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Stop experimenting on your own children! Golden rules in the fight against temperature: what is possible and what is strictly forbidden.

Childhood illness is unpredictable. A perfectly healthy child who was jumping and tearing down walls a minute ago is suddenly hot as a corner. Bring down the temperature or wait?


A fever is a signal to the brain to produce more substances that will help defeat an infectious disease. 80% of childhood diseases are SARS. And the main competitor of viruses is interferon, a specific protein, the level of which directly depends on body temperature. In other words, the higher the temperature, the more of your own medicine is produced!

How to lower the temperature We take to bring down the temperature as soon as it is detected. But this is not quite right, or rather, completely wrong! Medications that lower the temperatureThey do not give the body a chance to defeat the disease in the shortest possible time.

Remember the golden rule: The determining factor for the use of antipyretics is not the temperature, but the general condition of the child!


Let's see, How to reduce the temperature in a child As effectively as possible without harm.

  1. When to hit?
    Some children at 39 degrees feel great, while others at 37.5 degrees can not get out of bed. The choice in favor of drugs is obvious. Each child has its own facet, but it is not worth risking in its search. If the temperature has risen to 39.5 ° - act immediately! “Closer to 40.0°, the protective functions of fever turn into the opposite: increased metabolism and oxygen consumption, increased fluid loss, creates additional stress on the heart and lungs.”

    Special monitoring is required for children with convulsive syndrome. If you have previously noticed febrile convulsions against a background of high fever, it is recommended to use drugs when increasing to 38.5 ° or the level that your pediatrician will indicate. This also applies to the age of up to 3 months.

    In this article, we are talking about the temperature measured in the armpit. Measure it for at least 10 minutes with a conventional thermometer. Rectal is always higher by 1 degree, 5 minutes is enough for a reliable result.


  2. Where to get sick?
    The main thing you need to do when increasing body temperature is to create conditions for the child, in which he can lose heat as much as possible. And this is possible only in two ways: through sweat or by warming the inhaled air. Try to create a cool temperature in the room (17-20 ° C), while putting the child in an extra jacket or cover with a blanket. Ensure drinking regime (50-100 ml per 1 kg of child weight). Without these rules, recovery will come much later, and the risk of complications increases.

  3. Hit what?
    Your task is not to panic, but to use an integrated approach: medicines, air parameters, abundant drinking. And the last two items are no less effective than any syrup or tablet! According to the WHO recommendation, the drugs of first choice for children are Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. In the home medicine cabinet should be both, preferably in different forms. For children under 6 years of age, this is a syrup or rectal suppositories.


    Syrup has an effect 15-20 minutes after consumption, but it contains many chemical additives, flavors, dyes. Candles after 40-50 minutes, but the antipyretic effect lasts longer. They are indispensable when a child has nausea or vomiting, use them after defecation, if possible.

    In the pharmacy, Paracetamol is sold under the guise of such drugs: Panadol, Calpol, Efferalgan, Dofalgan, Mexalen, Dolomol, Cefecone. Ibuprofen is less safe but more effective. Its analogues: “Ibufen”, “Nurofen”, “Bofen”, “Marcofen”, “Children’s Motrin”, “Ibunorm Baby”, “Brufen”.

  4. Dosage.
    Manufacturers often indicate age on drug labels. But not all children are the same, you need to calculate the dosage according to the weight of the child. See the calculation rules in the picture.

    The most common mistake is when milligrams (mg) and milliliters (ml) are confused. Let's take an example. The label reads: “100 mg of active ingredient in 5 ml of suspension.” This means that a child weighing 10 kg who needs 150 mg of Paracetamol will need 7.5 ml of medication. If it's Ibuprofen, it's 5 ml. This is exactly the case when school mathematics will be useful.

    Ask the right dosage of antipyretic candles at the pharmacy. It is better to use them at night, because of the long-term effect. A single dose of Paracetamol in suppositories is up to 20 mg / kg, take it into account when calculating the daily.

    If the temperature rises earlier than the minimum period before the next dose specified in the instructions, alternate between drugs. These should not be different names of drugs, but different active substances (“Paracetamol” or “Ibuprofen”). The same drug is often hidden under different labels.

    If after taking the medicine, the temperature dropped by 1-1.5 °, this is very good! Do not achieve 36.6 ° - this is a huge stress for the body and blood vessels.

  5. Prohibited drugs
    It is strictly not recommended to give children "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid), "Analgin" (metamizole sodium), "Nimesulide". They have a higher risk of developing and a greater severity of adverse reactions. Popular in our country "lytic mixture" based on Analgin can be used once, when other, safer drugs are not available. Constant reception is absolutely unacceptable for both children and adults.

    "Aspirin" in combination with a viral infection can cause severe damage to the liver and brain - Ray's syndrome, in which the mortality rate reaches 20%. Nimesulide is also banned due to the risk of developing toxic hepatitis. This applies to children under 12 years of age.

  6. White fever.
    Usually, a child with a high temperature is hot to the touch, with a pink or reddish shade of the skin. In this case, you can stay calm - thermoregulation and heat transfer work perfectly. But if the high temperature is accompanied by pale skin, chills, cold extremities - there is a spasm of blood vessels.


    There can be several reasons: from damage to the nervous system and lack of fluid, to a decrease in pressure. In this case, rub cold hands and feet until they turn pink, give the child half of the antispasmodic drug (Drotaverin, Nosh-pa). Eliminate absolutely all cold compresses and wraps. Remember, the antipyretic will not work completely while the spasm is present. If you can not reduce the high temperature within 2-3 hours, immediately call an ambulance!

  7. Distraction procedures
    Forget the alcohol and vinegar rubbing! Sensitive baby skin instantly absorbs dangerous substances and there is a risk of poisoning. You can not use at home heating pads with ice, wet cold sheets, cold enemas. Outwardly, it seems that the temperature has decreased, but this result was due to spasm of skin vessels! At the same time, the movement of blood slows down, sweating and heat transfer decreases. As a result, the temperature of the internal organs increases. It's very dangerous!

    The most you can do is a cold bandage on your baby’s forehead to ease the condition, but only after applying an antipyretic.


    Mustard, hot foot baths and steam inhalations do more harm than good. At the slightest suspicion of temperature, the use of these procedures will provoke its increase. If you want to soothe yourself and conduct an experiment on your own child - please at your own risk, but only when he has a normal temperature!

    Sometimes sedatives for relatives help the best quality mustard.

Editorial Board
In most cases, children recover on their own, without significant drug intervention. Sometimes it is permissible to use folk remedies to alleviate the general condition. Along with abundant drinking, offer your baby warm and healthy milk drinks. They help with cough, laryngitis and are very tasty. It can be milk with honey, cocoa butter, propolis. But only in the absence of allergies to these products! Add a teaspoon of honey to warm milk, stir. It is better to drink such a drink at night, it calms down well. Cocoa butter perfectly copes with sore throat, if dissolved in warm milk.


You can buy a 10% tincture of propolis at the pharmacy, it is inexpensive. Add 10 drops to warm milk, whether it is half a glass or one spoon. This tool copes well with pulmonary diseases, improves well-being. It should be taken immediately before bedtime. Tested on your own experience – it works! Propolis is a storehouse of healing substances, it favorably affects all systems of the human body.

In treatment of childhood diseases Just use common sense and don’t panic. If you doubt your actions, be sure to consult a pediatrician. Contact him if the symptoms of the disease last more than 5 days. I wish you and your children only health.

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