OUR SECRETS (and neighbor) grandmothers ....

After all, it is no secret that if the people say more than 100 years, we should heed.
100 Tips:
1) If you're up any risky business, do not be lazy to go to this temple (or your religion) and light a candle for the health of your enemies, and for the repose of their own.
2) Do not greet before cross the threshold of the room, or allegedly may have problems with memory.
3) exit from the market, and do not look anybody about anything do not ask until you move away from it at least 5 steps. Otherwise, there is a chance to grab a problem (including deterioration) of who at this moment your eyes look or ask about something.
4) newly acquired cards is advisable not to play, even if they stay with the host for at least 12 hours. Otherwise, you may experience failures in the game - the card are able to retaliate.
5) If you had a bad dream and you do not want it to come true, it is possible to do so. Take a pinch of earth from the pot with a flower in your room, put it on his hand, go to the balcony and blow away with the words:
"Do not blow off the ground, the dream is blown. So be it! »
6) order after communicating with chronically ill you are not tied his problem may be leaving, before the threshold and whispered: "My (your name) with me, and your (the name of the patient) with you. It is! »
7) If you suddenly lucky, try it not to tell anyone, not to show elation. Otherwise samosglaz possible.
8) Obesity is sometimes sold only because being at a party, a person eats or drinks up alone. In this case, there is a great probability enough obzhornogo the devil. It is clear that in order to avoid this problem, do not eat up alone. The rule applies only to cases in the party.
9) Desk standing in the western part of your corporate office, may be the real cause of your service failures.
10) In what way can often help here this technique. Take along a pack of new maps, so she was always with you.
11) If you are selling a property, it is advisable to submit ads to the growing Moon. Always try to keep the number of characters in the ad was divided by 2.
12) If you wear clothing or jewelry inherited from your family, then for any reason do not let them try to wear or those who do not is with you in kinship.
13) In housing, which was inherited during the year is not recommended to invite people earlier it does not happen.
14) with a drunken man never discuss their family matters, of course, if you want to save your marriage.
15) That is not self-fulfilling prophecy, it is not recommended to sharpen knives and scissors at sunset. And from dawn until noon - you can do it.
16) If you are applying to the doctor, it is desirable to choose a doctor of the opposite sex with you. The same rule applies in the cases referral to a specialist in the field of magic.
17) about their sex life, especially the details, do not tell anyone of your friends. It is believed that in such a case arise, or problems in this sphere of life, or disorder relationship with a regular partner.
18) Privorot and cuffs removed much easier and faster if the relevant initiation rites before three days of fasting.
19) If you have frequent heavy dreams, and together with the scandals with family and at the same time not got on the case, then you really will not prevent damage to the diagnosis, since it is likely that the damage you have.
20) Do not merge unfinished drinks together, as thus induced damage on drinking for someone who will then drink the liquid.
21) Sometimes I heard a strange conversation can be a sign of destiny. To understand its importance, telling a few friends - sometimes it helps to understand the essence of the Mark.
22) to succeed in a career soon as possible, if the period of the growing Moon bestow begging coins from yellow metal. It should say: "From the heart!»
23) Cactus reduce harmful emissions from modern technology. But they take a human life energy, so the cactus should not be near a sick man!
24) If you had to be treated in the hospital, that is a recommendation for your return home. When back, opening the door and crossing the threshold, about myself:
"It is better to be at home and not to go there!»
25) occult and religious literature is recommended to read in solitude, mentally pronouncing each word.
26) If, during the movement you do not give to overtake a car (or a pedestrian - if you go on foot), then do not try to do it: it is possible that the Higher Powers thus obstruct your appointment with unnecessary personality.
27) Many, following tradition, is placed above the door horseshoes, in the hope that good fortune will come from this. Now, the shoe can be mounted above the door, worse will not happen. Only it is necessary to hang up, but in any case not to beat!
28) If your spouse (wife) some invisible force pulls to the store, there is no need to purchase, and it happens often, the energy terms, this could mean that he (she) feels dissatisfaction in sex or unconsciously looking for diversity, the other partner.
29) His namesake do not recommend to try to give (much less wear) their clothes, watches, sunglasses, shoes, headgear.
30) Marriage between persons of the same name (and Miroslav Miroslav, Eugene and Eugene) record only on the growing moon.
31) Pictures and photos on the wall affect your energy and behavior. Images of dead relatives brings to life the anguish, sadness, depression; living - a sense of guilt and insecurity in life. Pictures from the chaotic compositions - uncertainty in the forces charity. Hunting scenes involve energy cruelty. Family pictures evoke the responsibility for their loved ones.
