Pubic hair shaving is strictly forbidden! The doctor did not hesitate to explain everything.
The modern world dictates its rules to us in all aspects of life, even in life. personal hygiene. Not bypassed this total intervention and shaving intimate areas. It is believed that everything should be shaved there. Some agree, others argue and disagree. And this issue concerns not only women, but also men.
So, the editorial board. "Site" I decided to investigate the matter. Let's figure it out!
We believe that such topics should not be forbidden, they should be discussed without unnecessary embarrassment. And we also think that shave off You don't have to. And we have as many as 6 arguments in favor of this.
Ultimately, it's up to you to shave or not to shave. We gave the arguments, they convinced us. Maybe you should leave it the way nature intended, or at least choose another way to remove hair?
Do you think it is worth shaving the intimate areas? Is it a tribute to modern standards or a physiological necessity? Share your opinion in the comments!

So, the editorial board. "Site" I decided to investigate the matter. Let's figure it out!
We believe that such topics should not be forbidden, they should be discussed without unnecessary embarrassment. And we also think that shave off You don't have to. And we have as many as 6 arguments in favor of this.
- itch
To begin with, shaving intimate areas still need to survive. Everyone knows this unbearable itch, which simply cannot be stopped. No, immediately after shaving, you look at the results of your painstaking work and rejoice: the skin is smooth and beautiful. But after a couple of days, everything begins to itch unbearably. You bravely endure, because nothing from this itching will help you anyway. Remember all this and repeat it, but it's worth it?
DepositPhotos - Attraction
Nature designed us as we are. And everything has a role. The pubic area, like the armpits, sweats. Sweating in this area is responsible for the secretion of pheromones, which cause a sexual response in the opposite sex. So shaving your hair completely is not recommended. Adult films show women and men shaved clean, but this is often only true for movies. In life, many people prefer to have vegetation in the bikini area.
DepositPhotos - Unpleasant consequences
The skin of the intimate zone is very sensitive, it requires special care. Irritation from a dulled razor or bad shaving cream comes instantly. In addition, there is a high probability of cuts that lead to infections. This is another argument in favor of not shaving the intimate area.
DepositPhotos - Spending.
If you start this thankless business, then you need to choose quality care, and this is additional costs. Of course, if you're willing to spend money on it, it's your business. That’s just one of the downsides of shaving.
DepositPhotos - Genital warts
Pubic hair significantly reduces the chance of catching genital warts, because they are transmitted by direct contact with the skin. So you can say that the hair in the bikini area is a kind of shield that protects you during sexual intercourse. But do not rely on this protection, because pubic hair does not save from sexually transmitted diseases.
DepositPhotos - Evolution
Nature created this hair, she wants it to be there. They serve as protection against external infections, work as a reliable shield. The hairy pubis is a tribute to evolution.
Ultimately, it's up to you to shave or not to shave. We gave the arguments, they convinced us. Maybe you should leave it the way nature intended, or at least choose another way to remove hair?
Do you think it is worth shaving the intimate areas? Is it a tribute to modern standards or a physiological necessity? Share your opinion in the comments!
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