Recipe disguised as biscuit mannica without eggs
Fasting is not a reason to deny yourself sweets. Mannicus without eggs It is a simple biscuit with a unique texture and taste. It is suitable for vegetarians and even vegans, because it does not contain animal products. The cooking process is so simple that you will want to try it out immediately!
Lent baking Ingredients for biscuit
From this test you will be able to bake a delicious spongy eggless. But you can go further and add a lemon filling that will get everyone excited.
Ingredients for lemon filling
A simple mannic on the water without eggs will decorate any table during fasting and will be a great substitute for ordinary cakes.
The following recipe includes dairy. Also, the dough contains natural yogurt, so try not to use the store version with flavors and flavorings. If yogurt or milk is not found at home, then ordinary kefir is also suitable.
So that the cake does not seem boring, it is best to add candies, dried fruits and nuts to the dough. Such a manicure You can eat lactovegetarians..
The ingredients
Bake biscuits immediately after adding soda and dried fruits. Then take it out of the oven and let it cool. Then walk with a knife along the edge of the cake to separate it from the shape and flip it onto a plate.
Here you see how without much effort you can quickly cook a delicious mannic. Tell us in the comments, is your pastry possible without using animal products? What tricks do you use to make dough without eggs?
Try these recipes and compare them to classic baking. Are you interested in our cooking ideas?
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Lent baking Ingredients for biscuit
- 1 tbsp manki
- 0.5 tbsp flour
- 1 tbsp water
- 6 tbsp vegetable oil
- 0.5-1 tables of sugar
- 1 tsp soda or baking powder
- In a bowl, mix the sugar with semolina and pour water, let you stand for 30 minutes.
- Add vegetable oil, soda, flour.
- Stir until the dough is as thick as sour cream.
From this test you will be able to bake a delicious spongy eggless. But you can go further and add a lemon filling that will get everyone excited.

Ingredients for lemon filling
- half-peel
- 2/3 tbsp water
- 2 tsp starch
- 3-5 tbsp sugar
- Stir all the ingredients for filling and cook for 10 minutes on the fire before thickening. It should be lemon jam.
- Oil the baking mold, pour half the dough.
- Carefully distribute lemon jam, pour the second half of the dough on top.
- Bake 20-30 minutes depending on the oven.

A simple mannic on the water without eggs will decorate any table during fasting and will be a great substitute for ordinary cakes.

The following recipe includes dairy. Also, the dough contains natural yogurt, so try not to use the store version with flavors and flavorings. If yogurt or milk is not found at home, then ordinary kefir is also suitable.
So that the cake does not seem boring, it is best to add candies, dried fruits and nuts to the dough. Such a manicure You can eat lactovegetarians..
The ingredients
- 1 tbsp manki
- 1/2 tbsp flour
- 1/2 tsp soda or baking powder
- 1/2 tbsp natural yogurt
- 1/2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 tbsp powdered sugar or sugar
- 1/4 tbsp milk or kefir
- garlic
- Lubricate the baking form with vegetable oil and set aside.
- Mix the manka and flour in the bowl. Add vegetable oil and mix thoroughly.
- Pour yogurt or kefir, pour sugar and stir, crushing the lumps.
- Add the milk and let the dough brew for 40 minutes. While the dough is infused, warm the oven to 180 degrees.
- When the dough is suitable, add soda, nuts, candied fruit, dried fruits and put in a form for baking.
- Bake for 35 to 40 minutes. Stick the toothpick deep into the dough - if its tip is completely dry, then the cake is ready.
Bake biscuits immediately after adding soda and dried fruits. Then take it out of the oven and let it cool. Then walk with a knife along the edge of the cake to separate it from the shape and flip it onto a plate.
Here you see how without much effort you can quickly cook a delicious mannic. Tell us in the comments, is your pastry possible without using animal products? What tricks do you use to make dough without eggs?
Try these recipes and compare them to classic baking. Are you interested in our cooking ideas?
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