also help solve various health problems, such as normalizing blood pressure. About the most powerful and available stones will tell you the editorial board "Site". They also make beautiful jewelry. So if you don't need amulets, you can look for a new accessory.
It is important to take into account the fact that minerals are “female” and “male”. As a rule, male stones shine brighter and have warm colors. The stones that women should use are matte and have a cold color scheme. The evil eye stone And picking up the damage is pretty easy. To do this, look into your own horoscope and find out which stone fits your sign. But there are also universal stones that suit all people.
This is not the entire list of existing amulets in the form of minerals and stones. Choose stones that are close to you in spirit. Tell us in the comments if you believe in the power of stones and which ones. Share useful information with your friends on social networks!
There are many ways to avoid the evil eye, but still it is better to give preference to those that are not associated with various rituals and conspiracies.

The most. bestial - natural stones. In addition to protecting your fate and adding vitality, they also help solve various health problems, such as normalizing blood pressure. About the most powerful and available stones will tell you the editorial board "Site". They also make beautiful jewelry. So if you don't need amulets, you can look for a new accessory.

It is important to take into account the fact that minerals are “female” and “male”. As a rule, male stones shine brighter and have warm colors. The stones that women should use are matte and have a cold color scheme. The evil eye stone And picking up the damage is pretty easy. To do this, look into your own horoscope and find out which stone fits your sign. But there are also universal stones that suit all people.

- Black onyx
Black onyx has a strong protective force. It is recommended to wear people who have inner strength of spirit, which often causes envy among others. In addition to protection, it is still able to give strength and give special energy. It helps to concentrate and think soberly. Therefore, it is especially recommended for business people and those who are busy studying. Periodically, the amulet with black onyx should rest so that it is self-cleansed from the accumulated negative. We advise you not to accept products made of this stone as a gift from unfamiliar people, since the stone can endow with a negative. - malachite
This beautiful stone protects from the evil eye and various troubles. It also helps to protect health, so it is often made of amulets for children. Also, jewelry from it is advised to wear lonely people, because, according to esotericists, malachite attracts love and prosperity. This is a very multifunctional stone. You don't have to carry it with you. You can make a souvenir or just keep in the house as a talisman from evil spirits. They say that in houses where there is this stone, less swearing. - Tiger eye
Perhaps this is the most famous and often found amulet. Tiger eye has long been recognized as a powerful protector against all kinds of negative energy, including witchcraft, evil eye and birth curses. This stone is an excellent amulet for the protection of family relationships and home, so most often it is advised to wear women. Soaking up a lot of negativity, a tiger's eye can burst. In that case, don't throw it in the trash, but bury it in the ground. - chrysocolla
Chrysocolla amulets help to ward off bad thoughts and the consequences of someone else's envy. The stone banishes phobias and prevents terrible dreams. It is perfect for you if you are often in public or often notice the unkind views of others. And chrysocolla is considered a stone of wisdom. - venturine
Aventurine is incredibly beautiful and many fall in love with it at first sight. Astrologers associate this stone with the symbols of eternal and pure love. As an amulet, it protects from the evil eye and damage, brings happiness to its owner and supports him in a joyful mood. Aventurine will certainly give you a charge of solar optimism. This beautiful stone contributes to the development of creative potential, is considered a faithful companion of writers and musicians, artists, artists and people of other creative professions.
This is not the entire list of existing amulets in the form of minerals and stones. Choose stones that are close to you in spirit. Tell us in the comments if you believe in the power of stones and which ones. Share useful information with your friends on social networks!
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