32) requests made by you in the back, through the window, as you satisfied, good, is not likely to bring.
33) If you received a letter with a threat or is a text written by your enemy, you can proceed as follows. At any metal surface with an unpleasant burn paper for your text, while saying:
"That's not thunder, the storm is not, and you mount in the eyes. These things burn, you blind, blinds. So be it! »
You need to cast spells during the time of burning paper. Ashes rinse the toilet.
34) On Monday you should not start a new business, to make proposals of marriage, to enter into commercial transactions.
35) Through the fence of his house (dacha) is not the stile and jump. It is believed that such penetration into its territory - to failure.
36) is seriously ill person, do not look in the mirror, especially after sunset: the disease may worsen.
37) Have your detractors can take good luck, for example, in such a way. From the deck of new cards is extracted four ace cards cut in the center of their signs (the suit). On the card is filled with the sand and slowly waved each card it says:
"As the sand leaking through the hole, and from (name of detractors) all the luck and profits will flow away, come to me!" At the end of sifting sand must say, "So be it!»
After that aces are added together, stitched black thread and toss your enemy.
38) By entering the first time in person invited you home, make sure to sit down on a chair after him, and rise a little before him.
39) When the leave the home town, leaving, say "See ya!". And then, when moved to another city, you can say "I saw!", The same word is pronounced and when returning to his hometown.
40) If you cook or fry meat, make sure that the number of pieces is not equal to 13.
41) If the broken dishes, you have to throw shards immediately, unless at the time of breaking was not the night (the period after sunset). If you break the dishes when moving to a new apartment, then throw the fragments until the next day before noon.
42) If a husband or son, steal, you can do so. Trimming a nail in his hands, under the closest to home poplar dig a hole, there vkinut nail clippings. Digging, saying:
"Cheese land, tie her hands to steal the man of God (name)! Wherever he went, no riding would have to hand it to someone else does not rise, do not touch the good of others. It ».
Then the place where they buried, it is necessary to rub salt in a new package and say:
"Conceals, salt-solena, all the way to mischief for a man of God (name)!»
43) If your apartment visited unpleasant people with whom you have held a negative character conversation after their departure light up the place where they were a candle (not the church).
44) If at the wake broken dishes - not a good sign. Fragments should be collected without touching hands in a bag. The same bag put any meal with the funeral of the table and when it's dark, a bag with all its contents have to bring out and leave where no people walking silently back home without looking back, and immediately clean up, or at least wash your hands cold water.
45) If you come to the house guests while bathing the baby, then let it remain in the home until the end of the swim. In addition, the mother let the baby pour some water from the font on foot guest.
46) Hand over the threshold is served in the case, if they want to get rid of painful love. In this case, holding out his hand, you can say to yourself:
"Break, tie-strand, getting bestow!»
47) A significant increase in power, faster recovery after illness to help this recipe. A handful of pine needles, the husk of one small onion, 1 tablespoon false couch grass root, 1 teaspoon of licorice root. All is placed in boiling water and boil for about 20 minutes. Filter. Throughout the day to drink a decoction of the whole, it should be about 2 liters.
48) If the husband spree, try to remove any Friday carnations from his boot and carnations tell a "walking, walking, I was done on. It's time to know and honor! ". Then hammer stud back, saying:
"That house, that threshold, then you are precious!»
49) When the new fall asleep salt in the salt, say:
"Salt for food, and the food given to us by God!»
50) I do not recommend a long stay (for example, rest on a bench) in the shade of buildings hospitals, courts, law enforcement and administrative agencies, housing office, s. From these buildings is always an evil power.
51) If the whole family sits at the table, then let the first begins to eat the oldest, followed by already - all the rest.
52) If you have to carry something heavy or awkward, it is recommended in this case to say:
"Lord, Relief!". After that it should be easier.
53) During the wedding, it is necessary to make sure that behind the married couple did not stand next to same-sex friends (friend).
54) If you fell, passing the intersection or street, is rising, tell:
"At the same leg - my enemy!»
55) Do not sleep or relax in the "corpse pose" - lying on his back with his hands clasped in front.
56) If you have forgotten something, try this method. Tie a knot in the handkerchief, put it under the pillow at night and in the morning, Loose.
57) Purification of the brain (after injuries and from blockages) is carried out so. 2 teaspoons onion seeds, black cumin grind in a mortar, pour 50 grams. 9% solution of vinegar and insist 10 days in the dark. Strain and give the patient sniff before eating. When cooking and immediately prior to use to read this infusion:
"Water Dnieper, Dazhboh this, you techesh of meadows, from cliffs, bordering and meadows and steep banks, wash, and the man of God (name), and all uncleanness, Take away from him. So be it! »
This treatment - 10-14 days, starting on the waning moon. Throughout the course of the patient to drink chicken broth immediately after inhalation of the infusion, and only then you can eat.
