The doctor told me how to replace ibuprofen! It is a pity that no one advertises such funds, we are all hostages of the pharmacy.
It is no secret that the liver is not only affected by alcoholics. Cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver failure... You just have to drink an unsuccessful hepatotoxic - and on you! The list of such drugs is incredibly long, but there are also those that are always at hand. ibuprofenFor example. Feeling a little sick? One pill and it's over.
Of course, from a single intake of ibuprofen, the liver will not fall off, but the systematic, regular and not always justified use of this drug slowly but surely destroys the main filter of your body.
"Site" It is quite reasonable to offer you 7 alternative and natural remedies that will help no worse than a pharmacy anti-inflammatory drug. Just as effectively relieve pain and get rid of the heat, but completely harmless!
Anti-inflammatory drugs
Now you know, How to replace ibuprofen! Instead of mindlessly taking the drug when you experience a headache or muscle pain, try a natural alternative that poses no health risk and is available in almost every grocery store or pharmacy.
However, it should be understood that these natural generics should be used only in case of mild malaise and the absence of serious symptoms. Otherwise, it is necessary to immediately seek help from a specialist.
Keep this useful article for yourself and be healthy!
Of course, from a single intake of ibuprofen, the liver will not fall off, but the systematic, regular and not always justified use of this drug slowly but surely destroys the main filter of your body.

"Site" It is quite reasonable to offer you 7 alternative and natural remedies that will help no worse than a pharmacy anti-inflammatory drug. Just as effectively relieve pain and get rid of the heat, but completely harmless!
Anti-inflammatory drugs
- turmeric
Curcumin, in abundance contained in this plant, has a significant anti-inflammatory effect, has analgesic, antioxidant and antifungal properties. This Indian spice supports joint health and counteracts bone loss. And most importantly - turmeric can be bought in the nearest store literally for pennies. By the way, turmeric It can also be purchased in capsule form. Such a drug has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, cleanses the liver of toxins, improves the condition of the skin and reduces cholesterol. What a find! - Licorice
The healing possibilities of licorice root are very wide and deserve the closest attention. Glycyrrhizin, which is contained in the plant, has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects, has antimicrobial and antiparasitic properties. This sweet plant can be found in the pharmacy in the form of lozenges, syrup, cream. You can, of course, collect and prepare licorice roots yourself. Important! Licorice is not recommended for people with type II diabetes, with low levels of potassium in the blood, with hepatitis, with hypertension, as well as during pregnancy. - Cayenne pepper
One of the hottest spices, cayenne pepper also has a significant anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses the blood and strengthens the immune system. Cayenne pepper repairs liver cellsIt improves its work, eliminates pain during exacerbation of arthritis and is a powerful antimicrobial agent. Cayenne pepper is very effective for muscle spasms and allergies. It gives the body energy, lifts the spirit and improves digestion. Add a little Indian spice to your favorite dishes, take pepper in the form of an infusion or buy a finished medicine in a pharmacy. But be careful! Do not inhale ground pepper and avoid contact with mucous membranes. - Arnika
Another beautiful natural ibuprofen! Mountain arnica flowers contain luten, which is an excellent means of preventing retinal diseases. The herb also contains apple, lactic and formic acid, as well as tannins and vitamins. Arnica has healing properties that will allow it to be used as an effective anti-inflammatory agent. On the basis of arnica, various drugs are produced: oil, alcohol tincture, extracts. - Valerian
Valerian has long been known as a plant that gives strength. The herb has an anti-inflammatory, painkiller and sedative effect. This is a great antidepressant and the best. sleeper. Valerian roots contain polysaccharides, tannins, essential oil, alkaloids, glycosides. - Ginger
About the healing properties of ginger is known to everyone and everything! The root includes many useful substances: calcium, aluminum, chromium, iron, magnesium, nicotinic acid, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, vitamin C. Ginger root irreplaceable for colds and flu. It relieves pain in the throat, lowers the temperature and gives vital energy. Due to the pleasant taste and absence of harmful additives, treatment with ginger root will be not only effective, but also damn pleasant! - White willow bark
White willow, or willow, has truly healing properties. From the raw materials collected in the spring, therapeutic decoctions and tinctures are prepared, which have a beneficial effect on the body. The plant has anti-inflammatory properties and effectively lowers the temperature. Moreover, willow bark disinfects, has a hypotensive effect and fights bleeding. The bark helps to get rid of intestinal parasites, and also removes uric acid, which is extremely useful for arthritis and gout. Apply the bark both externally and internally.
Now you know, How to replace ibuprofen! Instead of mindlessly taking the drug when you experience a headache or muscle pain, try a natural alternative that poses no health risk and is available in almost every grocery store or pharmacy.
However, it should be understood that these natural generics should be used only in case of mild malaise and the absence of serious symptoms. Otherwise, it is necessary to immediately seek help from a specialist.
Keep this useful article for yourself and be healthy!
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