Seven perfumes to make a woman grow wings
Every woman is a queen. And if earlier the crowns were the constant attribute of the august persons, now this function is more than performed by spirits. Perfume for women It has become a kind of calling card, which clearly signals to you: before you the Queen! You have to choose what is only right for you.
Editorial "Site" It'll help you make a choice. In perfumery, as in every art, there are canons. This is a classic that has long won the hearts of exquisite women. These are pillars that will set the tone for quite some time.
Chanel No. 5 perfume for women by Chanel It is difficult to imagine a woman who has not experienced this scent at least once. The legendary perfume was created as a rebellion against the well-established sweet smells and made a real revolution. This is the French charm that everyone is chasing. After 70 years, number 5 takes the well-deserved first place on the pedestal of perfume classics.
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In Grasse, this unique jasmine is destined for a unique fragrance: the N°5 Parfum. #StayHome #IAmACHANELFlower #CHANELParfumeur
A post shared by CHANEL (@chanelofficial) on Apr 13, 2020 at 7:13am PDT
Opium by Yves Saint Laurent This perfume burns holes in men's hearts. Bright, expensive, rich, he envelops the woman with oriental silks and turns her into a beautiful flower that suddenly appeared in the desert. Suitable for hot women with pepper. Burning brunettes and green-eyed brown-haired, who in the Middle Ages were called witches, rightly call this fragrance their own.
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Nouveau parfum de ma collection ️ #parfum #parfumerie #blackopium #perfumelovers #perfumecollection #perfumeaddict #perfume #yvessaintlaurent #loveperfume #rougealevre #red #red #redlips #lipstick #beauty #takecareofyour @black_opium_ @ysl @ysl
A post shared by Roane (@roie_chihi) on Jun 19, 2020 at 1:53am PDT
Angel by Thierry Mugler With women who adore this set of stunning vibes, you should be on your guard. They will either love or hate. The aroma fully personifies them: moderately daring, moderately sweet, it shines in their hypnotic look and shimmers with an inaudible melody in their hair. There is no feeling that the volcano is about to erupt.
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Thierry Mugler Angel edp 10ml refillable purse spray. #thierrymugler #thierrymuglerparfums #thierrymuglerperfume #thierrymuglerfragrance #thierrymuglerangel #perfume #perfumecollection #miniperfume #perfumeminiature #perfumeaddict #perfumecollector #miniperfumecollector #perfumephoto #perfumephotography #perfumephotography #perfume
A post shared by JAMBO (@jambojiang) on Jun 17, 2020 at 11:51pm PDT
J’ose by Eisenberg This perfume combines lavender and tobacco in an incredible way. Often it can be found in young people who want to establish their own orders in life. When you see a man bite his lip, it means that he “heard.” Her. She is a bright woman who does not tolerate stereotypes.
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Changing the space. #j'ose #eisenberg #jose #parfmaniacs #perfumes
A post shared by Cakes (@afabla) on Jun 13, 2020 at 11:53pm PDT
Noa by Cacharel It is for those women who want to emphasize not only their tenderness, but also the beauty of everything they touch. Weightless and sensual aroma only at first seems ghostly, its brightness is revealed gradually. If you are a blossoming business woman with character, this perfume may interest you.
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Cacharel NOA The ointment of white flowers in dew and freshly cut grass. and from somewhere a little hint breaks through at the end the smell of coffee. The greens are cool dewy, a lot of grass only from under the lawn mower and a bouquet of white flowers. Weightless tenderness... mesmerizing white-green overflows... green leaves and green coriander... white roses, white freesia, white peonies, lilies, jasmine, ylang... beautiful white musk. Who knows the fragrance? 30ml 50ml 100ml 100ml 100mltest #CACHAREL#NOA#CACHARELNOA #cacharelnoa #cacharelamoramor #cacharelnoa #noacacharel #perfume #fragrance #parfmaniac #parfum#parfum#fragrance #parfym #parfume#scent#fragrance #parfumeriymoevse
A post shared by Perfumery (@parfumeriymoevse) on Jun 13, 2020 at 10:43pm PDT
Cinnibar by Estee Lauder Peaches, Mandarins and Cinnamon. If you had any idea what Scheherazade looked like, here it is. You can't pass by! She'll tell you a thousand and one stories, and then a thousand more, and there's nothing you can do about it. This woman will take over you, and you'll just be mad that she catches the admiring eyes of other men.
