How to cultivate love for children
Sometimes there are children with incredible abilities. They magically succeed. changeThe ones that surround them. But what if the child was born, but was not what you expected?
His relationship with his parents is not like that. One day you realize this and you feel that there is no hope. They say, “There are children who come to give, and there are those who come to take.” In a fit of desperation, I want to shout: “If you were not there, everything could have been different, better!” We would have a perfect family if it weren’t for him. The child, like a vampire, sucks the strength from within and gives nothing in return.
What do you do in this situation? Let go, let it grow like a weed on the road? Or continue to invest money, time, love, nerves, strength, health, and sacrifice a lot, a lot, and be prepared that it will not be appreciated, but rather the opposite. Waiting for him to make his choice?
“We gave him life! He should be grateful for that.” Everyone wants to be as important to their child as a child is to them. But some parents believe that their children refuse to cherish the gifted life.
The psychology of family relationships explains that parentage They are not built on the usual exchange. A child cannot, can never and must not compensate for the greatest gift of his life. There is a deadlock, where some demand and others do not meet expectations.
Adults expect obedience, good attitude, respect and recognition, but there is no balance! Children are related to their parents by blood type, but not spiritually.
"Maybe I'm giving him too little?" Guilt convinces that the child is not getting something important. It is much easier to give material benefits and wait for returns. But the child needs your time, attention, emotions, gratitude, love, respect, willingness to help and share the right resource.
A spoiled child creates a vicious circle, he demands, and parents try to please and see a grain of gratitude in their eyes.
“Be like me! I can't accept you as someone else.. This phrase is not spoken out loud, but it is emphasized by signs of disapproval and unwillingness to take the side of the child in a difficult situation, even if he is a hundred times wrong.
A conflict situation may arise: parents do not give because they “do not deserve”, and children do not take, because in exchange they will have to give their submission, consent and sacrifice personal interests. It’s easier to say, “I don’t want anything from you!” Or agree to accept money and gifts.
DepositPhotos are becoming difficult TeenagershipThere's a lot left out. Children grow up and frustrated parents are left out. They are separated from each other, and each is left alone with their own grievances.
Before it's too late, it's time to take off your rose-colored glasses. With children, life will always be tough, against the background there will be anxiety, despair, fatigue, anger and fear of loneliness. But the axiom of life is that any child is a blessing. You need to love him, show sincere emotions and feelings, this is the first thing he will learn to give.
Children come to live. Your child appeared in this world with one goal: that you love yourself and him - not successful and neatly combed, but real, different, strong and weak, healthy and sick. It doesn’t matter how old you are, 3 or 33.
There are different situations and different families in life. Youth problems with parents are just the tip of the iceberg. To be happy, each of us has a lot of work to do, especially on ourselves.
Who do you think is to blame for children growing up ungrateful? How can we change everything?

His relationship with his parents is not like that. One day you realize this and you feel that there is no hope. They say, “There are children who come to give, and there are those who come to take.” In a fit of desperation, I want to shout: “If you were not there, everything could have been different, better!” We would have a perfect family if it weren’t for him. The child, like a vampire, sucks the strength from within and gives nothing in return.
What do you do in this situation? Let go, let it grow like a weed on the road? Or continue to invest money, time, love, nerves, strength, health, and sacrifice a lot, a lot, and be prepared that it will not be appreciated, but rather the opposite. Waiting for him to make his choice?

“We gave him life! He should be grateful for that.” Everyone wants to be as important to their child as a child is to them. But some parents believe that their children refuse to cherish the gifted life.
The psychology of family relationships explains that parentage They are not built on the usual exchange. A child cannot, can never and must not compensate for the greatest gift of his life. There is a deadlock, where some demand and others do not meet expectations.

Adults expect obedience, good attitude, respect and recognition, but there is no balance! Children are related to their parents by blood type, but not spiritually.
"Maybe I'm giving him too little?" Guilt convinces that the child is not getting something important. It is much easier to give material benefits and wait for returns. But the child needs your time, attention, emotions, gratitude, love, respect, willingness to help and share the right resource.
A spoiled child creates a vicious circle, he demands, and parents try to please and see a grain of gratitude in their eyes.

“Be like me! I can't accept you as someone else.. This phrase is not spoken out loud, but it is emphasized by signs of disapproval and unwillingness to take the side of the child in a difficult situation, even if he is a hundred times wrong.
A conflict situation may arise: parents do not give because they “do not deserve”, and children do not take, because in exchange they will have to give their submission, consent and sacrifice personal interests. It’s easier to say, “I don’t want anything from you!” Or agree to accept money and gifts.

DepositPhotos are becoming difficult TeenagershipThere's a lot left out. Children grow up and frustrated parents are left out. They are separated from each other, and each is left alone with their own grievances.
Before it's too late, it's time to take off your rose-colored glasses. With children, life will always be tough, against the background there will be anxiety, despair, fatigue, anger and fear of loneliness. But the axiom of life is that any child is a blessing. You need to love him, show sincere emotions and feelings, this is the first thing he will learn to give.

Children come to live. Your child appeared in this world with one goal: that you love yourself and him - not successful and neatly combed, but real, different, strong and weak, healthy and sick. It doesn’t matter how old you are, 3 or 33.
There are different situations and different families in life. Youth problems with parents are just the tip of the iceberg. To be happy, each of us has a lot of work to do, especially on ourselves.

Who do you think is to blame for children growing up ungrateful? How can we change everything?
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