That's why our grandmothers cook very, very badly. This can be argued for a long time, but the essence, alas, will not change.
Women 45+ like to complain about modern youth, especially girls, they say the hostess is terrible, lazy, cook in general it is not clear what. But there is one striking phenomenon: nowhere in Europe you will find such a tasteless and unappetizing food as in the homes of our women over 45. And yes, young girls cook much better and tastier, better understand what to combine with, although they do not have much. cooking experience.
Of course, it's not without reason. Years of scarcity, poverty, and limited views on world cuisine have taken their toll. On the correct combination of products, and even more so on the calorie content of dishes, only a few paid attention. This has caused many current problems, which the editors will tell about. "Site".
Bad food.
Now even schoolgirls know what is better to eat and how to prepare a dish so that it is beautiful and useful. And among the older generation, healthy eating is mainly interested in women who travel a lot or lead a business lifestyle. The bulk of our hostess lives habits 80-90-ies.
We did not mean to offend anyone in any way. You just need to always keep up with the times, expand your horizons, including culinary knowledge and skills. Share an interesting article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Of course, it's not without reason. Years of scarcity, poverty, and limited views on world cuisine have taken their toll. On the correct combination of products, and even more so on the calorie content of dishes, only a few paid attention. This has caused many current problems, which the editors will tell about. "Site".
Bad food.
- Uniformity
Take for example the diet of our woman 45+ average income. Usually it resembles a Soviet dining room: boiled or fried eggs, porridge, patties, soup, borscht, fried or boiled potatoes, pasta with minced meat. Of course, no holiday is complete without the salad "Capital", "Olivier", chicken with apples and "Squirrels". Of course, before there was no such abundance of available products, and especially recipes, as now. But time has passed and the cooking habits have remained.
Even if the wallet allows you to buy a variety of food, a native of the USSR will buy what is usual. The sausage in her mind is a special delicacy. What can we say about caviar and red fish? And various spices and products from other countries are taboo. After all, how to buy tomatoes in the middle of winter - only conservation and boiled potatoes, carrots, beets ... Women and men over forty can not dare to try a pie with spinach or Julien.
Perhaps the only product that penetrated into the kitchen of ladies of about retirement age is crab sticks. But even here, everyone has the same salads: corn, crab sticks, carrots, hard cheese. And about the design of dishes can be made jokes. The same salad can be laid out with a turtle, a slide, a pyramid ... In general, the beauty is indescribable. - No skill.
In the USSR, young people studied in different cities away from home. Of course, life in dormitories leaves a huge imprint: food in a hurry or from the student canteen and no idea what, how much and how to cook. It's a big scary secret - our mothers' generation can't cook. Our women believe that baking meat in mayonnaise makes it super tender. Although no special properties of meat, except fat and carcinogens, mayonnaise does not give.
Middle-aged women For some reason, they used to cut vegetables into a salad very, very finely and lay out everything in layers. Women over 45 love to make their lives difficult. It is difficult for them to accept that delicious dishes can be easily and quickly prepared. - Complicating the process
In Soviet times and in the early 90s, it was believed that guests should be greeted with a lush feast, and serving dishes that are prepared easily and quickly is disrespectful. Therefore, they cooked for a long time, tediously, and in the end, in fact, nothing interesting. Preparations for the festive table could take up to 2 days.
For different salads like olives and fur coats, you need to boil a bunch of vegetables, extinguish cabbage, boil the cold and cool in the refrigerator. And the salad you need to hold a couple of hours or a night in the refrigerator, so that it is all soaked in mayonnaise and begins to resemble puree. And in general, housewives over 45 are quite slow in all household affairs. - Harm to the body
In the distant 80s, they did not pay attention to the benefits of products, especially how to combine them correctly. All knowledge was based on the fact that everything is natural, and since you work, you need to eat a lot because you waste energy. Sweets are joy, they should always be in the house. After all, if you look, it is young grandmothers who feed their children candy.
They absolutely do not want to hear about what a competer is, that heavily carbonated sweet water is the cause of many diseases and obesity, that mayonnaise in a package cannot be of high quality, and there is no cottage cheese in glazed cheese. They're going to hear it on a TV show and they're going to be outraged, and they're going to say it's all the same, and they're going to keep buying. And no talking about healthy eating, because it's the same chemistry, only more expensive.
Just look at the generation of our parents and grandmothers: they are almost all obese, many have diabetes, heart disease, varicose veins, problems with the liver and pancreas. It's all from carbohydrate diet, love of fried and mayonnaise.
Now even schoolgirls know what is better to eat and how to prepare a dish so that it is beautiful and useful. And among the older generation, healthy eating is mainly interested in women who travel a lot or lead a business lifestyle. The bulk of our hostess lives habits 80-90-ies.
We did not mean to offend anyone in any way. You just need to always keep up with the times, expand your horizons, including culinary knowledge and skills. Share an interesting article with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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