The last time I teach you how to do it is: “You pick up the packaging in the store and read it.” If indicated ...”
Antibiotics in milk, salmonella in meat and fish, ice cream with E. coli... What else can you find on store shelves? Modern. food-technology Every day they develop new additives and preservatives that allow you to keep the product fresh and aromatic for a long time.
Legislation allows small doses of harmful substances in the composition of food, but in fact, the number of these E-additives is not controlled and manufacturers add them as much as they want. In the meantime, we are not getting healthier. In the last 5 years, the number of children with congenital increased by 25 percent. Gastritis and ulcers in schoolchildren have become the norm, and doctors are increasingly diagnosing cancerous tumors.
The causes of failures in the work of our body are banally simple - lifestyle and nutrition. Take control of these two points and life will change dramatically! Start with eating habits, because they completely depend on health and life expectancy.
Today's edition. "Site" I have prepared for you a list of dangerous products, the use of which should be limited. Get acquainted and make your choice.
Butter trans fats, whose fat content is less than 82.5%, do not exist. If the package says that the fat content is 72.5% or lower, there is a risk that manufacturers have added trans fats to the composition - artificially created solid fat, which is obtained by chemical processing of liquid vegetable oil. Most of the time, it's palm-oil.
The use of such products increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. The body’s ability to withstand stress decreases, the risk of depression increases.
On the label of products that contain trans fats, the following words will be: “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated”. See the list of products that contain this harmful substance.
Products that need to be minimized
Store shelves are saturated with the deadly food we keep buying. Please be careful in choosing the following foods, or rather forget about them.
Deadly products
Until recently, I only checked the expiration dates and the price on the package. But now I realize it's not enough. Do not buy cheap goods in a beautiful box, it is better to spend a little time and learn to distinguish between them. junk.
If the information in this article was useful to you, show it to your friends on social networks. This will probably help you make the right choice.
Our readers are experts and we always trust their independent opinions. What? most harmful products Do you recommend to exclude from the diet so as not to harm your health? Your view of this problem is very important to us, do not forget to write a comment.

Legislation allows small doses of harmful substances in the composition of food, but in fact, the number of these E-additives is not controlled and manufacturers add them as much as they want. In the meantime, we are not getting healthier. In the last 5 years, the number of children with congenital increased by 25 percent. Gastritis and ulcers in schoolchildren have become the norm, and doctors are increasingly diagnosing cancerous tumors.
The causes of failures in the work of our body are banally simple - lifestyle and nutrition. Take control of these two points and life will change dramatically! Start with eating habits, because they completely depend on health and life expectancy.

Today's edition. "Site" I have prepared for you a list of dangerous products, the use of which should be limited. Get acquainted and make your choice.
Butter trans fats, whose fat content is less than 82.5%, do not exist. If the package says that the fat content is 72.5% or lower, there is a risk that manufacturers have added trans fats to the composition - artificially created solid fat, which is obtained by chemical processing of liquid vegetable oil. Most of the time, it's palm-oil.
The use of such products increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. The body’s ability to withstand stress decreases, the risk of depression increases.
On the label of products that contain trans fats, the following words will be: “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated”. See the list of products that contain this harmful substance.

- All types of margarine, spreads, soft butter and any mixtures of butter and vegetable oils.
- Refined vegetable oil.
- Mayonnaise, ketchup.
- All fast food, which is prepared using hydrogenated fats (french fries, burger patties, chicken products).
- Confectionery products that have in the composition cooking-fat.
- Chips, crackers, nuts.
- Frozen semi-finished products.
- Small-salted caviar and herring in sealed. These products are stored only in oil. But if this is not indicated on the package, urotropin is added, which is banned worldwide. It is designated as E 239 (hexamethylenetetramine). It is used in medicine as an antiseptic. Hexamethylenetetramine when disintegrated in an acidic environment forms formaldehyde - a dangerous toxin, poison and carcinogen. Note that the entire "Atlantic Herring in its Own Juice" contains urotropin.
DepositPhotos - Any dry vegetable fat.
Products that need to be minimized
- Bright caramel candy. Most of them contain synthetic food dyes designated as E 579, E 585 and other symbols ranging from E 101 to E 180. Dyes such as titanium dioxide and iron oxide are added to carbonated beverages. They can provoke. liver disease. Synthetic dyes destroy vitamins and can cause allergies, which is very dangerous for children.
- Crab sticks are not made from crabs for a long time. At best - from fish waste, and at worst - from soybeans with added dyes and flavors.
- All canned corn and peas are genetically modified. It is not known what failures our body will react to the frequent use of such products.
DepositPhotos - Peanuts, in addition to genetic modifications, are the strongest allergen. Let me remind you that 90% of the peanuts in our market are from China.
- Imported potatoes.
- Flavored tea and coffee.
- Corn sticks. You can buy them only natural, not sweet. Production does not allow the use of sugar in the composition, as it burns at temperatures above 140 degrees. Therefore, a dangerous sweetener cyclamate is added, which is labeled on the package as sodium saccharinate, or E 952.
Store shelves are saturated with the deadly food we keep buying. Please be careful in choosing the following foods, or rather forget about them.
Deadly products
- Cheese-smoked and other meat products. In their composition, you can find anything except meat: soy, lard, nitric fat, skin and even bones. All this takes up to 40% of the total weight of the product. Waste is masterfully disguised as meat with the help of flavoring and dyes, and modern technology will make it so that you do not notice. Add some liquid smoke with formaldehyde, taste and food dyes - and you can send to the shops. Cheap, delicious and fatally! If you want to buy a store sausage, think twice. Choose only a proven manufacturer, or better do it yourself. We have many recipes of simple and tasty meat products that any hostess can repeat.
DepositPhotos - Dairy products with a shelf life of more than 2 months.
- Products in aseptic packaging may contain residues of antibacterial agents with which disinfection was carried out.
- Not seasonal vegetables and fruits.
- Noodles and instant mashed potatoes, broth cubes, instant drinks.
- 90% of chocolates are made from trans fats, not cocoa butter, and it is better not to buy them for yourself and your children.
- Sweet carbonated drinks contain unacceptable sugar, orthophosphoric acid and many chemical additives. You can not quench your thirst with such a drink, but the desire to drink more and more will definitely appear.
DepositPhotos - Package juices. Natural juice with a minimum amount of preservatives on the package will be listed as "direct pressed juice" or "reconstituted." It can be lightened, not lightened and contain pulp. Drinks labeled “nectar” contain only 25%. hood fruit. The rest is water, sugar, citric acid and flavoring additives. One glass of recovered orange juice contains 6 teaspoons of sugar!
Until recently, I only checked the expiration dates and the price on the package. But now I realize it's not enough. Do not buy cheap goods in a beautiful box, it is better to spend a little time and learn to distinguish between them. junk.
If the information in this article was useful to you, show it to your friends on social networks. This will probably help you make the right choice.
Our readers are experts and we always trust their independent opinions. What? most harmful products Do you recommend to exclude from the diet so as not to harm your health? Your view of this problem is very important to us, do not forget to write a comment.
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