The decline of the population of the planet has begun... The Shocking Truth: How We Are Killed and Earned

There are pharmacies on every corner. The old ones are expanding and the new ones are appearing at breakneck speed. In the pursuit of health, many replace the gym with vitamins, “strengthen” the immune system with unknown pills. Although drugs Doctors continue to write prescriptions and treat non-existent diseases.

Famous biochemist, former employee of the pharmaceutical company Shane Ellison spoke against the modern approach in medicine. He made the shocking claim that all the drugs in our pharmacies are made with one goal: to reduce the world’s population.

What medications should not be taken: “Remember, we are developing drugs to relieve symptoms. We don't cure! This phrase is voiced by employees of the company when they are hired. The production strategy is as follows: everything is aimed at ensuring that a person buys and takes the prescribed drug for life. This is the essence of the coordinated work of doctors and pharmacists.


And if the symptoms disappear, what to do? Invent new diseases and treat them. For psychiatry, a whole range of drugs can be prescribed indefinitely, inventing new diseases. It is impossible to confirm them.

What medicines can not be drunk - choose as you wish. “If the doctor can’t prove the need for a drug, and he can’t in nine cases out of ten, don’t take the drug.”

As a chemist, I was surprised: I make these drugs, their ability to kill is found in our laboratories, the ability to kill is found in other laboratories, these are dangerous, ineffective drugs that cause the very side effects from which they are intended to cure. How do they sell them? ?

In the factories where medicines are manufactured, marketing departments work most effectively. They come up with powerful sales schemes and instructions for doctors. The company pays for everything: positive reports, professors' opinions, kickbacks to pharmacies. He bought the medicine and became a science sponsor.


“At least 125,000 people die each year from prescription drugs,” says Shane Ellison.

It would seem better to spend a few million on research to reduce mortality. But no, a lot of money is being transferred to the pharmaceutical industry to create new, stronger drugs. Marketing works, people buy, incomes grow.


We can't say for sure if it's true or just another conspiracy theory. But check out the instructions for your pills, especially the Side Effects section. There's something about it, it's worth thinking about.

What medicines should not be used The decision is purely individual. There are a million non-existent diseases that our doctors are actively treating.

Show your friends this information, they may be about to buy some unnecessary medicine.


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