They don't cure anything! A list of completely useless drugs. It's corruptible...
Many of us blindly trust pharmacies and constantly buy a lot of drugs. Advertising imposes on us antiviral drugs, tablets for the treatment of the liver, kidneys, dysbiosis, and also to improve immunity and protection against the flu. But are these drugs effective? Not all of it. You will be surprised, but in pharmacies a pond of drugs, the effectiveness of which has not been proven.
Editorial "Site" share a list with you uselessIt’s just a way to get money out of our wallets.
Drugs without effect
Speaking of drugs with questionable effectiveness, it is impossible not to mention homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies are an illusion of treatment, after so much time there is no scientific study that would prove the effectiveness of these drugs.
This list is not only useless, but drugswhich may harm your health. And we're sure you have at least one in your medicine cabinet. I hope you think about it a few times before buying it. Take care of yourself and your health!
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Editorial "Site" share a list with you uselessIt’s just a way to get money out of our wallets.
Drugs without effect
- Corvalol.
Let’s start with the popular remedy for heart disease. It has long been proven that neither Corvalol nor Valokordin affect the course and outcome of cardiovascular diseases. And it is proved that these drugs contain phenobarbital, which can cause irreparable harm to the body. This substance accumulates in tissues, and subsequently destroys them. Regular use of the drug in large doses causes neurological and cognitive impairment, up to speech and memory disorders. Because of this, the drug is prohibited for import into the United States, the United Arab Emirates and many European countries, and for some reason it is still sold without a prescription. - "Essentiale"
This drug is advertised like no other, so it is very popular. In theory, the drug should protect the liver, like all so-called hepatoprotectors, but they do not protect. The effectiveness of taking the drug has not been proven by scientific studies. In fact, it is a common food additive. - Probiotics
Such a popular diagnosis of dysbacteriosis is not put anywhere else in the world. Probiotics are treated with caution in other countries. Not only has the effectiveness of probiotics not been proven, but it seems that 99% of the bacteria in the drugs are not alive. Taking such tablets is equal to the benefits of taking kefir. So why pay more? - Piracetam.
The drug is known mainly in the CIS. The effectiveness of Piracetam, like other nootropic drugs, has not been proven. But there is evidence proving the presence of unpleasant side effects. This list, in addition to this means, includes: "Lucetam", "Memotropil", "Nootropil", "Piratropil", "Cerebryl". - "Validol."
There are no harmful contraindications to the drug, in fact, as well as benefits. Completely outdated drug with unproven effectiveness. Do not rely on it in case of heart problems. He will not have the necessary action, and during an attack every minute counts. - Amiksin.
Expensive, well-publicized medicine. Many “connoisseurs” take it during the flu and cold season as an effective antiviral and immunostimulating agent. But in fact, this drug is completely ineffective. In no country in the world, except the CIS countries, the drug is not registered. Back in the 80s, the toxicity of Amiksin to the retina of the eyes was proved in France. Actually, this applies to all immunostimulating agents. Only the manufacturer benefits from these funds. - Riboxin.
A very popular drug used in cardiology, obstetrics, neurology. Among the population, it is often used to treat coronary heart disease. That's just serious research drug has never been subjected. It is argued that the drug should somehow improve the metabolism, enhance the effect of other drugs. Essentially, medicine should help with everything, but in fact it does not help with anything. - Cavinton.
Absolutely not recommended for use. No study has found any significant effects on the drug. In the United States and many other countries, it refers to dietary supplements, not drugs. In Japan, it is completely withdrawn from sales due to obvious inefficiency. - "Actovegin."
The drug, which tops the list of sales leaders, but has no evidence of effectiveness. It has been banned in Canada since 2011. In Europe, Australia, Japan and most other countries, the substance is not approved for use. The manufacturer tried to prove the effectiveness of the drug and even conducted a study, but no one saw the results. - Chondroprotectors
Joint problems are the most beneficial disease for pharmacists. After all, there is a whole group of drugs that kind of should treat any problems with the joints - chondroprotectors. Very often, such drugs are prescribed for osteoarthritis to restore cartilage, only this is not effective at all. The development of osteoarthritis can be slowed down, but not with the help of drugs, but with the help of physical exercise.
Speaking of drugs with questionable effectiveness, it is impossible not to mention homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies are an illusion of treatment, after so much time there is no scientific study that would prove the effectiveness of these drugs.
This list is not only useless, but drugswhich may harm your health. And we're sure you have at least one in your medicine cabinet. I hope you think about it a few times before buying it. Take care of yourself and your health!
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