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Summer perfume, Wednesday! Retro fragrance week continues!? Estee Lauder "Cinnabar." Released in 1978, belongs to the group of perfumes oriental spicy. Composition notes: spices, peach, cloves, bergamot, tangerine, orange color, cinnamon, jasmine, ylang-ylang, rose, lily, Toluan balm, sandalwood, ambra, patchouli, benzoin, vanilla, vetiver, incense. For the first time I got acquainted with this fragrance of 80-90 years, it was sold in sets EL "Kalinka" On my nose: this is the brother of Opium, there is a similarity in planting and revealing aroma, spice, spice and a soft cloud of incense with patchouli bitterness, resistance and plume above all praise, you do not need to update the aroma during the day. The aroma of comfort and anticipation of New Year's Eve... It must be cinnamon, so exciting smell. My love, does it play well on the skin in the cold? #jalublueleto #jaluberetro #jalyubluparfum #esteelauder #cinnabar #parfum
A post shared by Irina_lysia (@lysiamendes) on Jun 17, 2020 at 3:51am PDT
Christian Dior's J'adore Code That Will Make Your Heart Tremble! This classic aroma rules the mood like a razor, cutting off all unpleasant and momentary. Perfume attracts positive energy, good people and changes the quality of life. If you haven’t met him yet, it makes sense to do so.
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? Coffret parfum Dior? Coffret eau de parfum 50ml + lait corporel Pri: 350dt Pour passer une commande, merci de m'envoyer un message! #dior #christiandior #parfum #tunisianstyle #addiction #shoppingtunisia @cheapshopping.tn
A post shared by Cheap Shopping (@cheapshopping.tn) on Jun 18, 2020 at 1:52pm PDT
We do not insist that you must necessarily arm yourself with each of these miracles, but you should definitely look at them. There are so many smells in the world of perfume that you can instantly get confused! It's important for you to find something special. So why not turn to the immortal classic?
Perfume for women It is a religion in which everyone reads their own mantra. Be sure to write in the comments what fragrance has become a classic for you, and be sure to follow this link to find out why celebrities like simple perfume. We wish you a good mood and thank you for staying with us!

Editorial "Site" It'll help you make a choice. In perfumery, as in every art, there are canons. This is a classic that has long won the hearts of exquisite women. These are pillars that will set the tone for quite some time.

Chanel No. 5 perfume for women by Chanel It is difficult to imagine a woman who has not experienced this scent at least once. The legendary perfume was created as a rebellion against the well-established sweet smells and made a real revolution. This is the French charm that everyone is chasing. After 70 years, number 5 takes the well-deserved first place on the pedestal of perfume classics.
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In Grasse, this unique jasmine is destined for a unique fragrance: the N°5 Parfum. #StayHome #IAmACHANELFlower #CHANELParfumeur
A post shared by CHANEL (@chanelofficial) on Apr 13, 2020 at 7:13am PDT
Opium by Yves Saint Laurent This perfume burns holes in men's hearts. Bright, expensive, rich, he envelops the woman with oriental silks and turns her into a beautiful flower that suddenly appeared in the desert. Suitable for hot women with pepper. Burning brunettes and green-eyed brown-haired, who in the Middle Ages were called witches, rightly call this fragrance their own.
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Nouveau parfum de ma collection ️ #parfum #parfumerie #blackopium #perfumelovers #perfumecollection #perfumeaddict #perfume #yvessaintlaurent #loveperfume #rougealevre #red #red #redlips #lipstick #beauty #takecareofyour @black_opium_ @ysl @ysl
A post shared by Roane (@roie_chihi) on Jun 19, 2020 at 1:53am PDT
Angel by Thierry Mugler With women who adore this set of stunning vibes, you should be on your guard. They will either love or hate. The aroma fully personifies them: moderately daring, moderately sweet, it shines in their hypnotic look and shimmers with an inaudible melody in their hair. There is no feeling that the volcano is about to erupt.