This method is perfectly clears the brain, removes blockages and swelling.
58) Never sit on any money - can get away from you.
59) Knower of women can sometimes discourage her husband from his mistress so. Take home the trash and garbage removal. Becoming a bucket near the dumpster?, A woman says:
"Become the east ridge to the west face of the unknown forces and ask how I do not need this garbage, and the man of God (husband's name), a woman (name) does not need to be. From now on and forever. It is! »
After this, emptied the trash. To leave must immediately, without looking back.
60) On the day of your birth is recommended to bestow 12 beggars. It is to the luck.
61) If a woman wants to repay his love for man, can proceed as follows. Let him go to the cemetery to find the grave with a name like hers, put a mention and say:
"I pray thee, hear me, dead land. As is dead, his hand does not move, the heart does not love, does not get sick, because to my heart, a woman of God (your name), cooled down to the man (the man's name). Let my love go to sleep, will take to the grave, will not wake up more, and the heart does not yearn for (name of man), all of it will be closed. Now, for ever and ever and ever. Verily! »
It is necessary to leave without looking back, without speaking with anyone until you pass the first intersection.
62) After a serious feast, the next morning, when the state really bad, you can do so. Need mint alcohol. 20 drops of peppermint alcohol drip into a glass of cold water and drink.
63) If the photo album pictures of people who are at odds, placed one above the other, it is not good. Photography of people must be placed on different pages on the same level.
64) If you hit on something - it means that some your secret will be known to others.
65) If you mistakenly brought someone else's letter or telegram - to the bad news.
66) on the torn lace boots could mean that your favorite lady is ready to deceive you or change you.
67) If you are a smoker, try not to give a stranger his lighter in hand - it can provoke respiratory diseases.
68) Do not start a fight and did not find out the relationship in the presence of the baby - it can hurt him very energetically.
69) On the desktop negativity accumulated in the left corner. It makes sense to sometimes put on the left corner of the desktop candle and let it Pohorje at least 3-5 minutes.
70) It is not recommended to accept a gift brought from Egypt and Turkey toys. This is particularly true of toys in the form of animals, not from your area, creatures from mythology and chuzhinskih masks different shamans. If we take it as a gift, then be prepared that many magicians then not be able to remove you from disease of unknown origin.
71) If you purchased a home for an object, and then it turned out that a member of your family bought the same, it does not follow from the twin get rid of - even if it is in your home as long as possible. If you do it will come back, do not be surprised weaken the energy potential and vulnerability for the enemy.
72) If you approached by a man who introduced himself as your friend, and then it turns out that you never knew - not a good sign, and you can not hurt to turn to an experienced magician.
73) If in the course of preparation write you suddenly sneezed or coughed, then immediately say:
"I'm preparing food in a disaster, and to health. Verily! »
74) If you're reading the book has been dropped, it fell out of the hands, it is - a harbinger of misfortune or illness. Lay famously possible if raising a book to say:
"It is not written about me!»
75) Constipation may arise from the fact that people taking food, buttoned. To avoid this, it is better to unbutton the top button, sitting down to the table.
76) If you buy hard liquor or cigarettes - never go on about the seller, asking you for the convenience of calculation of a particular denomination (coin). If you do, you will have more chance that your binding smoking or drinking will be stronger than the desire for money and power money can go to the exchange of energies ... and smoking.
77) Do not keep in a pocket of coins and keys to the apartment - it is to family quarrels.
78) If you lend money to someone, and he said, without giving previous debt, asks to borrow again - do not give, otherwise you may appear very financial difficulties.
79) Do not light a cigarette at an intersection in the underpass or cellar, holding money while driving past the funeral procession, spill alcohol.
80) In order to increase the success of the opposite sex, and sometimes helps this way. Man carries in his breast pocket card queen of hearts, and a woman - the king of the same suit. Worn by the image itself. Maps should be from a new deck.
81) It is recommended that a serious life cataclysm (accident, surgery, serious illness), transferred the man seen as a signal. After this signal all the random money (findings winnings, bonuses, gifts) is better to give to the poor, and even better - the orphans.
82) At least once a month to do so helpful. Cook, and the first spoonful of food, pour into a saucer and put on the floor - it is for homes, better to be friends with him.
83) If you have a serious purpose, but you feel strong interference, obstacles coming, including from people who try to "take patronage" over any unmarked graves of the cemetery. At the same time it is not necessary to say anything - things get better for as you take care of.