20 most interesting facts about intimate! Opening up the unknown...
It would seem that we know literally all the subtleties and nuances about sex: with whom it is better, how best, when it is possible, when it is impossible and so on. But how about looking at this process from a scientific perspective? Editorial "Site" Brings to your attention a selection of the most amazing facts about sex.
Facts about sex
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Facts about sex
- Men have a G-spot.
Yes, yes, ladies! Those who want to give their loved one maximum pleasure should learn how to stimulate it correctly. According to the study, the male G-spot is directly under the bladder.
- Sex is the best drug.
During sexual intercourse, endorphins secreted by the body give a feeling of euphoria no less than opioid drugs.
- Ovulation makes women more attractive
Subconsciously, men prefer women during ovulation. This was found out through research in nightclubs. During ovulation, the dancers received more solid tips from customers.
- Apples increase sexual desire
Studies in 2014 confirm the fact that women who consume apples more than 1 time a day have a permanent attraction to a partner.
- Sex affects immunity
People who have regular sex (2-3 times a week) have a stronger immune system.
- Women think about sex more often than men
It would seem that there is no creature more modest and reserved than a woman. But studies confirm the fact that women think about sex more often than men. In addition, many of them would not refuse sexual intercourse with much greater intensity.
- Orgasm is a sweet rarity
Everyone knows that it is much more difficult for women to reach the peak of pleasure, but men do not always come to the finish line either. Studies confirm that approximately 70% of men in relationships regularly experience orgasm and only 30% of women systematically achieve satisfaction.
- Better mild unshavenness than STDs
The habit of getting rid of pubic hair increases the risk of spreading STDs. Most diseases may not manifest themselves for 3-5 years, so you should visit a gynecologist as often as possible.
- High pain threshold
Scientists have proven that during sexual arousal, the pain threshold increases significantly!
- Useful relief.
It is worth taking the habit after sexual intercourse to go to the toilet in a small way. Thus, it is possible to reduce the risk of penetration of genitourinary infections.
- Duration of orgasm
Not everyone knows that the female orgasm lasts much longer than the male orgasm. The average duration of orgasm in women is 20 seconds, while the male orgasm lasts about 6 seconds.
- Number of sexual partners
The Center for Control and Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases published an interesting statistic: on average, women have 4 sexual partners, and men have 7 partners.
- Women are more sexually active in summer than in winter
This is directly related to the smells that float in the air. Many women associate them with romance and adventure.
- Duration of sexual intercourse
The average duration of sexual intercourse varies within 3-7 minutes.
- Socks are the way to orgasm
As funny as it sounds, it is the socks that help many couples reach their peak of enjoyment. Scientists confirm the fact that a person with warm legs is much easier to get an orgasm.
- Contraceptives reduce levels of pleasure
Women who use not only mechanical, but also hormonal contraceptives may not get enough pleasure. The sad consequences are weak orgasms and lack of lubrication.
- Sex for friendship
Regular sexual intercourse, if it suits both partners, can lead to the emergence of love between them.
- Number of sperm
It is hard to imagine this, but in a lifetime a man produces about 15 liters of sperm! That's 5 three-liter cans! Wow, how many kids can be made...
- Increased sensitivity
Ladies are more fortunate with sensitivity during sex. The fact is that there are about 8 thousand nerve endings on the female clitoris, but only 4 thousand on the male penis.
- Fighting traitors
In ancient Greece, men were severely punished for adultery in marriage. The infidel was shaved all his pubic hair, and a huge radish was inserted into the anus. Today is the wrong time! But the usual radish could save the family.
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