Completely verified list of necessary medicines! For everything.
Everyone in the house probably has a first aid kit. Someone has a special locker or box, others just a plastic bag with medicines.
Composition of the home first aid kit Often leaves much to be desired: there are stored a lot of drugs that remained from the transferred diseases, there are tablets with an expired shelf life and without packaging.
But if you think about it, a properly equipped home first aid kit is a lifeline on which the health and sometimes the lives of your loved ones depend.
We tried to compile the most complete list of drugs from which everyone can make their own, individual, meeting their needs. It is impossible to stock up on medicines for all occasions, but it is better to meet any ailments fully armed.
If one of the family members suffers from any chronic disease, the composition of the home first aid kit should be supplemented with appropriate drugs. It is better for children to have a special kit.
For the eyes
For the heart
For the stomach
For the throat
For nerves 364284
For ears
For liver
For the kidneys
For the common cold
Antiallergic drugs
For joints
Additional funds
Remember that before using any medication, you should at least read the instructions, and it is best to consult a doctor.
Do not forget to do an audit of your first aid kit from time to time and check the shelf life of drugs in its composition.
What's always in your medicine cabinet just in case?
We were put on placebo pills. Editorial "Site" This is a list of the most useless drugs of our time.
Few people know that some drugs can not be taken in a pair, because it can cause severe harm to health. Remember these harmful combinations of drugs and never take them together!

Composition of the home first aid kit Often leaves much to be desired: there are stored a lot of drugs that remained from the transferred diseases, there are tablets with an expired shelf life and without packaging.

But if you think about it, a properly equipped home first aid kit is a lifeline on which the health and sometimes the lives of your loved ones depend.
We tried to compile the most complete list of drugs from which everyone can make their own, individual, meeting their needs. It is impossible to stock up on medicines for all occasions, but it is better to meet any ailments fully armed.

If one of the family members suffers from any chronic disease, the composition of the home first aid kit should be supplemented with appropriate drugs. It is better for children to have a special kit.
For the eyes

- Zovirax - Viral conjunctivitis ointment.
- quinax - prophylactic agent for cataracts.
- corneregel - restores the tear film on the cornea of the eye.
- Xalatan - an effective remedy for glaucoma.
- Uniclofen - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent in drops.
- Floxal ointment Helps with bacterial conjunctivitis.
- Cycloxane - antibiotic in drops, helps from acute conjunctivitis.
For the heart

- Corvalol, valokordin - antispasmodic, soothing, light sleeping pills.
- cordiamine - excitatory agent for hypotension.
- Nitroglycerin - dilating heart vessels.
- captopril If you do not have problems with blood pressure and blood vessels, you should still have captopril. This is a drug that can be given to the patient in the event of a hypertensive crisis (one of the most common causes of death in the world) before the ambulance arrives.
For the stomach

- Acidine-pepsin - increases stomach acidity.
- motilium - normalizes stomach motility.
- pariet The drug of the last generation to reduce the acidity of the stomach.
- Pilobacter - Helicobacter.
- riabal - relieves stomach cramps.
- phosphalugel - extinguishes heartburn, has low toxicity.
For the throat

- kolustan - relieves swelling in inflammation.
- lugol - external means for laryngitis.
- Proposole-N - antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent.
- Tonsilgon - anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.
- Tonsilotren - increases the activity of the mucous membrane.
- faliminth - a means with a cooling effect for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.
- pharyngosept An antiseptic that does not harm the intestinal microflora.
- Flemoxin Solutab - quick-soluble antibiotic for purulent angina.
For nerves 364284
- Busperon An anti-anxiety agent that does not cause inhibition.
- venlaxor Antidepressant without side effects, quickly leads to severe depression.
- gidazepam - soft sleeping pills.
- ziprexa It has no side effects, it acts instantly.
- Imovan - modern sleeping pills.
- paxil - antidepressant, eliminates panic, fear and obsessions.
- Pramestad - improves memory.
- sulpyrid Heals nerves and stomach at the same time.
- finlepsin - treats convulsions and neuritis, stabilizes mood.
For ears

- Amoxicillin - antibiotic for ENT diseases.
- nymesulide - analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.
- otipax - a combined drug with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
- Otofa Antibiotic for inflammatory diseases of the middle ear.
- ciprofloxacin - local remedy for otitis, has an anti-inflammatory, antipruritious and vasoconstrictor effect, reduces edema.
- erythromycin - prescribe to patients with allergies to penicillin drugs.
For liver

- Galsten - medicine for young children.
- liolive - improves the condition of the liver with reduced bilirubin.
- potassium orotate - improves liver function, protein synthesis, general metabolism.
- cholenzyme - choleretic.
For the kidneys

- axeph - antibiotic.
- blemarin The best solvent of kidney stones.
- movalis - non-hormonal anti-inflammatory agent.
- uriseptus candles acting only on the urinary system.
- Flemoklav Solutab - antimicrobial.
- ceftriaxon Antibiotic with minimal side effects.
For the common cold

- ibupron - a strong painkiller.
- caldrex - a fast-acting vasoconstrictor drug.
- nazol - helps from the common cold and does not allow the mucous membrane of the nose to dry out.
- paracetamol - classic antipyretic.
- ribomunil - restores immunity.
- Sanorin - fast-acting remedy for the common cold with antiallergic components.
- Flucol-B An effective drug containing 8% alcohol.
Antiallergic drugs

- suprastin It works very quickly and is compatible with most medicines. Due to side effects, it can also be used as a sleeping pill.
- zirtek It is compatible with any medications (and even with alcohol), does not cause a hypnotic effect, but acts more slowly than suprastin. It can be used by adults (in tablets) and children (in drops).
For joints

- Alfluto improves blood metabolism and activates metabolism in the muscles.
- aspirin - helps with gout.
- diclober - a non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drug.
- Donna - strengthens the cartilage tissue.
- osteogenon An effective chondroprotector, protects the joints.
- retabolil Improves peripheral circulation.
Additional funds

- Graduate mercury, electronic or infrared. If you decide to buy an electronic or infrared thermometer, pay attention to the instructions. The accuracy of the measurement and readings will depend on the model and the correctness of the tool.
- Scissors. It is convenient when the medicine cabinet has its own scissors, which are always there. It is necessary for dressings, for printing packages and so on.
- Sterile syringes And spare needles for them.
- wata (sterile and non-sterile).
- Ammonia - used for fainting.
- yode It is used to treat wound edges and small scratches. You can replace it with an iodine pencil.
- Hydrogen peroxide It is used to stop bleeding, in the form of a solution for various rinses and washes.
- panthenol It is used to heal various wounds and burns. We can supplement it. acerbin sprayed sulfargin.
Remember that before using any medication, you should at least read the instructions, and it is best to consult a doctor.
Do not forget to do an audit of your first aid kit from time to time and check the shelf life of drugs in its composition.
What's always in your medicine cabinet just in case?
We were put on placebo pills. Editorial "Site" This is a list of the most useless drugs of our time.
Few people know that some drugs can not be taken in a pair, because it can cause severe harm to health. Remember these harmful combinations of drugs and never take them together!
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