Home first aid kit, composition. A list of necessary drugs for all occasions.

No one is immune from a sudden attack of pain. If it is not possible to consult a doctor urgently, always keep an emergency kit on hand. It should not only have a patch and green, but also prescription.


In pharmacology, there are certain drugs that help alleviate the condition during illness. Some of them must be in every home. If you don't, What should be in the home medicine cabinetSee the list of medications and their analogues.

When I was abroad, local doctors had one cure for all ills: Ibuprofen. No one's gonna mess with the labs, the X-rays, the gym if your condition isn't lethal. Therefore, I respect and appreciate our medicine, where a competent doctor will never wave his hand. The only problem is finding such a doctor.


Editorial "Site" strongly recommends that you contact a specialist if you feel unwell, and do not neglect the ambulance services in emergency cases. List of medicines specified in the article for the purpose of acquaintance, consult with your doctor before self-medicating.

Home medicine cabinet
  1. Injuries, cuts, burns
    Bandage, patch, cotton, Pantenol. Antiseptics: "Chlorhexidine" 5% solution, "Etanol" 70% solution (denatured), iodine solution 10%.
  2. Headache, migraine.
    Acetylsalicylic acid, "Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol", "Nurofen", "Panadol", "Analgin", "Aspirin", "Spasmalgon", "Tempalgin", "Ketorolak". Migraine pain: "Anti-migrain", "Sumatriptan", "Eletriptan".
  3. Intestinal colic, cramping

    DepositPhotos "Drotaverin", "No-shpa", "Dietel", "No-shpalgin", "Riabal".

  4. Stomach pain, antiulcer medications
    "Aluminum hydroxide," "Ranitidine."
  5. Heartburn.
    "Aluminum hydroxide", "Almagel", "Maalox", "Renny".
  6. Constipation
    Lactulose syrup, Dufalak, Normazé, Microlax.
  7. Cold.


    Antipyretic: "Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol", "Nurofen", "Panadol". Means to eliminate the symptoms of ARI: "Rinicold", "Anacold", "Rinza", "Fervex", "Coldrex", "Antiflu".

  8. Sniffle
    Vasoconstrictors: "Xylometazolin", "Xynos drops", "Meralis", "Otrivin", "Evkabal", "Nazol", "Naftisin". Nasal washing: saline solutions, sodium chloride solution 0.9%, Marimer, Salin, No-Salt, Humer, Aqualore, Otrivin, Quix.
  9. Sore throat
    "Benzidamine", "Tantum Verde", "Fortesa", "Zipelor".
  10. cough


    Drinking plenty is better than any medicine. Expectorant drugs that thin sputum: "Bromhexin", "Ambroxol", "Acetylcysteine" (ACC), "Carbocysteine". Plant-based expectorants: “Licorice root syrup”, “Mukaltin”, “Pektusin”, “Gedelix”, “Prospan”. Antitussive: "Kodelak", "Stoptussin", "Bronhikum".

  11. Allergy
    Tablets: "Loratadine", "Desloratadine", "Cetirizine", "Claritin", "Cetirizine", "Cetrin", "Zirtek", "Dimetinden", "Fenistil". Creams: "Fenistil gel", "Psilo-balm", "Gistan", "Skin-cap", "Desitin", "Vundehil".
  12. Anaphylactic shock
    "Dexamethasone", "Epinephrine" ("Adrenaline"), "Hydrocortisone", "Prednisolone".
  13. Sedative.


    Valerian extract, motherwort tincture, "Fitosed", "Persen", "Novo-passit", "Dormiplant", "Valokordin", "Potassium bromide", "Corvalol", "Phenibut", "Afobazole", "Tenotene".

  14. Back pain, joint pain
    General analgesics: "Nimesulide", "Nimid", "Nise". Creams and ointments: "Finalgon", "Betanikomilon", "Capsicam", "Nicoflex", "Apizartron", "Viprosal", "Nise gel", "Diclofenac", "Piroxecam", "Longit", "Dolobene".
  15. Diarrhea (diarrhea)
    Sorbents: "Atoxil", "Smecta", activated carbon, "Polysorb". Replenishment of lost salts: "Oralit", "Regidron". Antidiarrheal agents: "Loperamide", "Imodium", "Lopedium", "Stoperan".
  16. Vomiting.
    "Cerucal," "Metoclopramide."
  17. Acetonomic syndrome (acetone)
    5 percent glucose solution.
  18. Convulsive syndrome
    "Calcium gluconate", "Calcium-D3", "Magne-B6", "Asparkam", "Panangin".
  19. Candidiasis (thrush)
    "Flucostat", "Diflucan", "Mycosist", "Nystatin", "Levorin", "Ketoconazole", "Clotrimazole", "Natamycin", "Pimafucin".
  20. Heartache

    DepositPhotos "Nitroglycerin", "Valokordin", "Cardiomagnyl", "Amlodipine", "Nebilet", "Panangin".

  21. High blood pressure.
    "Furosemide", "Verospyron", "Nifedipine", "Felodipine", "Verapamil", "Enalapril", "Candesartan", "Doxazosin", "Captopril", "Dibazole", "Adelfan", "Hydrochlorothiazide", "Indapamide", "Propranol", "Metoprolol".


Never delay a visit to a doctor. There are diseases that kill quietly and unnoticed. It is very important to recognize them in time.

Always monitor your diet, give up smoking and increase physical activity. Walking to doctors and taking tests is not scary, on the contrary, it will allow you to identify problems in the body in time.

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