Thyropita recipe from puff dough

When my husband and I were in Greece, we were very surprised by the local tradition of breakfast. 99% of the population The day begins with coffee.And cook in the morning and no one will come to mind! On the way to work, the market or school, you can buy delicious puff cakes that are sold on every corner. With spinach, ham, dried tomatoes, feta, brynza, cottage cheese, basil...


My favorite Greek breakfast has been tyropita. It can be prepared in portions from a special thin filo test or from an ordinary layered one. Baked from the evening in the oven, the cake is perfectly eaten in the morning if left. Two minutes to warm up and you have a delicious cheese treat.


Today I will tell you how to make a meal. puff-cake. The recipe is very simple, the most difficult is to stop in time and not eat an extra portion, since the dish is high in calories.

In the original recipe, the cake is baked with feta, but theoretically any soft cheese or cottage cheese will suit. Supplementing the filling with tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper or other greens is only welcome.

You'll need it.
  • 500g puff dough
  • 250g feta cheese
  • 50 ml of milk
  • 100g parsley
  • 5 eggs
  • 200g hard cheese
  • 100g butter
  • 2 tbsp sesame
  • black pepper, salt to taste
  • sunflower oil
  • 1 tbsp flour to sprinkle form

  1. Get the dough out of the freezer in advance and let it thaw. Meanwhile, turn on the oven 180 degrees and finely chop parsley.
  2. While the dough is thawing, prepare the filling. Mix whipped eggs with feta and finely grated cheese. If you use soft cottage cheese, make sure that there is no excess liquid in it. Then add the greens, black pepper salt and mix well.

  3. Lubricate the pan with sunflower oil, sprinkle with flour and remove it in a cold place. If you lay the dough on a cold batter, the pie will not spread on the surface, but will rise well up.
  4. Divide the dough into 2 parts and each subtly roll.

  5. Lay out a thin layer of dough for the bowl and lubricate it with milk, and after a while, melted butter. Distribute the filling on the lubricated dough and immediately cover the second sheet of the test. Plug the edges of the pie.

  6. Lubricate the top of the cake with butter, sprinkle with sesame and send to the oven for 40-45 minutes.

  7. Okay, take the cake out and let it cool on the grit. Bon appetit! 571561

I used to like to cook lazy. lavash-cheese. But tyropita is much more delicious and in my family is in great demand. I often cook cake from evening to breakfast, and in the morning with a cup of coffee I like to remember a Greek trip.

And to make the most delicious Turkish coffee in the world, which will give cheerfulness in the morning, I brew it only in copper Turk. Surprisingly, it works better than a coffee machine.

Cheese pie will be truly cheesey if you use quality hard cheese rather than a cheese product with palm oil and milk powder.

Be sure to try cooking. cheesecake according to our recipe and show us the photo of the thyropyte that you got!

If you like the recipe, show it to your friends on social media!


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