When I realized how big my wedding dress was going to be, I decided to change something. ?

We often lack motivation to do something. So did Jennifer Guinley. Chips, fatty foods, fast food, carbonated drinks and other food debris - that was the diet of a young girl. Weight gained quickly, easily and unnoticed. What made the girl reconsider her views on life?

Editorial "Site" share this with you It's an incredible story of weight loss.

About a year ago, Jennifer Guinley weighed about 120 kilograms with a height of 165 cm. The problem with being overweight became so serious that she had to ask for a double seatbelt on the plane, and amusement park rides became a real challenge.

If you've followed me for a while or you read my story in the @slimmingworld magazine you'll know that this picture was the one. The one that broke me. I saw it and literally stopped in my tracks and cried. In the manic hustle and bustle getting out of Ariel's cave I wasn't hearing, seeing or paying attention to anything else. I literally stopped dead with a que of people behind me. I could not believe my eyes. I saw myself in a whole new light. I had weight issues since I was a teenager. I had been Ariel obsessed since I was a little girl, I had wanted to go to Florida for so many years but this moment I dreamed of on that holiday was filled with sadness? All I could think about was how my weight consumed that whole holiday. I flew to Florida wearing a seatbelt etender, I couldn't fit on the theme park rides or was on the 'adjusted' seats and I gorged my way through the holiday comfort eating at every opportunity. Retrospectively I love that holiday as it was the final kick I needed. I had eperienced things prior to that holiday that distraught me, embarrassed me and I was generally really low, all of those reasons should have been the final straw but they weren't. This picture was IT. I'd had enough! My weight overshadowed every little happiness and my food addiction controlled my life. Well, I changed that. I'm half the person physically but double the person generally, and something VERY eciting just happened! GUESS WHAT?! I AM GOING BACK to sit net to the dream that is The Little Mermaid!??? Myself and @lukehagan89 have just booked to go to Florida in March 2019 for 3 weeks and we are SO ecited! I'll spend my 29th Birthday with Ariel; I turn 29 on 14th March 2019. In this picture I was 2 months off 25. How has my life changed these past 2 and a half years? I think I'll get my new Ariel picture with a crop top on! I can't tell you how ecited and emotional I am about this. I had a frame for this picture but never did frame it. Now I'll have an eperience to cherish and frame!???????#thepicturethatchangedmylife#thelittlemermaid#goingdisneyworld#imback#march2019#slimmingworld

Posted by Jennifer Sandra Ginley-Hagan? (@slimmingworld_jsg) Dec 27, 2017 at 1:52 PST

This continued until the girl found out about the intentions of her boyfriend to propose to her. That was it. weight-lossLike any girl, Jennifer wanted to be the most beautiful bride. But her own appearance did not suit her, and she decided to radically change everything.

“When I realized the size of the outfit I would need, I knew I had to do something about it,” she said.

She forbade her boyfriend to propose to her until she lost weight. I got to work. First of all, she refused harmful food. The girl does not have some amazing secret or life hack that will help you lose weight quickly and easily. Proper nutrition, an active lifestyle and excellent motivation - this is the secret of her weight loss.

No exhausting diets, just healthy food. The girl took pictures of the food she consumed and shared the pictures on Instagram. Jennifer says, “When you’re constantly looking at beautiful healthy foods, you want to eat them.” For humans, the visual factor plays an important role. It was these photos that helped me in many ways not to break away and not to go off the planned path.”

Dinner tonight. A @goshfreefrom beetroot, kale & quinoa with mint burger (1 syn of heaven), 125g packet of @ainsleyfoods spice sensation cous cous (3 syns), red cabbage, carrot, iceberg lettuce, cucumber, pepper, spring onion and cherry tomatoes (all speed free).? #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#slimmingworldtargetmember#misslinky2017#slimmingworldvegan#slimmingworldplantbased#foodblogger#eattherainbow#goshfreefrom#whatveganseat#myfavourites

Posting by Jennifer Sandra Ginley-Hagan? (@slimmingworld_jsg) Jan 9, 2018 at 12:46 PST

As a result, the girl lost about 60 kilograms. Think about it, it's half her weight! The girl's dream came true - she got married and was a beautiful bride.

In addition, Jennifer gained popularity on social networks, and also received the title of “Miss weight loss – 2017”.

This girl's story is inspiring. If she managed to gather the will in a fist and solve the problem of excess weight, then it will work out for many girls who sincerely dream about it. The main thing is to set a goal and go to it, no matter what!

What motivates you? Share with us in the comments!


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