5 stunned food puff pastry. Each - a real find!
Puff pastry -gritsevich
universal product. From it you can prepare countless completely different dishes and all of them are fantastically delicious.
Today «website» will prove it to you, because we have prepared five recipes puff pastry. None of them will not leave you indifferent!
1. Spiral pirog
Ingredients 500 g puff pastry 150 g cheese (or other toppings: beef, mushrooms, berries, and so on. D.) 1 egg sesame
Preparation To begin Roll out the dough into a layer of half a centimeter thick, and we will cut it strips 5 cm wide and the length - the more, the better. Put it in the middle of each strip a stuffing, which you are going to do the cake. Pinch the edges and lined tubes stuffed with a spiral in a baking dish. Brush the pie top with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake the pie in a preheated 180-200 degree oven until the pastry is lightly browned.
2. Puff pirozhki
Ingredients 500 g puff pastry 500 g chicken 1 onion salt and pepper to taste
Preparation To begin Roll out the dough into a layer of half a centimeter thick, and with the help of glasses or glass Cut out circles from it. Now it's time to cook stuffing. For this stew chicken, pre-cut it into cubes. Lay slices on the stuffing cakes and Pinch. Then put the patties in the pan or baking dish seam side down. Bake in a preheated 200-220 degree oven until golden brown.
3. Puffs "Tubes"
Ingredients metal cones baking 500 g puff pastry 0, 5 h. Liter. citric acid 75 ml of hot water 225 g sugar 2 protein
Preparation If you have no metal cones, they can be easily done from the usual cardboard and wrap the parchment. Roll out the dough into a rectangle in half a centimeter thick and cut it into 8 strips. These strips are wound on cones overlap, then bake them in a preheated 240-250 degree oven. While baked rolls, it's time to cook stuffing. For this zaley sugar boiling water and stir until it dissolves. Add a solution of citric acid, boil over moderate heat until the bottom of the pot bubbles begin to appear. Vzbey egg whites in a solid foam, and then pour them into the syrup in a thin stream. Stir for 15 minutes. When everything is ready, fill the tube to receive the cream.
4. Puffs "ears"
Ingredients 500 g puff pastry sugar Cinnamon
Preparation To begin Roll out the dough into a layer of half a centimeter thick. The resulting cake wallow Critz and start to turn off the right edge, then roll left to the middle of the cake. You should get a double roll. We shall cut it into strips of half a centimeter thick. Dec "ears" on the baking sheet, previously laid out his parchment. Bake in preheated 200 degree oven until golden brown.
5. Puffs "Bows"
Ingredients 500 g puff pastry powdered sugar for sprinkling
Preparation To begin Roll out the dough layer in the centimeter thick and we will cut it strips about 10 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. Each strip is twisted in the middle so that you have turned the bow. Bake in a preheated 200-220 degree oven until golden brown. After sprinkle with powdered ribbons.
All revision «website» today will prepare delicacies of puff pastry. Cook and you are any of these dishes and tell about these recipes to your friends and girlfriends!
via takprosto.cc
universal product. From it you can prepare countless completely different dishes and all of them are fantastically delicious.
Today «website» will prove it to you, because we have prepared five recipes puff pastry. None of them will not leave you indifferent!
1. Spiral pirog

Ingredients 500 g puff pastry 150 g cheese (or other toppings: beef, mushrooms, berries, and so on. D.) 1 egg sesame
Preparation To begin Roll out the dough into a layer of half a centimeter thick, and we will cut it strips 5 cm wide and the length - the more, the better. Put it in the middle of each strip a stuffing, which you are going to do the cake. Pinch the edges and lined tubes stuffed with a spiral in a baking dish. Brush the pie top with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake the pie in a preheated 180-200 degree oven until the pastry is lightly browned.
2. Puff pirozhki

Ingredients 500 g puff pastry 500 g chicken 1 onion salt and pepper to taste
Preparation To begin Roll out the dough into a layer of half a centimeter thick, and with the help of glasses or glass Cut out circles from it. Now it's time to cook stuffing. For this stew chicken, pre-cut it into cubes. Lay slices on the stuffing cakes and Pinch. Then put the patties in the pan or baking dish seam side down. Bake in a preheated 200-220 degree oven until golden brown.
3. Puffs "Tubes"

Ingredients metal cones baking 500 g puff pastry 0, 5 h. Liter. citric acid 75 ml of hot water 225 g sugar 2 protein
Preparation If you have no metal cones, they can be easily done from the usual cardboard and wrap the parchment. Roll out the dough into a rectangle in half a centimeter thick and cut it into 8 strips. These strips are wound on cones overlap, then bake them in a preheated 240-250 degree oven. While baked rolls, it's time to cook stuffing. For this zaley sugar boiling water and stir until it dissolves. Add a solution of citric acid, boil over moderate heat until the bottom of the pot bubbles begin to appear. Vzbey egg whites in a solid foam, and then pour them into the syrup in a thin stream. Stir for 15 minutes. When everything is ready, fill the tube to receive the cream.
4. Puffs "ears"

Ingredients 500 g puff pastry sugar Cinnamon
Preparation To begin Roll out the dough into a layer of half a centimeter thick. The resulting cake wallow Critz and start to turn off the right edge, then roll left to the middle of the cake. You should get a double roll. We shall cut it into strips of half a centimeter thick. Dec "ears" on the baking sheet, previously laid out his parchment. Bake in preheated 200 degree oven until golden brown.
5. Puffs "Bows"

Ingredients 500 g puff pastry powdered sugar for sprinkling
Preparation To begin Roll out the dough layer in the centimeter thick and we will cut it strips about 10 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. Each strip is twisted in the middle so that you have turned the bow. Bake in a preheated 200-220 degree oven until golden brown. After sprinkle with powdered ribbons.
All revision «website» today will prepare delicacies of puff pastry. Cook and you are any of these dishes and tell about these recipes to your friends and girlfriends!
via takprosto.cc
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