What is the difference between perfume and toilet water?
For many women, the choice of perfume is a very important and special process, even something resembling a ritual. You need to decide on the brand, choose a fragrance that will suit all parameters and perfectly complement the image. Not only the aroma is important, but also the concentration of the perfume, on which its durability depends.
For real connoisseurs, it will not be difficult to understand this, but if you are just beginning to get acquainted with the world of perfume, it is very easy to get confused. Editorial "Site" It will tell you what different types of perfumes and which one is best to choose.
All types of perfumes mainly consist of aromatic concentrate, water and alcohol. The main difference is the ratio of these three components. Perfume, perfumed water, toilet water, cologne differ in this parameter. This factor also affects the price. Let’s talk about each type of perfume separately.
What kind of perfume should you choose? There is no universal advice that will suit everyone, there are many nuances. It makes sense to have different perfumes for different situations. We hope that this short guide to the world of perfumery will help you find something to your liking.
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For real connoisseurs, it will not be difficult to understand this, but if you are just beginning to get acquainted with the world of perfume, it is very easy to get confused. Editorial "Site" It will tell you what different types of perfumes and which one is best to choose.
All types of perfumes mainly consist of aromatic concentrate, water and alcohol. The main difference is the ratio of these three components. Perfume, perfumed water, toilet water, cologne differ in this parameter. This factor also affects the price. Let’s talk about each type of perfume separately.
- Spirits (Parfum)
The most concentrated and persistent type of perfume. The content of essential oils is about 20-30%, this aroma lasts on the skin for more than 6 hours or more days on tissues or paper. The spirits are classified. perfumery They're expensive.
One of the main perfume From another perfumery are strongly expressed final notes, the so-called plume. Due to the high concentration of essential oils, perfumes have the ability to gradually open. The smell changes over time. In the first minutes it will have one smell, and then the composition changes and the smell becomes different.
It is recommended to use perfumes in the evening and in the cold season. It is best not to use them in the morning or in hot weather, which only enhances the spicy and heavy flavors. Perfume is clearly not an option for every day. - Perfume water or toilet perfume (Eau de Parfum)
The concentration of aromatic substances in perfumed water is slightly lower - about 15-20%. The aroma lasts for more than 4 hours on the skin and up to a day on tissues and paper. Unlike perfume, perfumed water can be used throughout the day. It is also known as the Day Spirit. In toilet perfumes, the “heart” of the aroma is more pronounced, but the plume is much weaker. This type of perfume will not retain the aroma all day and its abundant use will not correct the situation. This will only make the smell unnecessarily sharp in the first hour, and daytime perfumes should not be. - Toilet Water (Eau de Toilette)
This is a light type of perfume, in which the upper and middle notes are best felt, but the plume is almost elusive. The concentration of the aromatic substance is approximately 7-10%. Like perfumed water, it is suitable for use throughout the day. In addition, it can be used several times a day, it is perfect for outdoor activities and even for hot days. The resistance of toilet water is much lower, but the aroma is much easier. This is the most common type of perfume. - Cologne (Eau De Cologne)
In cologne, the content of oils is about 3-4%. This aroma lasts on the skin for about two hours, and on tissues and paper - less than a day. This is the easiest type of perfume and is used most often by men. Its properties are similar to toilet water. In cologne, all the phases of fragrance disclosure merge into one. The smell is about the same as in the third stage of the spirits. At the same time, the shade of alcohol is strongly expressed. Cologne is often referred to as any kind of male perfume, but this is a misnomer. - Refreshing Water (Eau Fraiche)
The concentration of the aromatic component is about 1-2%. The smell lasts less than an hour on the skin. A feature of this type of perfume is a fresh citrus smell. This perfume can be used throughout the day and for sports.
What kind of perfume should you choose? There is no universal advice that will suit everyone, there are many nuances. It makes sense to have different perfumes for different situations. We hope that this short guide to the world of perfumery will help you find something to your liking.
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