Choose a bride’s dress and find out if you are in danger of divorce.
If I were to get married, I would definitely choose. wedding-dress. But my friend dreams of having a luxurious lush dress with a long plume. I recently came across a psychological test that explains why girls tend to choose a particular bride’s attire. Each individual choice highlights certain traits in a woman’s character. How it works, I tell you further in the article.
The style of the chosen dress can tell a lot about the character of the bride. Let's imagine that right now you have to choose the outfit in which you will go under the crown. Choose one of these options even if you are already married. Why not fantasize?
Next, I suggest you find out exactly how each of the dresses characterizes its potential mistress. Let’s move on to the results of the psychological test on the picture!
Psychological test results
A simple wedding dress: the results of a psychological test
In the comments, what criteria do you choose your wedding dress? If you are already married, share a photo of your wedding. Let's admire each other's beauty!

The style of the chosen dress can tell a lot about the character of the bride. Let's imagine that right now you have to choose the outfit in which you will go under the crown. Choose one of these options even if you are already married. Why not fantasize?

Next, I suggest you find out exactly how each of the dresses characterizes its potential mistress. Let’s move on to the results of the psychological test on the picture!
Psychological test results
- The first dress is usually chosen. humble and sensual girls. For you, comfort and harmony in relationships are important. You're not chasing wealth and status. “With a nice paradise and in a hut,” – words that capaciously describe your attitude to a man. You're a great hostess, a caring mom and a loving wife.
It's important to you that the marriage is strong. And you'll do anything to make it that way. You have no sense of jealousy or distrust. Any quarrel you try to finish as soon as possible. Your family and friends feel safe next to you. However, a man who will not be able to appreciate all your best qualities can start using them. Be careful. - Second dress fits. passionate and adventurous natures. You're probably not the type to sit still. Ordinary family life is not for you. You always expect interesting adventures from relationships. And if your spouse understands that, no one will be bored in your marriage.
- The third dress was made for those ladies. know the price And certainly not ready to be a housewife. Such women build a career and achieve considerable heights in any business, no matter what they undertake. They want their loved ones to do the same.
If you like this dress, you are probably quite demanding and sometimes categorical. You expect determination from a man, you need his attention. Whoever you agree to go down the aisle with must match your level.
A simple wedding dress: the results of a psychological test
- The fourth dress is chosen flimsy and elegant girlsMarriage has always been a lifelong dream. If this is your story, then you probably want everything to be perfect. You calculate everything in advance to the smallest detail.
In marriage, you want the same thing. Being with your loved one on the same wavelength is the most important thing in your relationship. You're willing to do anything for your husband. But you expect the same from him. - A fifth dress will do. freedom-loving womenThose who are not willing to give their all to marriage. Even in the early stages of a relationship, such a lady will certainly tell how she sees her future. And if her idea of life does not coincide with what a man thinks about it, most likely they will not succeed.
- Sixth dress chosen dream-girlAs a child, they wanted to marry a prince. A solemn ceremony, dozens of guests and a salute at the end of the evening is the perfect wedding for such a bride.
This is the type of women who do not like to experiment and choose the classic version of the family. They can easily sacrifice their career in order to become the keeper of the hearth. They are the perfect hostess and the kindest mothers.
In the comments, what criteria do you choose your wedding dress? If you are already married, share a photo of your wedding. Let's admire each other's beauty!
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