The shape of your legs can reveal all your secrets! It turns out that a lot depends on it...

Each person is a unique person, and it is rather reckless to judge another by his appearance. Nevertheless, some character dependence And there is external data. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be talking about “wild chin” or “smart forehead”.

We all go through life, and it would be strange if the feet that carry us through it could not tell us anything about our life path.

That's why the editorial board "Site" I have prepared an unusual and interesting test for you. definition and the characteristics of human behavior. With this method, you will learn to read people by the shape of their feet. I have never read such funny facts about myself!


The relationship of physical and psychological characteristics of a person has long been studied by psychologists. It is believed that you can determine the character by the pattern of the lips, the length of the fingers, the gait, as well as the way a person sits, talks, eats. In the fair sex, the character can also be determined by the shape of the legs.

In fact, there are 4 basic forms. And this is what they look like.

  1. Type A
    This category includes women whose legs are tightly pressed against each other, but there is a small gap in the ankle area. This type of women is characterized by softness and special femininity, but they are very shy, and in almost all aspects. Such women almost never take the initiative and completely rely on men in this matter.

    Of course, men like timid and dependent women very much, because they look weak and a man next to such a woman can show his care and qualities of a defender, but lack of initiative can quickly get bored.

    Alas, the classic "Turgenev ladies" have long been out of fashion. The real woman is now perceived not as something passive, but as an equal participant in the relationship. And that, frankly, is for the best.

  2. Type B
    If your legs touch only in the ankle area, then you belong to women who lead an active lifestyle. Energetic, a little aggressive, and knowing exactly what you want is all about you. However, in relationships, such women often try to pull the blanket on themselves, which scares away no less than excessive passivity.

    Also, those who fall into this category really like it when there is some element of the game in the relationship. The more surprises and surprises, the better. And such women certainly will not turn into classic housewives!

  3. Type C
    This type includes women whose hips are pressed, but the lower legs do not touch. These ladies skillfully disguise themselves under both extremes and are able to surprise at the right moment. Tenderness and romance can suddenly be replaced by playfulness and originality. It is impossible to miss such a girl!

    Unfortunately, many men are afraid of the unpredictability of such women. But if there is one worthy who will be ready for any surprises, real happiness awaits him, to which it will be absolutely impossible to get used.

  4. Type D
    This is one of the most common forms of legs. In this version, the upper part of the hips, knees and ankles touches. This is a classic version of a female assistant who is willing to be behind a man, not compete with him. In bed, such ladies themselves will not experiment, but any idea of a man will support. These girls tend to “support” rather than stimulate.

    However, many men from life and it is necessary that there was someone who would help to withstand all the difficulties of life. And women with this type of legs are the masters.

Personally, I am amused by this test, but I believe that to draw conclusions about a person only by his appearance is definitely not worth it. And knowYou need to interact with them, and in a variety of conditions. And the fact is that the person in front of you will completely open.

I also suggest familiarizing yourself with another funny, but rather reliable test, how to find out the secrets of a person by the position of his legs while sitting. Body language is one of the most important sources of information. Naturally, during the day we move a lot, but each person has favorite poses that can tell a lot about his character and habits.

Have you checked yourself yet? Share the result in the comments!


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