For biscuits to come out airy and lush, you need to follow strict rules, remember or write down.

To bake. luxuriant biscuitIt is not enough to have fresh food and a written recipe. You still need to have certain skills and know the secrets of his baking to prevent mistakes. The composition of the biscuit test is a minimum of products.

Peels Today editorial office "Site" How to make the perfect air biscuit.

Luxurious classic biscuit in the oven We share a simple recipe that has been tested by every beautiful hostess from our editorial office.

The test will require:
  • 5 tbsp flour (with slide)
  • 6 tbsp white sugar
  • 5 chicken eggs
  • vanillin (on the tip of the knife)

Bulk products can be measured in one glass. Then the most interesting thing begins: we will prepare the dough for a biscuit cake.

Option one
  1. We take a bowl, break eggs there, pour sugar into the container and start whipping with a mixer at small turns. The whipping process lasts at least 15 minutes. The mass should increase significantly in volume and lighten, and the sugar crystals should dissolve completely.

  2. We sift through the flour and add vanillin to it. Further, for 2-3 receptions, pour flour into a bowl with a whipped mass and with the help of a spoon, smooth movements from the bottom up, mix the dough to a homogeneous consistency. The dough is done!

Option two
  1. The proteins are carefully separated from the yolks into different bowls. In the yolks, we add half of the sugar sand, lower a mixer working at low revs into a bowl, and achieve a uniform light mass.
  2. Next, whip proteins with sugar residues into a thick foam, as on a meringue. Vanillin is poured into flour and, passing through a sieve, add a dry mixture to the yolks. Mixing everything thoroughly.

  3. In the resulting mass, we gradually introduce whipped proteins and stir in light movements until the lumps disappear.

Lush classic biscuit in the oven: other nuances It is also important to prepare the form. The bottom should be lubricated, and the sides should be left dry. Why do this, we told you earlier. In a detachable form, we cover the bottom with parchment or foil. When the dough is made, put it in a prepared form and put in a well-heated oven to bake.

For inexperienced beginners, a real quest begins here. To what temperature to heat the oven? In this case, it may be suitable to heat both 170 and 200 degrees! You should be guided by your own home appliances and know its features.

Until you learn how to handle the oven, there can be more than one biscuit “come out in a lump”. There is a big difference between a gas antediluvian stove and a modern stove with heating elements below and above.

The period of baking biscuit cake varies from half an hour to 50 minutes. Consider the type of stove and its capabilities. You can at your own discretion extend or shorten the duration of baking. In ovens with bilateral heating, the dough will be baked better.

Other Features of Preparation
  1. Eggs for the test is better to remove from the refrigerator. When dividing eggs, do everything carefully: a drop of yolk - and protein foam will not come out.
  2. Workware and mixer should be fat-free and dry. The oven must be warmed up well.

  3. Until the dough is baked, the oven is not opened: from a sharp temperature drop, the biscuit dough will sit down. In an old stove with leaky seals, cold air can leak in and the cake will remain flat.
  4. Bakes from biscuit dough can not be sharply removed from the oven. First, open the door a little, start a little fresh air inside, and only then take it out of the oven.
  5. There is no manipulation of hot biscuits. Take it out and cut it cold.

Listen to the advice of experienced housewives and your intuition, then the biscuit you will definitely turn out lush and rosy. Good luck!


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