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Thierry Mugler Angel edp 10ml refillable purse spray. #thierrymugler #thierrymuglerparfums #thierrymuglerperfume #thierrymuglerfragrance #thierrymuglerangel #perfume #perfumecollection #miniperfume #perfumeminiature #perfumeaddict #perfumecollector #miniperfumecollector #perfumephoto #perfumephotography #perfumephotography #perfume
A post shared by JAMBO (@jambojiang) on Jun 17, 2020 at 11:51pm PDT
J’ose by Eisenberg This perfume combines lavender and tobacco in an incredible way. Often it can be found in young people who want to establish their own orders in life. When you see a man bite his lip, it means that he “heard.” Her. She is a bright woman who does not tolerate stereotypes.
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Changing the space. #j'ose #eisenberg #jose #parfmaniacs #perfumes
A post shared by Cakes (@afabla) on Jun 13, 2020 at 11:53pm PDT
Noa by Cacharel It is for those women who want to emphasize not only their tenderness, but also the beauty of everything they touch. Weightless and sensual aroma only at first seems ghostly, its brightness is revealed gradually. If you are a blossoming business woman with character, this perfume may interest you.
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Cacharel NOA The ointment of white flowers in dew and freshly cut grass. and from somewhere a little hint breaks through at the end the smell of coffee. The greens are cool dewy, a lot of grass only from under the lawn mower and a bouquet of white flowers. Weightless tenderness... mesmerizing white-green overflows... green leaves and green coriander... white roses, white freesia, white peonies, lilies, jasmine, ylang... beautiful white musk. Who knows the fragrance? 30ml 50ml 100ml 100ml 100mltest #CACHAREL#NOA#CACHARELNOA #cacharelnoa #cacharelamoramor #cacharelnoa #noacacharel #perfume #fragrance #parfmaniac #parfum#parfum#fragrance #parfym #parfume#scent#fragrance #parfumeriymoevse
A post shared by Perfumery (@parfumeriymoevse) on Jun 13, 2020 at 10:43pm PDT
Cinnibar by Estee Lauder Peaches, Mandarins and Cinnamon. If you had any idea what Scheherazade looked like, here it is. You can't pass by! She'll tell you a thousand and one stories, and then a thousand more, and there's nothing you can do about it. This woman will take over you, and you'll just be mad that she catches the admiring eyes of other men.
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Summer perfume, Wednesday! Retro fragrance week continues!? Estee Lauder "Cinnabar." Released in 1978, belongs to the group of perfumes oriental spicy. Composition notes: spices, peach, cloves, bergamot, tangerine, orange color, cinnamon, jasmine, ylang-ylang, rose, lily, Toluan balm, sandalwood, ambra, patchouli, benzoin, vanilla, vetiver, incense. For the first time I got acquainted with this fragrance of 80-90 years, it was sold in sets EL "Kalinka" On my nose: this is the brother of Opium, there is a similarity in planting and revealing aroma, spice, spice and a soft cloud of incense with patchouli bitterness, resistance and plume above all praise, you do not need to update the aroma during the day. The aroma of comfort and anticipation of New Year's Eve... It must be cinnamon, so exciting smell. My love, does it play well on the skin in the cold? #jalublueleto #jaluberetro #jalyubluparfum #esteelauder #cinnabar #parfum
A post shared by Irina_lysia (@lysiamendes) on Jun 17, 2020 at 3:51am PDT
Christian Dior's J'adore Code That Will Make Your Heart Tremble! This classic aroma rules the mood like a razor, cutting off all unpleasant and momentary. Perfume attracts positive energy, good people and changes the quality of life. If you haven’t met him yet, it makes sense to do so.
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? Coffret parfum Dior? Coffret eau de parfum 50ml + lait corporel Pri: 350dt Pour passer une commande, merci de m'envoyer un message! #dior #christiandior #parfum #tunisianstyle #addiction #shoppingtunisia @cheapshopping.tn
A post shared by Cheap Shopping (@cheapshopping.tn) on Jun 18, 2020 at 1:52pm PDT
We do not insist that you must necessarily arm yourself with each of these miracles, but you should definitely look at them. There are so many smells in the world of perfume that you can instantly get confused! It's important for you to find something special. So why not turn to the immortal classic?

Perfume for women It is a religion in which everyone reads their own mantra. Be sure to write in the comments what fragrance has become a classic for you, and be sure to follow this link to find out why celebrities like simple perfume. We wish you a good mood and thank you for staying with us!
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